Looting Equipment From NPCs

Chapter 12


Qin Tan and Lou Fan looked at each other and had bad premonitions.

This time it should be diving, looking for sunken ships underwater, the degree of danger is much higher than that of Luoyang Ancient Village.

Chen Shuyang was still talking about the mysterious events in the Laoye Temple waters: how many ships disappeared, what lake monsters were there, or the water vortex, and the underground magnetic field.

He wrote down everything he could think of.

When he first saw this place, he only thought it was weird and fresh, but now thinking that he was about to go there to deal with monsters and ghosts, his calves were trembling.

"Why doesn't Liuli have a temple, I want to ask for peace!" Chen Shuyang babbled, trying to calm himself down, "All gods in the sky, please bless us, I will definitely worship you every day and offer sacrifices to you. Don't worry, next time I will definitely bring your statue back to confess!"

Lou Fan got a headache from his reading and interrupted him, "Okay, okay, I'm going to faint. Let's see what needs to be prepared first, and, do we want to meet up with random teammates?"

The Liuli trading hall in the south square will announce the information of the team that will release the task within three days, and the randomly assigned people can go there to meet. After swiping the watch, you can only view the location information of your own team members according to the permissions of the watch, and you cannot see other teams, even the other teams of the same mission. But the team members did not come to report, so they could not unilaterally contact the other party.

Qin Tan agreed, "Go and have a look, it's best if we can reach a consensus."

However, their luck was obviously bad. The other two members of the same team did not report at all, and the three returned without success. Lou Fan was a little annoyed. He didn't understand why the same team couldn't work together for the same task. Wouldn't the chance of survival be higher? What did those people think

Qin Tan didn't care too much, "We do our own things well and are well prepared. Even if it's just the three of us, I believe we will be able to complete the task." At most, it is more difficult.

After two missions, Qin Tan's thinking has obviously changed. Now that he has two teammates, Lou Fan and Chen Shuyang, he is more willing to focus on his own team. But it is necessary to find a way to get the other two team members together, otherwise there will be random people every time, which is very passive and not conducive to the formulation and completion of mission plans.

After discussing it, Chen Shuyang began to draw a map of the water area of Laoye Temple. He went upstairs to check if there was anything useful in the exchange machine. Qin Tan walked into the kitchen and didn't know what to do.

"Okay." Chen Shuyang stretched, and drew a very detailed map on a large piece of white paper, marking key locations and buildings. This is what Chen Shuyang watched countless times during his previous research. Fortunately, he still has some drawing skills and can draw the map completely.

Lou Fan walked over from the exchange machine to look at it, and gave him a big praise, "Not bad, Shuyang, the painting is really good, it's hard for you to remember it so clearly, your memory is superb."

Embarrassed by Lou Fan's praise, Chen Shuyang patted his head, "Brother Lou, you know I'm a nerd."

Qin Tan came out of the kitchen with the dishes, stunned Lou Fan and Chen Shuyang.

"Fuck, Brother Qin, why are you cooking for us! It smells so good!"

"Qin Tan, why didn't you cook for so many days before, let us eat dry food, I almost vomited."

For the three of them who haven't had a hot meal for a long time, this meal of fried shredded potatoes and steamed sweet potatoes was very delicious. Lou Fan slapped his head while eating, ran to the currency exchange machine, and began to tap.

A minute later, several dishes appeared on the tray of the currency exchange machine.

Qin Tan: "..."

Why didn't he know that the money changer could also be exchanged for food? Yes, that's right, there's nothing wrong with it, it's food too.

Lou Fan: "I saw it in the last option that day, and no one cooks, so I didn't say anything. It's decided, I will make you a chef."

After eating and drinking enough, Qin Tan made a basic plan as the main force. But now their eyes are darkened, and they don't know the specific situation. They can only try their best to familiarize themselves with the terrain and water distribution, and highlight the points with the most accidents.

On the morning of November 1st, after Lou Fan got up normally and finished his basic training, he saw Chen Shuyang running over like a gust of wind, yelling at him with an excited expression on his face.

"Brother Lou!!! Bro Qin!!!" Chen Shuyang couldn't restrain his excitement, "I got it! I got it!!"

Lou Fan was speechless, "Can you finish it in one sentence, what do you know?"

Qin Tan leaned out from the upstairs balcony, leaned on the railing, and heard Chen Shuyang say, "I know how to use my book!"

Lou Fan squirted the water he was drinking all over the floor with a puff, Qin Tan was also taken aback, and immediately disappeared from the balcony. The next moment, Lou Fan entered the room and saw Qin Tan carrying Chen Shuyang in.

Chen Shuyang has never given up studying his own books, and every day, no matter how tired he is from training, he will try various methods. The book cannot be torn, but yesterday he had a whim and grabbed the radish flower painted on it with his hand. Unexpectedly, he succeeded in taking out the radish flower, and it disappeared after a while. He put one in again, closed the book and opened it again, and it turned into a painting again. He took it out again, and after counting the time this time, he found that it disappeared in ten minutes.

So his book is to put things into the pages and then take them out for use. The limit is that they will disappear after ten minutes. Disposable.

