Looting Equipment From NPCs

Chapter 27


Of course Lou Fan didn't know that several of them had been recorded, they were taking Lin Manman and Gong Yi to register and choose a place to live.

Wen Lang was a little worried, "Will the black scorpion come to find fault with us?"

Chen Shuyang was heartbroken, and patted him on the shoulder to comfort him, "Don't be afraid, aren't there Brother Qin and Brother Lou? Besides, there are nearly five thousand people in Liuli, so it's not so easy to meet them."

Qin Tan's domineering sideways, "If the time comes, if the black scorpion comes to you, you can follow what I said. If they still have questions, let them come to me."

Wen Lang nodded hesitantly, and Chen Shuyang laughed loudly: "Wen Lang, you see, I'm still a bachelor, and I live next to Brother Qin, so I'm not afraid at all."

Wen Lang gave him a blank look, but ignored him at all. When he was choosing a place to live, he didn't have any seniors he knew well, so he chose it by himself because of the friendship reminder from his mid-level teammates. With just a quick finger, the place to live is fixed, and now I can't change it even if I want to.

Along the way, Lin Manman and Gong Yi were like grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden, looking around and exclaiming from time to time.

Leading the two of them into the Liuli trading hall, Lou Fan smiled and said, "Hurry up and choose a place to live. After choosing a place, go back and rest. I'm exhausted."

The two greeted each other again and again, Gong Yi asked Lin Manman to go first, Lin Manman looked at it for a long time, and asked Lou Fan: "Brother Lou, where do you live?"

Lou Fan slid his finger on the screen, pointed to one of the buildings, "Here, Shuyang lives next to it."

Lin Manman's eyes lit up, and he pressed OK on the other side of the building, "Then I will live here." Gong Yi directly chose Lin Manman downstairs, so that the five of them would be next to each other.

Lin Manman turned to Zhang Xue, "Sister Xue, where do you live?"

Zhang Xue lives further away, in the north. Lou Fan and the other five lived in the South Second Ring Road, while Wen Lang was closer and lived in the southeast. After choosing the address, the seven of them separated temporarily.

Lou Fan said to Wen Lang: "If the black scorpions come to you, remember to let them come to us, Qin Tan and I can deal with them." He waved the bow in his hand after speaking.

Wen Lang pursed his lips, but did not respond. Just say: "I'll go first."

The five found bicycles and rode back. Lou Fan asked Chen Shuyang to take the two of them to the new house, and then went home by himself, washed up in a hurry, and fell asleep. He didn't even eat dinner, so Lou Fan slept until ten o'clock the next morning.

When he woke up, he felt refreshed, and he felt that he could kill another ten fish monsters.

The watch beeped, and it was Qin Tan who left a message saying that he woke up and went to have breakfast. Lou Fan grinned, tidied up quickly, changed his clothes, and rushed upstairs.

Chen Shuyang was drinking porridge. When he saw someone coming upstairs, he put down his spoon and swallowed his mouthful of seafood porridge, and even drool. He smiled and said, "Brother Lou, come quickly, Brother Qin made a delicious seafood porridge, and the prawns were still alive when they were exchanged."

Lou Fan: "..."

This exchange machine is also a little too user-friendly.

Hearing Chen Shuyang's voice, Qin Tan brought out a bowl of porridge and greeted Lou Fan, "Come and eat while it's hot."

Seeing Qin Tan wearing an apron, he was tall and strong, stretching the apron out of shape, Lou Fan held back his smile and gave a thumbs up: "The clothes fit you very well, full marks." After speaking, he buried his head in laughter.

Qin Tan said helplessly, "It's delicious, don't choke."

Lou Fan let out an 'oh', and ate obediently.

Chen Shuyang always felt that there was something weird between the two of them, but he couldn't tell what was wrong, so he could only continue to drink porridge.

"Shuyang, tell Wen Lang and Zhang Xue to come over later. There are still many small pearls that have not been divided. I will sort them out later and divide them up." Chen Shuyang changed contact information with them yesterday, and the logistics manager It is most suitable to hand over to Shuyang after work.

