Looting Equipment From NPCs

Chapter 20


Lou Fan took the pancake from the little Taoist priest. These pancakes are really hard, the kind that can hit people. Lou Fan studied it for a while, but he didn't know if the pancake was a high-quality item, and he didn't know if it could be exchanged for something when he brought Liuli back.

Lou Fan took advantage of the situation and sat down on the ground, stuffed the pancakes into the bag with the principle of not letting them go, and then took out a piece of bread from the bag and handed it to the little Taoist priest. This is the first step in establishing a good relationship with the NPC.

The little Taoist took the bread calmly, tore open the bag and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Where did you eat here alone?" Lou Fan asked. The kitchen didn't look like it was going to be fired at all.

The little Taoist choked on eating too fast, Lou Fan hurriedly took out a bottle of water and unscrewed it and handed it to him, "Take a quick drink, eat slowly, no one will grab you, I still have enough."

I thought the little Taoist was dumb, but after swallowing it, the little Taoist looked at Lou Fan and said, "Send it in the village."

He spoke very jerky, as if he hadn't spoken for a long, long time.

Lou Fan thought about the pancakes, and he didn't know how often the village delivered them. Could it be that they were just dry and hard pancakes every time? He suddenly felt a lump in his heart, and patted the little Taoist priest's head.

Even knowing that this is a parallel world, it may not even be the real world, or it is just a simulation. But no matter where, there are such poor children, and he feels depressed.

"Where are your parents?"

Sun Hai shook his head.

Lou Fan sighed, and then thought that he was also unable to protect himself now, and felt pity for others.

He tentatively asked: "Sun Hai, have you heard of 'Shenzhou'?"

Sun Hai opened his big eyes and looked at him with a bewildered expression.

Lou Fan felt helpless, patted his head and asked, "Do you want more bread?"

Sun Hai hesitated and nodded.

It was getting dark, and today they were going to spend the night in the temple. The wing rooms in the temple are outdated, but the hall is brightly lit and looks more comfortable. Five people from Hei Xie lived in the front hall, while five people from Lou Fan stayed in the main hall.

Sun Hai closed all the palace doors at night, and Lou Fan also helped him close them.

"Brother, don't... go out at night." Sun Hai said seriously to Lou Fan.

Lou Fan suddenly had a bad premonition, and hurriedly told the others.

Wen Lang was quite envious, "You are so lucky, Loufan, how did you get the NPC's favor?"

"I'm nice to people and never lie." Lou Fan looked at him with a smile.

Wen Lang wiped his nose, he might not be able to make it through, he shouldn't have been obsessed with ghosts back then, and he should have watched the dishes, why did he deceive them so hard.

Zhang Xue chuckled. She got along well with everyone these two days, which made her relax a bit.

The night was very quiet, but not long after, rustling sounds came from outside the hall, and after a while, it seemed that some large creature was moving, making a heavy dragging sound, and it was unknown what kind of monster it was.

The five people were all awakened, holding their weapons vigilantly, staring at the door closely, for fear that something would break in the next moment.

Lou Fan glanced at the little Taoist priest who was sleeping deeply, and thought that if he didn't open the door, there might be no danger.

After an unknown amount of time, Lou Fan was already drowsy, and suddenly a tragic cry woke him up. He looked around and found that everyone was there, including Qin Tan. Immediately relieved.

Chen Shuyang rubbed his eyes, "It seems to be on the side of the black scorpion."

Qin Tan patted the floor, and said to the three people who woke up: "Leave them alone, sleep by yourself."

Lou Fan obediently closed his eyes again, tilted his head against Qin Tan, and fell asleep contentedly with a smile on the corner of his mouth.


When I woke up early in the morning, the sun was still shining brightly. Except for the blackened blood on the floor of the front hall, which showed that someone had an accident last night, everything else was the same as yesterday.

It is already the fourth day, and everyone is a little anxious. Shenzhou has not yet landed, but time waits for no one. After talking together, Lou Fan and Qin Tan decided to go to the mountain lake to test whether the little pearl is useful.

Lou Fan took out Little Pearl from his bag, which he named it at random, and showed it to the other three. Wen Lang had already guessed that they must have found something in the fish monster's head, but he didn't expect it to be this thing.

"Qin Tan and I speculated that this little pearl might be able to breathe underwater. Of course, it's just a guess. Today we plan to test it out, although the location of the Shenzhou hasn't landed yet." Lou Fan said and looked at everyone, "I don't know who is good at water. , willing to try?"

Chen Shuyang shook his head, "I can't swim."

Zhang Xue also pursed her lips, "I haven't learned it yet."

Wen Lang stretched his waist, "Then I'll come. I grew up by the river, and I'm a good swimmer."

Qin Tan made a final decision, "That's fine, it's up to you. If not, I'll go down."

Wen Lang took the little pearl, looked at it close to his eyes, "How do I use this?"

Lou Fan shrugged, "Probably swallowed it."

Zhang Xue hesitated, "Will there be fish monsters under the water?"

No one knows the answer to this question.

Qin Tan said: "Wen Lang, do what you can, and come back immediately if you find something wrong."

Wen Lang nodded solemnly and said yes.

