Looting Equipment From NPCs

Chapter 44


In the dark cave, only Qin Tan, the leader, turned on the flashlight. Their speed was very fast, the light of the torch flickered, and Qin Tan finally slowed down after chasing five branch holes.

Chen Shuyang supported his knees to pant, and looked back into the depths of the darkness, "There seems to be nothing following."

Wen Lang's physical strength was worse than Chen Shuyang's, and he had already leaned against the wall to rest, and kept complaining: "Let me just say it! The eighth-level team is really... well, I don't know how they are. They were senior children just now, right?" , It's really scary, I saw the snake under his feet, it was so big. Fortunately, we ran fast."

When Qitong appeared, a group of snakes surrounded his feet. Those snakes looked much bigger than the three they killed, if they really encountered... that would be a really tough battle.

At this moment, they don't know that the eighth-level team that separated from them has lost a member.

Speaking of which, Loufan's warning was so timely, Wen Lang was so impressed, "Brother Lou, your forecasting function is too good. If it weren't for you, we would probably be in trouble."

Lou Fan touched the hairball on his chest and took it out from his chest. A small ball of snow-white fur is like a snow dumpling in the palm of your hand.

"You should thank the furball this time, it reminded me." At that time, he thought it was wrong, but if the furball didn't bark, he wouldn't react so quickly.

Mao Qiu was stared at by everyone's curiosity, blinked Mung Dou's eyes, turned to look at Lou Fan, saw him smiling and nodding, and then chirped at everyone.

Chen Shuyang used to raise a teacup Teddy at home, and he was very affectionate with him. Now seeing the fluffy fur ball, I immediately like it very much. "Brother Lou, what kind of animal is this? I don't think I've seen it before."

Lou Fan said: "I also want to know what it is, but you don't even know it. Do you think I might know it? Besides, what kind of place is this? It's not normal for creatures that appear to be unrecorded."

That's right. Chen Shuyang nodded, and suddenly asked, "Brother Lou, do you want to bring it back to Liuli?"

Lou Fan was stunned by this question. He looked at Jiang Dong inquiringly. When it came to collecting information, he knew the most.

Jiang Dong thought for a while, "I haven't paid special attention to this information, but I don't seem to have heard of anyone bringing other creatures to Liuli."

After he said this, Lou Fan realized that they had never seen any other animals in Liuli.

He sighed, "Let's talk about it later, I kind of like fur balls."

As if feeling that his mood suddenly brightened, Maoqiu turned its head and stretched out its little paw to scratch his palm, and chirped at him twice. Lou Fan stretched out his fingers and poked its furry body, then stuffed it back to his chest.

"Now, where are we going, what's the next plan?" He asked Qin Tan.

Qin Tan didn't even think about it, "You lead the way and follow your feelings. I don't know what's going on with Zhang Zhang, and we can't go back to find them. Even if they escape, we don't know when we will meet them. Let's go with fate. Let's first Find Dragon Crystal Grass to complete the task."

"If the long snake comes out, can the five of us beat it?"

Qin Tan laughed, "Hit hard, we can barely do it."

After all, the five of them can attack from a distance and a distance, but they lack a powerful weapon. For example, Zhang Zhang's chainsaw and Qin Tan's Tang Dao can deal with it generally, but such a large monster still needs a heavy weapon.

At this time, it was past six o'clock in the morning, and there was no light in the cave, and it was completely illuminated by the torch. Because they were looking for Dragon Crystal Grass, all five of them turned on their flashlights. They were not in a hurry, and looked very leisurely as they walked, nibbling on breakfast biscuits.


Heavy footsteps sounded one after another in the black hole. You Xing's face was full of tears. She raised her arm and wiped it, and the tears that had just disappeared rolled down again.

Since she came into this strange world, she met Fuchun, and then she met Zhang Zhang and Du Feng. Speaking of which, she was more familiar with Fuchun. But now, that honest and slightly chubby elder brother is gone, and she knows that there is almost no possibility of surviving.

Zhang Zhang had a sullen face, and the Northeast man who used to always smile now only had remorse and guilt on his face. He shouldn't be too careless, Qin Tan and the others have already reminded him, but he still put his safety aside for the immediate benefit, regardless of the safety of the team members.

It was his fault.

The Du Feng siblings also looked solemn. Originally, the five of them had a hard time dealing with the long snake, but now there is one Fuchun missing, and what's worse, they got separated from the junior team.

"Captain, what should we do now?" After a little hesitation, Du Feng still asked.

Zhang Zhang slowed down and finally stopped. His eyes passed over his team members, and he sighed softly, "I'm sorry, what happened to Fu Chun is my fault." He wanted to apologize to Fu Chun, but he was not there.

You Xing wiped away tears, and said firmly: "Captain, Brother Fu Chun will definitely not blame you. Let's discuss what to do next."

Seeing that Zhang Zhang was still immersed in regret and self-blame, You Xing continued: "We sprinkled fluorescent powder on the way here, but the junior team didn't know, they might not be able to find the way out. But now we also go astray It’s impossible to find the way just now.” They were busy fleeing for their lives just now, and when they encountered a fork in the road, they didn’t choose, so they just rushed forward, even if they wanted to go back to the cave now, it was impossible.

But that doesn't stop them from using this as a bargaining chip.

"Captain, I'm afraid we still need to find Captain Qin and the others and ask them to help."

Du Feng nodded in agreement, "Give me some more benefits, otherwise I'm afraid they won't be dedicated."