Lou Fan was very happy for him, now he finally knew the function of the spirit weapon, and now he had an extra means of saving his life. It's a bit cheating to think about the effect of this spiritual weapon, even if it's a one-off, the time limit is only ten minutes.

After the excitement, the three packed up their things, ate a hearty breakfast, carried their respective backpacks, and set off for the station platform.

They arrived at the platform ten minutes ahead of schedule. Usually, the train runs every five minutes. It was as if countless trains were waiting for them. They didn't know where they came from or where they were going.

Seeing the death-defying expression on the faces of the people getting into the car, Chen Shuyang suddenly became a little nervous. He looked left and right, and saw a man in a red sweater running in a hurry, probably about to catch the next car.

"Hey, Brother Lou, don't you think that's Lang Wen?"

Lou Fan followed Chen Shuyang's hand and saw that the red sweater was running towards the three of them. He seemed to recognize each other. His steps stopped suddenly, and he froze in place ten meters away.

Lou Fan chuckled, "Hehe, it's true that friends don't get together."

Wen Lang stopped, the expression on his face froze. Fuck, is it so unlucky to meet the three of them? Isn't that the case at the car rollover scene? And most importantly...

He looked at the three of them in disbelief, and said in a voice that seemed to be squeezed out: "You can't be on the 11 o'clock car... right?"

Lou Fan folded his hands and looked at him with a narrow smile in his eyes, "What a coincidence, you are also on the eleven o'clock bus. Right, Lang Wen."

Wen Lang: "..."

Damn, this is not the scene of a car rollover, this is simply a car accident! Too fucking unlucky!


The familiar siren sounded, and the train appeared on time from the dense fog and stopped in front of the four of them.

Qin Tan got into the car first, followed by Lou Fan. Chen Shuyang looked around and followed. Wen Lang rubbed his hair, cursed secretly, and stepped onto the train carriage. The short-haired woman leaning on the pillar not far away straightened up. She lifted the backpack at her feet indifferently and got into the car.

At 11 o'clock, the train starts.

Lou Fan looked around, Wen Lang was shrinking in his seat and looking out of the window, the shoulder-length short-haired woman who came up last closed her eyes indifferently. The atmosphere in the car was extremely awkward and quiet.

Chen Shuyang was so absorbed in his book that he didn't pay attention to the atmosphere in the car. He lifted his glasses and wrote and drew in his little notebook.

Lou Fan shrugged, and imitated Qin Tan by closing his eyes and resting his mind.

Soon, the siren sounded again, reminding the five people that they were about to arrive at the station. Lou Fan glanced at the time, it was about fifteen minutes, so fast.

Everyone was prepared to carry their bags on their backs, and when the train stopped, they still got off in the same order as before.

They were in the car on the left, with the newcomers in the middle as usual, and the other team on the right. After they got out of the car, people on the right came down one by one, and saw five people, and the six people who got off looked contemptuously, as if they were looking at a dead person. Lou Fan looked at them with uncomfortable eyes, and then he heard Wen Lang behind him say softly, bad luck.

"Who are you, why are we here! Who are you, let us out!"

The newcomer was still terrified, and came out of the carriage yelling. The six people over there obviously had no interest in paying attention to them, and walked out of the platform one after another. Lou Fan sighed and could only stand out by himself.

"The docking time is only five minutes. Take your flyer, yes, it is the black one, and then follow us out first. After five minutes, you will die."

There is only so much that can be said. After he finished reminding, the five of them also walked out of the station.

Looking at those disbelieving eyes, Chen Shuyang couldn't bear it, as if he saw himself at that time, "Come out quickly, or you will really die, come out and talk."

Chen Shuyang had an honest appearance, and he looked like an honest kid with his glasses on. The newcomers inside didn't hesitate anymore, and rushed out immediately with leaflets in their hands. Unfortunately, some people still tore up the leaflets.

The five people didn't look any more, and turned their heads one after another. The screams and cries of the newcomers who were terrified were heard around them, and then they walked away. This time there were only five newcomers, two of them did not come out, and only three remained.

The other team stopped not far away, probably because they concluded that there was no danger around them and were planning.

Qin Tan also led the crowd to stop. The surrounding area is desolate, with weeds half the height of a person everywhere, and nothing can be seen when looking around.

Qin Tan said calmly: "Stay still, eat something to replenish your strength." He took out a small telescope from his bag, chose a direction and walked over alone.

Lou Fan was a little worried, so he ordered and followed with his bag on his back. After walking tens of meters, passing through a bush taller than a person, a calm lake appeared in front of them. Lou Fan didn't say anything, just looked away, but didn't see anything. Qin Tan looked left and right with the binoculars, then put away the binoculars.

"Let's go, go back." Qin Tan stretched out his hand to support Lou Fan's arm, their backpacks were not too light, and with such a support, Lou Fan felt a lot easier.

The two returned to their original spot and just stood still, when a beautiful woman in the team over there spoke out, and she was actually wearing a pair of high heels.

"Hey, what level of team are you guys in? What's the mission?" She was a little unclear as she was biting the gum in her mouth, but everyone present could hear her undisguised contemptuous tone.