Lou Fan didn't think about keeping it privately, but Wen Lang and Zhang Xue felt a little inconceivable when they received the notice and knew that they were going to share the little pearls.

The first and second worlds of the two probably had some unpleasant experiences. Lou Fan could even tell that they didn't trust their teammates at the beginning, but later, Qin Tan, Lou Fan and Chen Shuyang might get along fairly harmoniously because they were more reliable.

Qin Tan has never been interested in people's psychological activities, Chen Shuyang's focus is not on this, and Lou Fan is more sensitive, just by looking at his expression, he probably knows what he is thinking.

In addition to the used beads, he still had thirty-two small pearls in his hand. He and Qin Tan contributed the most, each with ten pearls. And Chen Shuyang, Wen Lang and Zhang Xue each had four. Everyone had no objection to this, and Zhang Xue blushed even more, pursing her lips in thanks. But Lou Fan could tell that she was happy.

In the small fishing village, they only got this, and they took their own jewels. He didn't take out the fish-scale suit, but kept it for himself, only Qin Tan knew about it.

After sharing the things, everyone sat down and drank tea together. Lou Fan raised his hands and coughed lightly for the two of them. His gaze passed over Wen Lang and Zhang Xue, and he asked, "I don't know what you plan to do in the next world? Do you want to be with us?" Form a team together?"

Well, he discussed it with Qin Tan just now, and it's okay to be on the same team as Wen Lang and Zhang Xue. Both of them worked hard and didn't slack off. Although Wen Lang had tricked them before, he tried his best to show his worth in the small fishing village. Zhang Xue talks less and works hard, and she is not hypocritical. Lou Fan likes this kind of girl.

Both were silent, as if they didn't expect them to say this.

Zhang Xue only hesitated for a moment and said, "I'll go back and think about it, and I'll give you an answer in three days."

She had a very generous attitude, and Lou Fan wasn't unhappy at all. It was normal for people to think about it. Of course, he didn't ask why he had to think about it.

Zhang Xue left after speaking, while Wen Lang in the room was still sitting in a chair meditating. Everyone didn't urge him, they all did their own thing. Chen Shuyang rubbed the book he didn't take out, and put a bead in his hand.

Wen Lang regained his senses and looked up to speak, but found that there was no one in front of him. He coughed lightly, which attracted the attention of Lou Fan who was lying on the sofa. Lou Fan sat up and lay on the back of the sofa looking at him, and asked, "What do you think?" He was almost falling asleep.

Wen Lang: "Think it over, I want to join you."

He has carefully analyzed the situation of several people, needless to say Qin Tan, his force value is online; Lou Fan is a sharp shooter, he can shoot accurately, and he found that Lou Fan is lucky; as for Chen Shuyang, although his force value is not very good, But he has a wide range of knowledge, and his honesty and courage are commendable. Overall, this is a team worth joining, and it would be even more perfect if he, a man who can speak well, is added.

He thought so in his heart, but he was still a little apprehensive. After saying this, he looked towards Lou Fan, even a little nervous.

Lou Fan nodded, "Oh, well, then remember to come and train tomorrow."

Wen Lang: "..." Is this the end

No, you still need to train

Just as he was about to speak, the upstairs guy who turned his head turned back and said with a smile: "Oh right, before that, someone lied to us with a carrot flower, I think as a condition for joining, you go and beat him up." All right."

Wen Lang: "!!!" Ganqing is waiting for him here, can't he be wrong

Chen Shuyang at the side held back his laughter and shrugged his shoulders but remained silent. Wen Lang took two deep breaths and showed his iconic smile, "Brother Lou, I was wrong, can I return the radish flowers? Well, I don't want these four pearls either." He said and put the four pearls on the On the table, with hands spread out, an innocent face.

Lou Fan snorted softly, "Forget it, for your pity's sake, the radish flowers are given to you."

So far, there is one more team member.