Looting Equipment From NPCs

Chapter 4


The old man looked anxious, as if he was talking to himself, but everyone present knew that this was for them.

He Yong looked up at the sky, and beckoned everyone to come over, "I heard you all, go find the radish flowers, in the field."

The information given is clear, but hard to find. The village is surrounded by fields, but there are also fields inside. It is not easy to find a flower that everyone is not familiar with.

Everyone was about to take action, He Yong said again: "The clue has been triggered, everyone be careful, and notify immediately if you find anything, don't act rashly, be careful in everything."

Everyone nodded, looking cautious.

Lou Fan was buried in the field and pushed through the grass little by little. It was getting dark, but he could still see clearly. He raised his head and looked around. The other three wanted to lie on the ground with a magnifying glass to look for it.

The red flare appeared in the air again, and Lou Fan heaved a sigh of relief - found the carrot flower!

Seeing a field from a distance, if there are dots in it, it looks very small and fresh.

Before Lou Fan quickened his pace, Qin Tan in front stopped him. "It's not right."

Lou Fan took a closer look, there were several marks on the flower field, and all their team members fell in the field. For a while, people who came from all directions stopped and looked at He Yong.

"What's going on?" He Yong was also very puzzled, and repeatedly warned not to act rashly, his team members would never be disobedient.

"What should I do now, boss?" Li Xin asked anxiously.

He Yong frowned, "Wait a minute, in case something attacks in the field."

"I probably know what's going on." A boy wearing glasses among the newcomers came out, holding a thick book in his hand. He lowered his glasses and said solemnly: "Radish flowers are also called 'evening flowers' , it doesn’t have any fragrance during the day, and it emits a unique smell until evening, and therefore, its flower language means ‘dusk’. Maybe they got into trouble because of this smell.”

This person had no sense of existence before, and Lou Fan only had an impression of his books, because Li Xin said that the things he brought in were his life-saving weapons. A book can be used as a weapon. This person must have liked reading very much before. Now it seems that the knowledge is also very wide, and this kind of partial knowledge is not known to ordinary people.

Seeing that it was getting dark, He Yong didn't care about other things, and immediately asked his team members to cover their mouths and noses to investigate, and found that the people in the field were not under attack, and asked them to carry four people out.

"Quick, let's go back first, it's getting dark." He Yong beckoned, eight people carried him and walked quickly towards the resettlement site.

The rest of the people were vigilant all around, not daring to take it lightly. Lou Fan and Qin Tan walked last, the surroundings were so quiet that only the panting of their companions could be heard, the whole village seemed to be dead silent, a gust of cool wind blew in, which made his skin crawl.

The scene of the ghost movie is nothing more than that.

Qin Tan frowned, holding his Tang Dao in his hand, the blade had a cold light, it looked like an extremely sharp knife. Seeing his appearance, Lou Fan didn't dare to be careless, took off his own bow and held it in his hand, ready to draw the bow and shoot arrows at any time.

Fortunately, all the way back to the resettlement site was safe and sound. At this time, the sky was completely dark. Like a machine, after complete darkness, a round and big moon suddenly appeared in the sky.

Lou Fan turned and closed the door, the distant scenery was completely shrouded in darkness, and there seemed to be several shadows in the darkness. He closed the door with a bang, as if he had cut off the darkness and was born under the light again.

Leaning against the door to soothe his heart that was about to jump out of his chest, the next moment he immediately left the door, for fear of being a step too late.

"What's the matter?" Qin Tan heard the door closing and turned to look at him, he was very keen, "What did you see?"

Lou Fan shook his head, looked at him and asked, "Qin Tan, are you afraid of ghosts?"

Qin Tan laughed, "I didn't expect you to be afraid of ghosts. No one is afraid of ghosts. Ghosts are no one to be afraid of."

Lou Fan gave him a thumbs up and said distinguishingly, "I'm not afraid of ghosts."

Not long after, Lou Fan discovered that god-fucking people are scarier than ghosts, and ghosts are so frighteningly scary!


The four people who passed out woke up in the middle of the night, everyone was relieved and asked what was going on.

The members of the first-level team looked bewildered and didn't know what happened. "After I sent the signal flare, I didn't know anything. I just smelled a strange fragrance."

Lou Fan suddenly had a brain hole, "The old man won't let us pick fragrant flowers?"

His brain hole made He Yong frown, the folds in the middle can kill a mosquito. "This mission won't be that difficult."

Even though he said that, he didn't have a clue in his heart. So far, two days have passed, and they just got a little clue, and they haven't even seen Erniang Yu's shadow. If Lou Fan really followed Lou Fan's plan, it would be the fourth day after picking the flowers for the old man. After finding Yu Erniang, they don't know what else will happen to them. Their task is to solve Yu Erniang.

The more he thought about it, the bigger his head became. He Yong sighed and waved for everyone to rest. I hope it's not the same as Lou Fan thinks.

