Looting Equipment From NPCs

Chapter 14


The words uttered by the indifferent female voice were also cold and emotionless. Zhang Xue looked at Lin Manman coldly, "What's the use of crying? Who do you want to save you? The friends around you are other people. No one can save you. Except for yourself, if you don't want to die, don't talk nonsense, and try to live."

This is the longest sentence she ever said.

Xiaoyu was still crying, and yelled at Zhang Xue, "What do you know! I'm just an intern, my life has just begun, and I don't have a boyfriend yet! I miss my parents!"

Zhang Xue chuckled indifferently, "Who doesn't have family and friends, who is old, who wants to stay in this ghost place? If you want to get out alive, live well!"

The crying gradually subsided, and Lin Manman comforted her in a low voice. Wen Lang shook his head and continued: "The mission world is also divided into five levels, from high to low is SABCD. Only the D-level world has newcomers."

Wen Lang took a sip of water and continued: "In fact, there are many organizations in Liuli, big and small. Black Scorpion belongs to a medium-sized organization, with about 60 people. It makes the passengers dislike it with its ruthless style."

As for how ruthless they are, Wen Lang didn't go into details, but said: "Once you meet them, you will be subdued. The harder they are, the more excited they are. They are a group of perverts. They like to pull people's backs."

Wen Lang became irritable when he mentioned the black scorpion, and he didn't want to say any more, so he said with a smile: "Isn't there still nine days left? Let's talk slowly, and we can finish it all at once." Looking around, he rubbed his knees, put his pocket As soon as the cap was put on his head, he yawned as soon as he said it, "I'm a little sleepy. I will start doing tasks tomorrow. Let's go to bed early today."

"Wait." Qin Tan said, his face under the firelight was very resolute, "Assign a vigil, and there are plans for tomorrow. You can speak out what you think."

He stopped and waited, but no one spoke for a long time. He nodded and continued: "Okay, don't waste time, just follow my arrangement. Zhang Xue and Lin Manman are in a group, Wen Lang and Xiao Yu are in a group. Chen Shuyang is in the same group as Gong Yi, and I am in the same group as Lou Fan. Let's talk about tomorrow's plan."

"Tomorrow morning, we will enter the village. If they meet Black Scorpion, they will treat it as if they don't know each other. The main task is to inquire about the situation of Shenzhou. At present, we only know that Shenzhou must be a sunken ship, but we don't know the exact location and what is on this ship. We don't know the problem. We have to figure it out before we can go down to find it. Also, everyone should be mentally prepared, this ship must not be simple, and we can't say anything when we encounter it. The worst case is a ghost ship .And whether it will appear during the day or night, we don’t know, if we can find out the situation, then we will be more sure.”

When he said this in advance, even Lou Fan and Chen Shuyang, who had discussed it a long time ago, were at a loss in their hearts. Not to mention Wen Lang and Zhang Xue, Zhang Xue frowned and bit her lower lip subconsciously. Wen Lang took off his hood with a serious expression on his face.

The three newcomers didn't dare to speak for a while, before asking: "Then what shall we do?"

Wouldn't it be to follow to find the ghost ship

Wen Lang sneered, "You guys, stay in the village and wait for us to come back. You'd better pray that we can come back, otherwise I think you might not know how to get back to the platform."

The faces of the three newcomers turned pale in an instant—they really didn't know how to go back!

In silence, everyone looked at Qin Tan, waiting for him to continue. He groaned, and belatedly said, "I'm done talking, let's rest."

He was less talkative and calm, yet confident and decisive, Wen Lang said almost without hesitation: "I propose that Qin Tan be the captain."

Qin Tan was originally the captain of the three-person team, Lou Fan was in charge of diplomacy, and Chen Shuyang was in charge of paperwork. Wen Lang's proposal didn't get Zhang Xue's objection, so he agreed happily, "Okay, then Qin Tan is our captain, don't worry, I will unconditionally obey the captain's arrangements."

The three people who were well prepared each brought a certain light tent. So the girls shared a room, Qin Tan and Lou Fan shared a room, and the other three boys shared a room. Qin Tan was still writing on and off in his notebook, Lou Fan simply wiped his face, folded his clothes and lay down on the ground, said good night to Qin Tan, and fell asleep on his side.

Qin Tan said good night, put down the pen and notebook in his hand, got up and put his coat on the floor.

As the night gradually deepened, it was Zhang Xue and Lin Manman's turn to watch the night. Lin Manman came out of the tent sleepily, and the moment she was woken up, she suddenly didn't know where she was, as if she had a dream, dreaming that she came to a terrible world, she thought it was a dream, but in The moment I saw Zhang Xue, I woke up.

What dream? It seems that the stable world she lives in is a dream.

Under the firelight, Zhang Xue's fair face seemed to be stained with a hint of crimson, and her indifferent eyebrows and eyes were softened a lot. Lin Manman was a little cold, and the surroundings were so quiet that it made people panic. This was the first time she spent the night in the wild.

