Looting Equipment From NPCs

Chapter 16


The three of Qin Tan did not go far, and returned to the square. There were so many people in the square, Qin Tan felt that there might be a better chance to find out the news. Before the three of them took the initiative to find the target, an old man with a kind face and a bit of majesty came over.

"You are here to travel, right? I'm the head of a small fishing village." Although his face looks kind, his smile is also very weird, like a fake smile, which makes people creepy. "Over the past few years, many young people like you have visited our small fishing village. We welcome you very much."

"I don't know how many of you there are?" the village head asked earnestly.

Chen Shuyang trembled all over, took two steps back, and stood a little behind Qin Tan's back door. Gong Yi stood behind the whole time, looking like he had a toothache, and felt uncomfortable all over his body.

Qin Tan said, "I wonder when the sacrificial activities in the village will start? It looks really grand."

The village stroked his beard, "Naturally, it's grand. Every year we prepare the sacrifice with a very pious heart, lest we be inattentive and offend General Juyuan and..."

He stopped talking, and his eyes swept over the three of them, as if he wanted to pick something off them.

Chen Shuyang laughed a few times, and summoned up the courage to ask: "Village Chief, I learned how to build a boat. I don't know if you know Shenzhou. According to the records, it passed by this area."

"It's a solid and beautiful boat." Chen Shuyang looked fascinated, but it was all nonsense.

The village head flashed his eyes and waved his hand, "I've never heard of this. You can participate in our sacrificial activities, and you won't be disappointed."

The village head always avoids the main point when he speaks. After talking so much, he doesn't have a single useful message.

Seeing that he couldn't get anything out of his mouth, Gong Yi said: "Village chief, we will stay in your village to participate in the sacrifice. Is there a hotel in the village?"

"There is no hotel." The village laughed, "When the time comes, tell me if you want to stay and I will take you to find a room." After speaking, he walked away with his hands behind his back and a loud noise that made Chen Shuyang ruthless. rubbing his arms.

Gong Yi said to Qin Tan: "Brother Qin, we will stay in the village when the time comes. According to what you said, I thought about it, the three of us had better not leave the small fishing village. If the mission is interrupted, we will go back not going."

The watches on their wrists had already started counting down at the place where they camped last night. According to his inference, the farthest should not exceed yesterday's distance. For safety reasons, it is best not to leave the village to avoid unforeseen circumstances.

It was already mid-afternoon when the three teams met. I sat down in an open place with few people. The eight people in the group were a little tired, and they all took out their own food and began to replenish their strength. Sitting next to Lou Fan, Qin Tan took out a canned fruit from his bag and gave him a canned fruit, and Lou Fan handed him a meaty food with a smile on his face.

"Brother Lou and Brother Qin have such a good relationship." Lin Manman leaned into Xiao Yu's ear and whispered with a smile, "Ah, you deserve my face, I'm going to scream."

Xiao Yu's eyes flashed, a trace of disgust flashed in his eyes, he lowered his head and stopped looking. He tore pieces of bread vigorously in his hands and stuffed them into his mouth like chewing wax.

Shameless, he must have bewitched Qin Tan by relying on his posture and asked Qin Tan to protect him! What does he have, just a face, why can't it be me? She thought viciously: If Lou Fan died, could she be next to Qin Tan, so that she could live on.

She took a hard bite of the bread, it must be okay.

Lin Manman sensitively sensed that something was wrong with her friend. She tugged at Xiao Yu's clothes and asked in a low voice, "Xiao Yu, what's wrong with you? Let me tell you, brother Lou told me a lot of experience, I'll tell you later."

Xiao Yu raised her eyes to look at her, her eyes were icy cold, Lin Manman withdrew her hand, unable to say a word for a while.

what happened

Wen Lang took a bite of his own compressed biscuit, and then looked at the canned food of others, "Ah, the evil capitalists." People are more popular than others, and even Chen Shuyang's food is much better than him.

"Let's go catch some fish tomorrow, the birds are almost out of my mouth." He hasn't eaten meat for a long time.

This proposal was highly endorsed by everyone.

After eating, the three teams began to share the information they got. The sacrificial activities, the Laoye Temple, the sacrificial boats, and the panic-stricken mother and daughter. It is not difficult to make up a story by combining all the information, but their focus is not on the story, but on finding Shenzhou, and now there is no news at all.

Gong Yi suddenly said, "That village chief, when Brother Qin asked about his Shenzhou, his eyes were a little strange."

This was an important piece of information, so Chen Shuyang hurriedly wrote it down in his notebook.

After the clues were combined and passed around, Qin Tan pondered for a moment and said, "Tomorrow, the five of us will go to Laoye Temple. The three of you will continue to investigate in the village. Be careful."

Both Gong Yi and Lin Manman nodded, only Xiao Yu bowed his head and remained silent.