The five of them walked all the way down the mountain, and the lake was sparkling. However, the temperature in November still requires some courage to go into the water. Wen Lang wore shorts and did some warm-up exercises, and couldn't help shivering. Although he is good at water, he is not cold-resistant, and he has never swum in winter.

Swallowing the pearl, Wen Lang thought that he couldn't be cowardly, and jumped into the water with a plop. Ripples appeared on the surface of the water, rippling round after round.

They want to test whether the little pearl is useful, and if it is useful, how long is the time limit.

Five minutes later, Lou Fan looked nervously at the lake, "Wen Lang hasn't gotten up yet, does that mean it's useful?"

Qin Tan was much calmer, looking at the lake quietly, "Wait a minute, the time is still short." Five minutes is not too long for a person who holds his breath badly.

Ten minutes passed, Chen Shuyang couldn't hold his breath, and looked back and forth by the lake, "Why hasn't Wen Lang come out yet?"

Zhang Xue was also very nervous. She looked back and forth on the lake, "It might be good news if it didn't come out."

Thirty minutes later, Qin Tan was about to go into the water to see the situation. There was a splash on the surface of the water, and Wen Lang emerged from the water wetly with a smile on his face.

"Really, thirty minutes!"

At first, he was just trying to breathe in the water, but he didn't expect it to be possible, so he opened his eyes and watched the time on the watch pass by. After a full twenty-eight minutes, he felt that he was about to fail. He breathed, and after another two minutes, he emerged from the water holding his breath.

Everyone was very happy, Chen Shuyang hurriedly got clothes for him and put them on.

Qin Tan asked, "Have you seen it in the water?"

Wen Lang shook his head, "No, I just care about time. How about I go down again?"

"Take a rest, I will go to explore with you."

After Qin Tan finished speaking, he went to look for something in his bag, and found a pair of swimming goggles.

Wen Lang talked about his underwater experience while eating, and the more he talked, the more excited he became. He didn't expect this bead to be so useful, in such an ugly monster's head.

Lou Fan took out all the beads, with a sad expression on his face, "We have to go back to the village and kill some fish monsters. There is only about a half chance of getting beads. All five of us will go into the water, at least two to three An hour’s worth, that is, six per person, will kill sixty fish monsters.”

Sometimes, Wen Lang really hates this kind of rational person. He will use data and organization to make you unable to refute and recognize the reality. Obviously, Lou Fan is this kind of person.

When they thought of killing so many fish monsters, they didn't have that much time.

Qin Tan added: "We're not afraid of fish-headed monsters. The most important thing to pay attention to is the mermaid-headed monster. Maybe there will be one of those monsters."

It's a pity that everyone feels sick when they think of that monster. Without him, there is a human head inside the fish head, and they can't do it if they want to cut the human head open. So I can only pray that there will be more fish monsters.

After discussing, after lunch, Wen Lang and Qin Tan were ready to go into the water.

But the people from Black Scorpion appeared at this time, and they lost one more person, and now there are only four people.

Seeing Qin Tan, Hu Nan smiled wryly, "Captain Qin, you really want to help us this time."

Qin Tan stopped his next words, "Captain Hu, we haven't thought of a way to dive into the lake, and you also know how difficult that fish monster is to deal with. But your task is also very difficult, so we don't have to be cheeky I am asking for your help. Hey, I only hope that we can successfully complete the task, otherwise I don’t know if there will be a chance to meet again."

Qin Tan spoke eloquently and emotionally, Lou Fan winked at him to express his praise.

Black Scorpion could only leave with a dark face. They are not thick-skinned enough to let others give up their mission to help themselves, but they are really upset in their hearts, and if they meet again next time, they will not be kind.

Seeing that they disappeared from the distance, they were about to go into the water, Lou Fan asked Zhang Xue and Chen Shuyang to guard on both sides, in case they came back and found the little pearl, he didn't want the black scorpion to take advantage of it at all.

This time, Qin Tan and Wen Lang stayed for thirty-five minutes before coming up. Lou Fan saw the two of them emerge from the water, and immediately went forward with their clothes.

But I saw both of them shaking their heads with serious expressions on their faces.

"What's wrong?" Lou Fan was puzzled.

Qin Tan wiped the water on his body, "The visibility is very low after five meters, and you can't see anything. You can still see some things near the shore. The further you go to the middle, the darker the water is, and the temperature is a little lower."

Lou Fan was a little frustrated, "There are so many difficulties, Wen Lang, are the tasks of the junior team so difficult?"

Wen Lang also shook his head helplessly, "Each team has different tasks, and I don't know this information. Anyway, Liuli's tasks are not easy."

When Chen Shuyang and Zhang Xue came back, they were also a little depressed when they heard the news. Could it be that they really couldn't complete the task this time? You must know that this is only a primary task.

Lou Fan clapped his hands to boost his morale, "For visibility, we can use a flashlight and tie it to the arm. As for the temperature, just bear with it. The ice bucket challenge is tens of degrees below zero, what are you afraid of. The most important thing is to kill enough fish monsters .”

When he said this, everyone thought it made sense, and it seemed that underwater was not a problem.

The question is, where is Shenzhou