Looting Equipment From NPCs

Chapter 24


Because they were afraid of spending too much time underwater, the seven of them came to the lake where the boat was parked early in the morning on the eighth day.

Everything is ready, just looking forward to the smooth going to the lake. Lou Fan gave each person six small pearls, enough for three hours underwater, and put the rest in his personal bag.

The flashlights of the three on Lou Fan were exchanged at Liuli, and they were fully charged and waterproof. Wen Lang and Zhang Xue found two old flashlights in the village yesterday, but they were better than nothing. The flashlight was wrapped in layers of plastic bags to prevent water from entering. Wen Lang envied Lou Fan's equipment very much, and secretly vowed that he would bring more things back to Liuli this time, and that the shotgun would be replaced by the cannon.

Lin Manman and Gong Yi were waiting to pick them up on the boat, which was still tied with a rope. The five people went down into the water, Lin Manman waved to them worriedly, and watched them fall into the lake one by one.

"Do you think they will be in danger?"

Lin Manman grabbed the side of the boat and looked down. The water was so dark that he couldn't see anything, which made people very worried.

Gong Yi looked relaxed, "Don't worry, Brother Qin and Brother Lou are so powerful, we will definitely be able to bring them back to complete the task together." In fact, he didn't know what to do, but what he needed most at this time was not to be weak .

Lin Manman's eyes gradually became determined, "Yes, they are all so powerful, and they will definitely be able to complete the task."

Chen Shuyang followed behind Lou Fan, with Qin Tan at the front and Wen Lang at the back. Chen Shuyang's water skills are average, and he can also be a dog planer. He has never dived before. In fact, he was very scared before going into the water, but he didn't dare to speak out. If you are afraid, what can you do? The task is at the bottom of the water, and if you can't do it, you have to do it.

But I didn't expect that after entering the water, I didn't feel uncomfortable at all. At first he was holding his breath, but after a minute he couldn't help it. He was stunned by the unexpectedly smooth breathing. The little pearl in the fish monster's brain was also very useful. Although it was a bit disgusting, he didn't feel terrible underwater at all.

He paddled his limbs and swam freely in the water, imagining himself as a fish.

After ten minutes, Chen Shuyang couldn't feel happy anymore. With the help of the weak light, he saw the densely packed fish monsters under the water in front of him. The little pearl seemed to be invalid at this moment. He felt that he was going to be out of breath, and his whole body seemed to be filled with lead, so stiff that he couldn't move.

Qin Tan in front stopped, as if observing where to pass.

Zhang Xue bit her lip tightly, not letting herself make a sound. She was scared, but she knew she had to hold back, no one could help her, she had to adapt. At this moment, her face is scarier than the female ghosts in ghost movies.

Wen Lang seemed to feel the fear of the people in front of him. He swam to Zhang Xue's side and looked sideways at her. Seeing that she noticed him, he reached out and patted her shoulder, gave her a thumbs up, and patted his chest again.

Zhang Xue was amused by him, a shallow smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and she blinked at Wen Lang, her fear relaxed a lot—she still has so many partners!

Chen Shuyang followed Lou Fan closely, and accidentally bumped into Lou Fan. Lou Fan turned his head to look at him, Chen Shuyang quickly shook his head, expressing that he was fine.

no! Absolutely not to be cowardly!

The group of fish monsters was very quiet at this time, Qin Tan chose a gap where he could pass through, and gestured to the back. Several people cheered up immediately, lined up and followed downstream.

The fish monster was close at hand, as if it might wake up at any moment, it just bit its sharp teeth at them. Everyone held their breath carefully, for fear of waking them up.

Finally, all members passed through the group of fish monsters smoothly.

The three of Chen Shuyang turned their heads to look at the group of fish monsters, they only had the heart to stay as far away as possible, and it was best not to meet each other again.

The underwater pressure increased, and it was very difficult to go downstream. The five people tied ropes to each other to prevent anyone from falling behind. After swallowing another pearl, the figure of the boat seemed to be clearly visible from a distance.

That's a huge ship!

Lou Fan raised his watch and glanced at it, but there was still no indication that the task was completed, so he could only continue down.

When the beam of light in their hands shined on the mast of the giant ship, they seemed to see the magnificence of its sailing again, and at this time the watch finally showed: the mission is completed.

All five of them laughed, held each other's hands tightly, and formed a circle to express their joy—they finally completed the task!

Chen Shuyang grinned happily, a string of bubbles popped out of his mouth. Lou Fan hurriedly pointed to the top, but there were still fish monsters there. Chen Shuyang immediately covered his mouth.

Qin Tan smiled, and pointed to the boat below—they need to move faster, they still have to go to the boat to find something good!

They said they were looking for something, but they were just trying their luck. After all, no one knew if there were any monsters in that huge ship, so they only dared to look outside. But the stele said that the ship was full of rare treasures.

The chest began to feel a little uncomfortable, which means that the time limit for Little Pearl is approaching. Wen Lang held his breath, he wanted to hold on for a while before swallowing the small pearls. Although each of them had six small pearls in their hands, they swallowed two now, leaving four in his hand. If you can save two and bring back the colored glaze, you can get a lot of good things in exchange. But when the time limit for the little pearl was up, he didn't hold on for 30 seconds, and immediately swallowed the prepared pearl in his hand.