Except for Lin Manman, no one noticed Xiao Yu's strangeness. Lin Manman looked at her friend worriedly, and didn't know how to relieve her. She must be too nervous and scared.

There is so little information at hand, but enough time for them to decide not to take too much risk and just take it step by step. So after everyone discussed it, we went to the village chief to arrange a place to live today, and then rested.

Compared to the first novice world, Lou Fan felt that today was already a good day, but at that time they had nothing to gain for a whole few days.

Qin Tan found the village head who was still in the square, and the village head was very enthusiastic and called a woman in her forties to take them to find a house. All the way to the outside can be felt, the woman was silent and did not speak.

Lou Fan had never been to the lake, so he asked the woman, "Auntie, I don't know if the house we live in will disturb other people, just give us a quieter place."

The woman raised her eyelids and looked at them without any fluctuations in her eyes, "It was originally for outsiders to live there, you should clean it yourself and close the door at night."

A shelter from the wind and rain was enough, and they didn't ask for more. If it weren't for the wet and cold lakeside, they could have continued to pitch their tents. Soon at the end of the village, the woman stopped and pushed open the doors of the three wooden houses. The wooden house looked very new, as if it had just been built, the door creaked open, and a damp smell of rotten wood rushed straight in.

Everyone couldn't help covering their mouths and noses.

After the woman opened the door, she turned and left without even looking at them again.

"Fuck, what kind of attitude is this, I want to report it!" Chen Shuyang roared angrily.

The man in the flamboyant red hoodie had a very unbeatable expression on his face, squinting his eyes, "It's fine if I have a house for you, but what bicycle do I need?"

Not far away, the people who decorated the boat dispersed, the lake was calm and there was no wind, and the surroundings were quiet. But everyone present felt an indescribable coldness coming from all directions. It seemed that in an instant, the sky darkened.

These three houses are a bit out of place with the village. They are not connected with the houses in the village, but stand alone in a row, and the three houses are connected together. It seemed as if they were deliberately divided out of the village.

"Manman, is the countdown on your watch still on?" Lou Fan frowned and asked.

"Yes." Lin Manman took a look, "What's wrong, Brother Lou?"

Lou Fan waved his hand, "Maybe I was thinking too much, it's getting dark, let's go first."

The room is not too small, and it is more than enough to accommodate eight people. To be on the safe side, everyone unanimously decided not to separate, in case there is a situation where it is too late to notify. At this time, it fully embodies the girl's ingenuity. There were tools available outside the house. The boys fetched water from the lake and used it to mop the floor and wipe off the dust. Within twenty minutes, the house was already very clean.

There is still a need for a vigil at night, and the groups are still grouped according to the previous day. Although it was dark, it was still early. Everyone didn't want to sleep, but they didn't have the energy to chat. They all went their own way. Wen Lang did not give up and suggested playing cards, but no one paid any attention to him.

Before twelve o'clock, Lou Fan and Qin Tan replaced Chen Shuyang and Gong Yi. Lou Fan, who had slept for three hours, stretched, turned his head and looked at the group of people who were sleeping staggeringly, got up and walked towards the door.

"where to?"

Lou Fan turned to look at Qin Tan, and pointed to the door, "It's a little stuffy, go out to get some fresh air, it's just outside the door."

There are no windows in this room, only one door as a passage, eight people crowded together, it is really stuffy.

Qin Tan put on his clothes and took Tang Dao casually, "I'll go with you."

Lou Fan laughed, "Just go out for a breath, you are too cautious."

Even though he said so, he also hung the bow on his body, and the two pushed the door and went out.

The moonlight is cold, sprinkled on the calm lake, it looks beautiful.

Lou Fan was about to say something to Qin Tan. Suddenly, the calm surface of the lake seemed to have a fire burning underneath, and the entire lake rolled over and started bubbling, as if it was about to boil.

Something is coming out!

This was Lou Fan's first thought, Qin Tan pulled his arm, and the two immediately took a few steps back.

"Be careful." Qin Tan said in a deep voice, his eyes fixed on the lake.

Lou Fan didn't dare to be careless, and held the bow tightly in his hand.

A blister popped in the moonlight, as if a switch had been flipped. Something jumped out of the lake, and then countless heads emerged from the lake, and a fish head appeared on the water surface of the lake. When it completely emerged from the water, Lou Fang saw clearly what kind of head it was monster.

Fish head and human body. The head of the fish is huge, and the two eyes spit out and move around, a bit like the eyes of a lizard. The human body is on all fours, moving fast.

Qin Tan swung his saber over, rushed upstairs and said, "Quickly wake them up!"

Needless to say, Lou Fan had already turned around and ran back, not forgetting to hit a monster with an arrow.

Lou Fan kicked the door open and yelled, "Get up, there are monsters, get your weapons!"