Looting Equipment From NPCs

Chapter 40


Wen Lang copied his hands, "Hit! I think both of you are too weak, you should use more force to beat to death."

Han Yu spat out a mouthful of blood with a pooh, "It's really fucking sick."

Wen Lang glanced at him, then turned to ask Jiang Yiran, "What's going on?"

Jiang Yiran immediately said excitedly, "He is so shameless! When the big snake came out, he pulled Qi Shan in front of him to block it. Qi Shan was weak and couldn't break free."

Wen Lang suddenly looked at Han Yu's eyes and changed, "Fuck, are you still a fucking man?"

Knowing that he couldn't beat the old man, Han Yu turned his face away and said nothing.

Zhang Zhang's team also gathered around, and two of the girls heard it, and immediately wanted to go up, but Zhang Zhang held him back.

Zhang Zhang looked at Han Yu, "You are a man, you can't even have this bottom line. You can escape by yourself, but it's a bit too much to pull a woman in front of you."

Han Yu had nothing to say.

Jiang Dong stood behind Wen Lang, "If a person like you falls into my hands, I'm afraid I won't be able to carry on the family line in this life." The scalpel in his hand was flying at the fingertips, and the cold light was cold.

Wen Lang turned his head to the side, and finally felt that he was pleasing to the eye once.

Qin Tan and Lou Fan walked over, and Qin Tan looked at Han Yu indifferently, "Captain Zhang, do you want to keep this man? I dare not keep him. If my team members are attacked, then I won't guarantee it." Can keep him alive."

Zhang Zhang spread his hands, "If you don't stay, of course I won't stay either."

Han Yu looked at them in disbelief. He didn't expect that he would be left behind just by using a woman as a shield. If anything sprang out of this place, it could kill him.

"No, no, don't leave me!" Han Yu argued, "I was afraid for a while, I didn't think about it so much, I was wrong, can't I be wrong? Don't leave me. I'm just afraid."

"Aren't you afraid of being scared?" Lou Fan didn't like the way he looked at him. He hated people who bullied the disadvantaged.

"Is Qi Shan injured?" Seeing her shaking her head, Lou Fan said again, "Then let's go quickly, don't waste time."

Everyone left as they said, and Han Yu wanted to follow. Fu Chun of the eighth-level team received glances from the two women, raised his cooking shovel and swung it at the tree beside him.

There was only a click, and the tree trunk broke and fell down.

Han Yu was startled and dared not move again. Gritting his teeth, he dared not speak out. I can only wait for the group of people to go far away before slowly following. He looked around anxiously, always feeling that there was something spying in the dark, ready to jump out at any moment and swallow him in one gulp.

The woods here are not very lush, but when a person is afraid in his heart, those shadowy tree shadows look so terrifying.

Seeing that the people in front didn't pay attention to him, Han Yu quickened his pace, and finally got closer and closer. He could hear their voices, and he felt a little more at ease.

If he had known that he could hide well, it would have been fine, who would have let his cheap instinct grab Qi Shan and hide behind him. This is all right, there is no need to pretend to be a good person, but the asylum is gone.

Wen Lang glanced back, "That Han Yu really made an inch, and actually followed up again."

Qi Shan was actually not very scared. She was comforted by the two sisters and felt warm in her heart. She has been the unpopular person since she was a child, and she is very flattered that everyone treats her so well now.

With a smile on her face, she stopped shrinking her body and raised her head and chest.

Lou Fan glanced back and saw that Han Yu had stopped in his tracks. He turned his head, expressionless, "Let him go, we can't force people to death, that's all."

He is not the Holy Mother, but he will not be a person who insists on putting people to death. As long as he is not an eyesore in front of him, it is his ability to go back to Liuli alive.

Several people were talking when Zhang Zhang, who was leading the battle, stopped. They lined up in a line, so they couldn't see the scene ahead. Seeing Zhang Zhang stop, the people behind also moved forward.

Seeing the scene ahead, everyone seemed to be nailed in place.

It was an open land, but it was densely covered with holes of all sizes. This scene is very similar to a hole made by a groundhog on the prairie, but they know that this is not a groundhog, but a snake hole.

Dense snake holes. Just thinking of that scene gave goosebumps all over my body.

Han Yu didn't know what happened in front of him, he only saw a group of people standing there motionless. He was as curious as a cat scratching, and wanted to go up and have a look. At this time, a black shadow flashed past him.

Han Yu froze for a moment, then ran forward screaming, "Ah! Help!"

The people who were stupefied turned their heads vigilantly and saw Han Yu running towards them.

Qin Tan frowned and asked, "What's going on?"

Panting heavily, Han Yu pointed at the place where he was standing just now with shaking fingers, "There's something over there! It's too fast, I didn't see it clearly." The small one was like lightning.

Wen Lang obviously didn't believe him, "Could it be that you made a deliberate appearance to deceive us?"

This person is not honest at all, he is as cunning as a loach, and he is more social than him.

"Okay, don't worry about that, let's discuss what's in front of us first." Zhang Zhang didn't pay attention to Han Yu at all, the situation in front of him was much more important than him.