It's so uncomfortable! He almost felt that he was about to suffocate just now, and his head was almost about to burst due to the water pressure. That's all, life is still important!

The huge sunken ship was already covered with water plants, and the hull of the ship looked like a giant beast. It was unknown if there was anything hidden inside.

Qin Tan pointed to a cabin, Lou Fan nodded, and the other three also nodded. This is what they agreed in advance. For the sake of safety, they will only go to one cabin. No matter whether there is anything or not, they will no longer venture to explore and must return to the water.

It was still Qin Tan who took the lead, and when he was about to enter the cabin, Qin Tan paused, as if remembering something, then stopped suddenly, and pointed towards the building.

Lou Fan was taken aback, and pointed to himself: Let me choose the cabin

Qin Tan nodded, with an inexplicable expression on his face.

Lou Fan nodded and swam to the front of Qin Tan. It was very dark in the aisle of the cabin, and the flashlights of the five people could only illuminate a very short distance. Passing by the cabins upstairs, he stopped in front of one of them, and he stretched out his hand to push it.

The door of the cabin was rotten, and it swayed open as soon as he pushed it, and the scene in the cabin immediately appeared before his eyes. The boxes were stacked one on top of the other so high that the cabin was half full.

Lou Fan swam in first, followed by Qin Tan and the others. Seeing so many boxes, everyone's eyes lit up.

Facts have proved that Lou Fan's hands are very white, and he is lucky every time. He opened a box casually, and the glittering jewels and jade inside almost blinded his eyes. None of the five had seen so many jewels. They were afraid they would be arrested if they were taken out in the real world, but now, the boxes piled up to the roof were allowed to be taken by them.

Lou Fan pursed his lips and smiled, stretching out his hand to gesture for taking it casually. It's a pity that no matter how big the backpack is, it can't be filled. You can only choose the one you like. If it is too heavy, you will die unjustly if you cannot swim.

Lou Fan still likes the shiny gemstones, so he took some jade and a lot of gemstones. Qin Tan picked up some pleasing jade stones, he didn't study them, so he just grabbed them and put them in his bag.

Chen Shuyang liked to look left and right, he couldn't choose, so he had to close his eyes and grab whatever he wanted. This feeling of nouveau riche is so damn cool!

Wen Lang was so happy that he wanted to laugh with his arms akimbo, he is also a rich man now! No more scams!

Zhang Xue is a girl who likes shiny jewelry, almost all of which are gemstones, which seem to be of great value.

Qin Tan glanced at the time, and took pictures one by one—they were about to go back.

Wen Lang and Chen Shuyang looked at it reluctantly, as if they wanted to go in and grab it. It's a pity that the backpack is already very heavy, and I really can't swim back if I put it on again. I can only wave at the boxes with regret. They didn't even dare to think that this ship still has so many cabins, and how many rare treasures are inside. It's a pity that these things will never see the light of day again!

Swimming out of Shenzhou, the five of them all turned their heads to look at this ancient luxurious giant cruise ship. It is luxurious and magnificent, sleeping at the bottom of this deep lake, and they don't know when they will see the sun again.

The task has been completed, and this is their greatest achievement.

Lou Fan waved his hand, stuffed another small pearl into his mouth, and went upstream first. Qin Tan also followed up, and the three people behind him didn't stop and followed up.

A group of fish monsters gathered on the top of the head in black, Lou Fan swam slower and slower, his hand was caught, Qin Tan swam to his side, squeezed his hand, and swam in front of him. Lou Fan pursed his lips and smiled, with a trace of joy floating in his heart, he followed closely to swim up.

Wen Lang was still at the end. He swam to the side of the fish monster and subconsciously held his breath. Inexplicably, he turned his head and glanced at the fish monster beside him, who would have thought that with just one glance, the fish monster's eyes suddenly opened. Wen Lang was startled, his hands and feet felt numb and he didn't feel anything. When he looked again, the fish monster still had its eyes closed. He shook his body, moved his hands and feet quickly, caught up with Qin Tan in front, and pointed upwards vigorously.

Qin Tan saw Wen Lang's movements, and immediately looked behind him. The light of the flashlight flashed across the group of fish monsters, and he felt that the fish monsters, which had been calm just now, seemed to be moving.

Can't delay! He waved vigorously at the people behind him, and everyone realized something and sped up their movements. Lou Fan was about to look back, but Qin Tan grabbed him and swam up quickly. He didn't have time to think, so he swam vigorously.

Crashing—five people emerged one after another, without saying anything, they hurriedly climbed onto the boat.

"Hurry up!" Wen Lang shouted eagerly, looking behind him from time to time.

Lou Fan climbed onto the boat only to find that the sky was dark at the moment, it looked a bit like dusk, and it looked as if a heavy rain was about to hit.

Seeing that all five people boarded the boat, Qin Tan immediately shouted, "Row the boat ashore!"

Behind them, the lake began to churn faintly!