In fact, Lou Fan was overthinking it. The next day they picked the radish flowers and went straight to the old man. After giving the flowers to the old man, he was obviously very satisfied. When He Yong asked again if he knew Yu Erniang, he stroked the non-existent beard, looked at the sky and thought for a minute.

"Yu Erniang, let me think about it, she died a long time ago." After the old man finished speaking, he took the radish flowers into the house.

He Yong's eyes widened, "Is this the end?" This is the clue, what a joke!

"The spiritual world, we should have thought of this earlier, it can't be a living person." Someone said.

"Then go to the cemetery, it must be nearby." He Yong roared, this mission was going to suffocate him. "Time waits for no one, so spread out and look for it."

It's a pity that He Yong is leading the team for the first time, and his experience is still a bit lacking. In the past, the senior team took them with them, and he just obeyed orders and didn't need to use his brain.

Lou Fan felt that things were not that simple, the old man must be the key, isn't it true for all the key characters in the game.

When everyone left, only he and Qin Tan were left standing in place. Qin Tan looked at him, he looked at Qin Tan, and the two looked at each other.

"What do you think?" Qin Tan asked.

Lou Fan: "I think I should ask him again, I'm going to pick radish flowers."

"How do you know he will answer you again?"

Lou Fan: "If you don't try, how will you know? Could it be that you really went aimlessly to find the grave, and then what? The task is to find Yu Erniang, not Yu Erniang's grave."

Qin Tan: "Let's go, pick the flowers."

Lou Fan smiled, revealing a small canine tooth, "Knowledgeable."

He was still very afraid that Qin Tan would not agree with him, and of course he had no intention of persuading Qin Tan to follow him to pick flowers, of course he could also choose to go to the grave. Unexpectedly, Qin Tan would immediately agree, and he planned to say a few more words, but the two hit it off right away.

With a clear goal, the two rushed to the flower field to pick a handful of flowers, and then returned to the old man. Sure enough, the old man stood outside and waited again.

"Master, do you know where Erniang Yu is?" Lou Fan asked.

"Let me think about it. It's getting dark, ouch, my radish flowers are still in the field, what should I do?" I repeated the words again.

Lou Fan: Old man, you're probably a dramatist. Open your eyes and talk nonsense, it's still noon.

Seeing Lou Fan's speechless expression, Qin Tan frowned slightly, and handed a flower to the old man.

The old man took the flowers and replied, "Isn't Yu Erniang buried in the back mountain?"

After the old man finished speaking, he went back into the house, and when he came out again, Lou Fan asked again, "Where did Erniang Yu live?"

"Let me think about it. It's getting dark, ouch, my radish flowers are still in the field, what should I do?"

Qin Tan handed over another flower.

"Yu Erniang lives in the room at the end of the village, there is a tree at the door." After speaking, the old man went in again, and did not come out after waiting for a long time.

Lou Fan stared, "Why didn't you come out?"

Qin Tan thought for a while, rubbing the flowers in his hands, "Maybe there are only three opportunities to ask questions a day."

Lou Fan thought about it, and sighed, "It's all my fault that I didn't think about it before asking. I should think about it."

Qin Tan comforted: "It's okay, I still have another chance tomorrow, besides, you have to ask more times if you think of it, otherwise the two times will be in vain."

Receiving Qin Tan's comfort, Lou Fan could only tell himself in his heart that he had to think more about it next time, if there was only one chance to ask so casually, it would be a disaster.

"Where do you want to go now?" Qin Tan changed the subject.

Lou Fan thought for a while and said, "I want to go see where she lives first." He then asked Qin Tan, "What about you?"

Qin Tan said, "Just as you said."

Lou Fan didn't think much about it, he just felt that his companion was willing to accommodate him. "Okay, let's go to the residence first. Next time, follow your idea, fair."

The two didn't immediately tell the others where the cemetery was, they just planned to go to the residence to see it first. If you find it, notify other people. If you don't find it, they will go to the cemetery to find someone.

Luoyang Ancient Village is not too big, and it only takes 20 minutes to walk from the beginning of the village to the end of the village. The two of them walked all the way, and they packed some food when they saw it on the way. We will soon reach the end of the village.

At the end of the village, there is no house with a tree at the door, only a scorched black dead tree. Behind the tree is a flat land, and only some scorched traces can be seen.

Qin Tan knelt down to check, then looked at Lou Fan, "This house was also burned."

"That proves that Erniang Yu did indeed live here, so did the house burn down after she died, or was she just burned to death?" Lou Fan rubbed his chin, feeling like he had become a detective. "The task is to find Yu Erniang, I don't think it will be over if you find the cemetery."

Lou Fan was still thinking, Qin Tan sighed helplessly, "Come tonight."

Lou Fan froze, and looked at Qin Tan in disbelief, "You mean looking for Yu Erniang's ghost?"

He is still a little bit against this kind of spiritual world at present, but Qin Tan's expression has already explained everything - yes, what they are looking for is Yu Erniang's ghost.

Qin Tan: "Go back and discuss with them. You are a newcomer, you just need to get on the bus on time, and you don't need to follow to find ghosts."