Only then did Han Yu see the densely packed holes. He swallowed and couldn't help but ask, "Is this a snake hole?"

Wen Lang glanced at him, "Could it be an earthworm cave?"

"Captain Qin, what do you think?" Zhang Zhang said.

Qin Tan let out a breath, "Based on the situation, it might be the snake cave below. It must be dangerous to go down, but there is a high chance of completing the task as soon as possible, whether it is the dragon crystal grass we want or the snake you want to kill .”

Zhang Zhang nodded. He thought so too. Although it was dangerous down there, it also meant that there was a high chance of encountering a snake, so there was no need to wander around to find it. But if you are caught by a snake, the risk factor is too high.

"Let's discuss each other and act according to the decisions of our respective teams." Qin Tan thought for a while, and if the two teams had the same opinion, they would cooperate together. Let’s talk about the difference, anyway, they are just looking for grass, if they find a snake, they will run away if they can’t win.

They are very straightforward here, but Zhang Zhang and the others are different. Leaving aside the time it takes to find the snake, in his opinion, their dealing with the snake is still a bit embarrassing. The snake just now, if there is no way to fix it, it's really useless. The strength of the two girls in their team is not weak, but they are still not as strong as the men. Du Feng's gloves are powerful enough to wear, but ordinary ropes are not enough to hold a long snake.

Zhang Zhang tends to cooperate with them and share his thoughts with the team members. Fuchun always refers to where to fight. You Xing is the most thoughtful one, and Du Feng and his brother also listen to everyone's opinions.

You Xing thought for a while and said, "If they can help us, then let's go down. I think they should go down."

She was right. Several people upstairs unanimously decided to go down and try their luck. Although it seems that there are so many snake holes on the top, there may not be so many snakes below, and according to experience, it should be connected.

"Shu Yang walks among us, and Qin Tan and I lead the battle. Wen Lang and Jiang Dong watch out for the rear, and we must pay attention to safety." After Lou Fan finished speaking, he took out the radish flowers in his bag. He brought a total of fifteen radish flowers. In the end, there were fifteen, and one person divided two. "I've tried this radish flower, as long as you crush it and apply it on the opponent's body, it will have a coma effect. It has been tested on people, but I don't know how it will work on snakes."

Everyone put away the radish flowers, and he took out the immobilizing amulet from his bag, "I got this thing in exchange, and I haven't tried it yet, but the other party said that it can fix creatures within five meters of me, and it will save my life. Keep it."

After the distribution, Chen Shuyang was still staring at him with bright eyes, and Lou Fan suddenly smiled, "Why, are you still waiting for me to bring out something good? No, I'm not Doraemon, these are all my wealth."

Even though he was teasing like this, Wen Lang was already very satisfied. You must know that when these are placed in the market, everyone will scramble for them. Jiang Dong was the same, he only felt that the things in his hands were heavy, and these were life-saving things, but Lou Fan took them out so casually.

Lou Fan didn't know what they were thinking, he only knew that they could survive if the team was strong.

The three newcomers were a little apprehensive, what would they do if the old man wanted to go down the cave? Jiang Yiran stood with Qi Shan, Qi Shan had no expression of fear on her face, while Jiang Yiran was a little nervous. Han Yu stood alone, his eyes flickering around in a panic.

Both sides have discussed it, and Zhang Zhang and Qin Tan got together to synthesize their opinions and plan the next matters.

Chen Shuyang was telling Jiang Yiran and Qi Shan the precautions, telling them to hide aside and wait for them to come back, and distributed some food to them. He glanced sideways at Han Yu, and said in a low voice, "You two, protect yourself and your food, and run away if something goes wrong, but don't stay too far away, and you won't be found by then."

Wen Lang and Jiang Dong were preparing their own things, putting their weapons in a convenient place for easy access.

Lou Fan sat and ate. He had all his belongings in his backpack, as well as some sweets he liked. There is a kind of snack in the glass exchange machine called butter beans, which is very suitable for his taste. It is sweet and fragrant, and he likes it very much. At this moment, he was picking out butter beans and throwing them into his mouth, while imagining what it would be like under the hole.

As he thought about it, his hand lost his aim, and a butter bean fell to the ground and rolled into the edge of the grass beside him. I don't know if it was because of the shaking of my hand, but I missed it again, and another butter bean rolled to the same place.

Lou Fan walked over to take a look, and it seemed that something was wrong—the first butter bean was missing.

He stared at the second butter bean for a long time, but there was no movement in the grass. He looked away, and deliberately 'missed' to throw one in the past, while paying attention to the grass from the corner of his eye.

Something flashed by, and the butter bean disappeared in an instant. The thing moved so fast that Lou Fan didn't even see what it was.

What is it

Lou Fan patted his butt and stood up, still holding a handful of butter beans in his hand. He didn't seem to care, and dropped one after walking a few steps, forming a straight line. He walked a few steps quickly, dropped another one, and hid himself behind the same tree. He found a very clever place, some distance away from the crowd, so as not to scare the thing, and if it appeared, he could see clearly what it was at the first time.