Looting Equipment From NPCs

Chapter 23


All the boats in the village stop at one place, the best boats are used for offering sacrifices, and the rest are small boats that can seat five or six people. The villagers still took them to find the boat and left without saying anything.

Several people picked a boat that looked stronger and went up together. Originally Wen Lang was going to go into the water, but last night he was seriously injured. Although he looked much better, no one planned to let him go.

Qin Tan was planning to go alone, but was denied by Lou Fan.

"Your water skills are average, I can go down alone." Qin Tan said.

Lou Fan stared, "Who said I'm not good at water? Anyway, you can't go alone, even if you go down, I will follow, they can't stop me."

Lou Fan refused to budge, Qin Tan had no choice but to let him follow. I thought to myself: I obviously said that I am not good at water, but I still don’t admit it.

"You must follow behind me, don't swim in front of me." Qin Tan told Lou Fan.

Lou Fan nodded, "You seem like an old man."

Although he complained, Lou Fan tied the rope around his waist tightly, and the other five people waited on the boat. Both of them have ropes on their bodies, so that they can be pulled by the people on board in case of danger.

Closing his eyes and swallowing the little pearl, Lou Fan took a deep breath and jumped into the water. Lou Fan couldn't help shivering as the icy lake water poured in from all directions. Putting on the goggles, Qin Tan gestured to him, and plunged into the water with a plop.

Lou Fan nodded at the people on the boat who were watching them, and followed suit.

Little Pearl didn't know the reason, it really allowed him to breathe freely in the water. Lou Fan found it very novel.

At first, the icy lake water made Lou Fan very uncomfortable, but after getting used to it, it seemed that the cold didn't even exist. The vision in the lake was dim, there was still a little light at the beginning, and it became dimmer as it went down. Qin Tan turned on the flashlight tied to his arm, and Lou Fan followed suit, and the two beams of light dispelled the surrounding darkness.

Surrounded by silence, Lou Fan felt more at ease with Qin Tan in front of him. He swam for a while and turned to look at Lou Fan, Lou Fan waved him to continue, the two of them were also tied with a rope, and he couldn't lose it.

Groups of black shadows appeared in the line of sight, like giant beasts dormant in the water. Lou Fan roughly estimated that it should be more than ten or twenty meters away at this time, and the water pressure is a bit heavy. Although the breathing is smooth, the pressure is still lingering, and even the light of the flashlight has become shorter.

As Lou Fan was thinking, Qin Tan grabbed his hand and turned off the flashlight. When Lou Fan looked forward, his scalp felt numb all of a sudden—rows of light bulb-like eyes opened below, emitting a faint green light in the depths of the lake.

Lou Fan held Qin Tan's hand tightly, not daring to move - he just saw those fish monsters coming towards them.

The fact is also like this, the fish monster is close to the surroundings of the two, and Lou Fan feels that he can even feel them in front of them, but unfortunately he can't see them, he can only feel them with his eyes open. He subconsciously held his breath. A few minutes later, he searched around and found that the fish monsters closed their eyes again.

Didn't find them!

Lou Fan squeezed Qin Tan's hand, and the other party squeezed him lightly. Inexplicably, Lou Fan smiled.

Qin Tan turned on the flashlight, and blocked the light with his hand. He turned the flashlight upwards, and the surroundings of the two of them were slightly brighter. Talking is better than nothing. Glancing at the time, the time limit of half an hour will soon be up, Lou Fan pointed to it. Qin Tan shook his head and pointed down.

Lou Fan paused for a moment, nodded, took out a small pearl from his close-fitting bag and fed him one, then ate one for himself, then nodded to Qin Tan to indicate that he was ready.

No matter how close the flashlight is, it can't be used, it can only smear. And the sunken ship can't even see the shadow now, so it can only continue to go down. Fortunately, when we got close to the fish monster, everything was as usual, and the fish monster didn't open its eyes. After Qin Tan stopped to observe for two minutes, he grabbed Lou Fan's hand again, tucked the flashlight into his sleeve, and passed through the group of fish monsters with the faint light.

The light of the flashlight did not attract the fish monster's attention, and the two carefully walked through the group of fish monsters that seemed to be sleeping. Lou Fan grabbed Qin Tan's hand as tightly as if he was grabbing a life-saving straw. He trembled slightly, Qin Tan gave him a firm grip. Just like that, Lou Fan suddenly calmed down, and his heart stopped panicking.

He tightened his grip on Qin Tan's hand again, but he stopped trembling.

Continuing down, the group of fish monsters was like a layer of duckweed floating in the water, passing through them, Qin Tan tentatively slid out the flashlight. Fortunately, there are no fish monsters below, but a vast underwater world. Lou Fan looked hard, and found that there seemed to be a huge shadow below, and the shape and outline looked like a ship.

Could it be his illusion? Lou Fan looked at Qin Tan questioningly, and Qin Tan looked at him for a while before turning back to him, nodding at him, with a hint of a smile on his lips.

found it! Lou Fan became excited and finally found it.

Just when Lou Fan thought Qin Tan was about to go down, Qin Tan pulled him and turned to go upstream. The first time is raw and the second time is familiar, just now they met face to face, and now they pass through the fish monster again, Lou Fan can already ignore them, just be careful to stay away from them.