"Sister Zhang Xue, aren't you afraid?" Lin Manman's voice trembled a little, even though she tried her best to control it, Zhang Xue could feel it.

Zhang Xue looked at the fire and didn't speak, as if she was distracted. After a while, she uttered, the voice was so soft that she could hardly hear it, "What's the use of being afraid?" It seemed that she was speaking for herself.

Before Zhang Xue could reply, Lin Manman hugged herself tightly. It was a bit cold at night. She was wearing a shirt and a small coat, which couldn't withstand the night wind at all, especially since it was still by the lake, so it was very cold.

When everyone woke up the next morning, Lou Fan had finished his daily training, Chen Shuyang was doing push-ups, and Qin Tan was sweating. The other five looked at them in silence, and Wen Lang, who was yawning, was taken aback for a moment, and stood there with his mouth open.

"Good morning, pack up, we're ready to go." Lou Fan greeted them friendly, as if they knew each other very well.

Unexpectedly, there was a long silence after he spoke, which made him wonder if he had said something wrong.

A group of eight people packed up their things and brought everything they could bring. Wen Lang and Chen Shuyang saw that the lips of the two girls were purple from the cold, so they lent them the clothes they brought.

Qin Tan took the lead and walked towards the village. In fact, they were not far from the village. After walking for ten minutes, the entrance of the village was right in front of them. There are three crooked words written on the simple plaque: small fishing village.

Simple and rude.

The village looks very simple. Most of the houses are made of wood. Occasionally, people who pass by are dressed in simple clothes. The overall feeling is the same as in the 1970s and 1980s.

Some weird feeling made everyone feel uncomfortable.

After not walking far, more people began to walk around. There were lights and festoons everywhere, and it looked very festive. It should be some kind of happy event. The villagers also had smiling faces, and the smiles were a little strange.

Lou Fan looked very uncomfortable, goosebumps all over his body. He turned his head and looked around. In the distance, a mother and daughter felt like they were hugging each other, with sad faces and even more fear. The girl who was held in the arms of the woman raised her palm-sized face with a look of fear.

Lou Fan intuitively felt that those two people were the key, so he touched the people around him with his elbow, "Qin Tan, there is something wrong with those two people."

Not hearing the answer, Lou Fan turned his head and almost cried out. The person in front of her was not Qin Tan, she was clearly a woman in her forties or fifties, with a weird smile on her face, and a wrinkled and dark face, no matter how uncomfortable she looked.

Seeing Lou Fan looking at her, she laughed even bigger, and the voice in her mouth made the scalp tingle, "Hehehe, little brother, our small fishing village is going to hold a grand sacrificial event, there will be unexpected surprises."

Lou Fan moved away immediately, twitched the corners of his mouth, nodded under her direct gaze, and then quickly ran towards Qin Tan. When he got to Qin Tan's side, he couldn't help but look back. The woman was still standing there, still smiling, which made him startled suddenly, and turned his head quickly.

"What's wrong?" Qin Tan wanted to look behind him, but he grabbed him.

"Don't look! Fuck, I was scared to death. Why didn't you call me when you left? That old woman is so scary, I feel sick from laughing. The little girl in our team is the prettiest." After speaking, Lou Fan turned to the two. A little girl smiled.

Lin Manman moved to Lou Fan's side in small steps, "Lou, Brother Lou, I think something is wrong with this village, I'm a little scared."

"It's not right, don't be afraid, we are still here." Lou Fan nodded, and then comforted: "But the more terrifying thing is yet to come. If you don't complete the task, you will only die. Thinking about it this way, are you still afraid?"

Lin Manman shook her head, tears rolled in her eyes. Lou Fan felt that the little girl might not be able to hold on anymore, but he could only sigh, they are also in danger now.

Qin Tan blocked the woman's direction, "Don't be afraid, I'm here."

Lou Fan: "..."

He really wanted to yell, Qin Tan, can you stop being so fucking MAN, you can't stand him! It's a pity that he didn't dare to shout, so he could only raise the corners of his mouth secretly.

Emboldened, Lou Fan turned around and saw that strange person had disappeared, and so had the mother and daughter.

He didn't see anyone with Black Scorpion around, and he didn't know if he had left. Several people continued to walk forward, and soon came to a place similar to a small square. Neat fences were inserted around it, and the city was besieged in a circle, with a round platform in the middle that was a little higher. The square is full of people, looking festive just like celebrating the New Year.

Lou Fan remembered what the strange woman said just now, and whispered to everyone: "They are going to hold sacrificial activities, I think this should be the key."

Everyone felt strange, Wen Lang suggested, "Why don't we act separately and ask?"

The goal of getting together is quite big, Lou Fan nodded in agreement, and discussed with Qin Tan, "How about two or three people. Lin Manman and I, you bring Gong Yi and Chen Shuyang, Wen Lang and Zhang Xue bring Xiao Yu, so any questions?"

After confirming the group, they separated in three directions and left, agreeing that after half an hour, they would gather here regardless of whether there was news or not.

Lou Fan took Lin Manman straight to the direction of the two mothers and daughters he saw just now, he must find them!