When the two of them surfaced, he checked the time upstairs. It took almost an hour to go there and back. Not to mention that they only saw the outline of the boat and didn't know how far it was. Little Pearl had to be more prepared. In case of an unexpected situation, it was too late to cry.

Seeing the two people emerge, the people on the boat felt like pulling them aboard.

"How, did you see it?" Everyone was eager to know.

Lou Fan gasped and nodded.

The five cheered immediately, and even Zhang Xue showed joy.

After Lou Fan had recovered his breath, he said slowly, "But we passed through the group of fish monsters before we saw the outline of Shenzhou, which should be at the bottom of the lake."

Chen Shuyang opened his mouth and asked in a daze, "Through the group of fish monsters? Brother Lou, did you not make it clear or did I hear it wrong?"

"You heard me right." Qin Tan replied while twisting the water in his clothes, "Under the lake is a swarm of fish monsters, passing through the swarm of fish monsters, and then going down is the shipwreck. So we have to collect more pearls after we go back , and lighting tools must be prepared. It is very dark down here, if you find a sunken ship, you can collect some things, there is no way to proceed without lighting."

Lou Fan came out from behind the curtain pulled up by Chen Shuyang and Wen Lang, and he had already changed into dry clothes. "If you don't want to go to the sunken ship to find things, you don't have to. Anyway, Qin Tan and I must go."

Wen Lang knew that these three people were rich, and of course he also knew from the gossip that the things brought back from the mission world could be exchanged for many things. This time, he finally met a good partner and was willing to take him to find things. Naturally, he couldn't wait for it, and immediately said to go.

Not to mention Zhang Xue, although she is independent, she is really poor, and even the food only has the cheapest compressed biscuits. He said without hesitation that he would go.

The five people reached an agreement and rowed back to park the boat. Wandering around in the lake, now it is approaching dusk, go back to the hut to fill your stomach, rest for a while and start fighting again.

Lin Manman and Gong Yi took the initiative to watch the first half of the night and let the five of them rest until twelve o'clock.

It was still a hard fight, and the number of fish monsters was increasing, and they were very dense. All five of them were inevitably injured. They retreated to the entrance of the village, and if they couldn't beat them, they retreated. Fortunately, Qin Tan and Lou Fan cooperated very well in the beginning, and they killed quickly. Afterwards, most of them raced against the clock, and even Qin Tan was exhausted.

The sound of bells and chimes in the distance was like the sound of heaven, and Lou Fan watched the fish monsters retreat into the lake panting, and they seemed a little reluctant to go back. At this moment, he was very grateful that his arrows were endless, otherwise Qin Tan would only be able to get the little pearls, and he would laugh when he could get three of them. But now, looking at the corpses of fish monsters piled up on the shore of the lake, he smiled with relief—they are all little pearls!

Lin Manman and Gong Yi were driven to sleep, and the five of them started digging for small pearls non-stop, and finally got more than 30 trophies. Lou Fan felt wrong, did every fish monster have one? He clearly remembered that there were only one of the two before.

It's a pity that the tense nerves suddenly relaxed, so that he didn't want to think about it any more. After tidying up, the five returned to the hut and fell asleep on the ground.

"Brother Lou, Brother Lou!"

Lin Manman's voice came from outside, Lou Fan woke up immediately, the rest of the people were asleep, even Qin Tan was still awake. Lin Manman poked his head in and yelled at Lou, "Brother Lou, come out quickly."

Lou Fan got up and walked out, holding the toiletries in his hand. No matter how dirty you are, you still need to wash.

"What's the matter? You're in such a hurry." Lou Fan asked as soon as he went out.

Lin Manman glanced left and right, and whispered, "Huanhu and the others are discussing an escape plan, so I followed."

Lou Fan immediately gave a thumbs up, "Not bad, very powerful!"

Lin Manman smiled, and continued: "They plan to escape on the day of the sacrifice, and they have all planned."

Lou Fan suddenly remembered the little boy, and asked, "Just the four of them? What about Sun Hai? Will they bring him along?"

Lin Manman nodded, "Yes, yes, yes, they said to go to Laoye Temple to find Sun Hai first, and then stay in Laoye Temple temporarily. The villagers dare not go to Laoye Temple, won't they go there to find them?"

Lou Fan was puzzled: "Why don't you dare to go to Laoye Temple?"

Lin Manman shook his head, "They didn't say anything, so I just listened and eavesdropped."

Lou Fan thought for a few seconds, "Could it be because of the monster outside Laoye Temple?" Although none of them saw what kind of monster it was, they could imagine the horror of that monster from the screams of the Black Scorpion team members. .

Lin Manman said: "Brother Lou, don't worry about why they dare not go, anyway, they will take Sun Hai with them, and they are safe in Laoye Temple."

Yes! Lou Fan felt that he was a bit idle and worried. Even if he went to the whole village, he might not be able to find a few of them among the Buddha statues in Laoye Temple.

If the priest escaped on the day of the sacrifice, how can the Black Scorpion complete the task? Where are they now

Lou Fan thought to himself, if he was the one tasked with rescuing the five people, how likely would it be to complete this task