Perhaps because of suffering in the mission world, Du Feng felt that most people would not help for no reason, who would do anything that was not beneficial? It's not the great benevolent people who save the suffering people.

In fact, Zhang Zhang had a good impression of Qin Tan and the others. Regardless of the moment, he just nodded, "Okay, I will do as you said. I will prepare things, and now go find someone."

Chen Shuyang squeezed to Lou Fan's side, he took out a chocolate bean to tease the fur ball, suddenly remembered something, and asked: "Brother Lou, we are walking around like this now, how will we get out then? Can we still find the hole that came down? "

It happened that the five of them passed by a hole, and Lou Fan looked up at the little white dot above his head, "There are so many holes, we must be able to get out. I think there are other exits."

When he said that, Chen Shuyang immediately felt relieved, and continued to tease the hairball carelessly. But Lou Fan wasn't as big-hearted as he was, and what he said was just to calm everyone's hearts. The elderly children seem to be haunted, and it seems that there is no need for such things as entrances and exits. Then can they really find the exit after completing the task

As if seeing his worry, Qin Tan took his hand and squeezed it, comfortingly said: "Don't worry, there must be a solution. Jiang Dong didn't say that there is no inevitable situation, there must be a way out."

Wen Lang stared at the hands held by the two people in front of him, opened his mouth and almost screamed, but Jiang Dong covered his mouth.

"He, he, they..." Wen Lang turned his head stiffly to look at Jiang Dong, hoping to get some comfort from him.

But Jiang Dong looked calm, and raised his eyebrows at him, "That's what you think. Also, what's the matter with your expression at the scene of catching rape?"

"You already knew?!"

Jiang Dong nodded, "Not too long."

Wen Lang clutched his little heart, feeling a little unable to breathe. He just said why it feels a bit weird between the two of them, how did they develop so fast, and they are together? Although it felt a bit too fast, but now that he knew it, he felt that the two of them should be together, which was not too unexpected for him.

Turning his head to see Chen Shuyang next to the two of them, he looked sympathetic. There was someone more stupid than him, who suddenly felt comforted.

He touched Jiang Dong with his arm, and said angrily: "Hey, you are too mean, you didn't tell me earlier, let me have a mental preparation."

"What is there to prepare for?" Jiang Dong was helpless.

Wen Lang: "Anyway, they are two old men. Besides, both of them are objects of my admiration, so I can't tell them in advance to make people prepare."

The bosses you admire are all masters, and your mentality has collapsed, okay

The fur ball was teased by Chen Shuyang's chocolate beans, and the more he looked at it, the more he liked it.

"Brother Lou, I got it!" Chen Shuyang looked at the fur ball, his eyes lit up suddenly, and he shouted happily. "Will Maoqiu help us find the dragon crystal grass? Didn't Brother Lou say that Maoqiu picked the second dragonjing grass before?" They almost faced the attack of two snakes.

"It's a good idea, try it." Lou Fan grabbed the fur ball and said to its mung bean-sized eyes: "Fur ball, do you still remember the dragon crystal grass, the one you gave me just now, can you take us Are you looking for it?"

After Lou Fan finished speaking, he looked at it expectantly.

The other four people also gathered around, and the weak and helpless Fuqiu became the most shining one in the crowd again, chirping twice, and buried himself in Lou Fan's palm.

Is this embarrassing

Lou Fan stretched out his finger and poked it, "Don't pretend to be dead, what a shame!"

Chen Shuyang stopped him and said doubtfully: "No, that's what Jiang Yiran told me, any cute pet can find a baby, and he can find a way."

Lou Fan almost didn't come up, and slapped Chen Shuyang's head hard, "Jiang Yiran was poisoned by novels, okay, you don't learn, it's useless to learn all these things."

Chen Shuyang touched his head aggrievedly, "He dragged me to talk."

"What else did he say?"

"I also said that if I take something and give it a smell, I can find it."

Lou Fan: "Isn't that a dog?"

It doesn't matter if it's a dog or not, Lou Fan took the dragon crystal grass from the bag, put the grass in front of Maoqiu under everyone's eyes, and said with a smile: "Maoqiu, come, just this grass, you take us If I find it, I'll give you butter beans, okay?"

Mao Qiu raised his head, blinked his small mung bean-like eyes, and chirped twice. Then it jumped from Lou Fan's palm to the ground, and before everyone could react, it swished out.

Lou Fan:! ! !

"Furball! Come back to me!" Lou Fan yelled hastily.

Can you give me a buffer, just run away, who can keep up with its speed! Lou Fan was anxious, what if he got lost

The next moment, the little white ball came back in front of him, jumped on him a few times, and jumped back into the palm of his hand.

Lou Fan picked it up by its skin, "Who told you to run so fast? Do we have to wait until we find out? What if we lose it? Do you still want to eat butter beans!"

After he finished his lesson, he heard Maoqiu chirp aggrievedly.

Qin Tan couldn't see it, and said to Lou Fan, "Don't bully it."

Lou Fan's eyes widened, and he suddenly became unwilling, "You actually said me!"

What's with this feeling of falling out of favor? !

Qin Tan laughed, "Hurry up."

Well, he just cares about the task.

Wen Lang: I refuse to eat this dog food!

Lou Fan asked everyone to get ready, and put the fur ball on the ground again, "Okay, let's go, fur ball, slow down."

This time the fur ball is very good, it is very fast, but it jumps and stops. That scene was really funny, Lou Fan was in a good mood, and decided to give a few more butter beans as a reward later.

Even when the fur ball slowed down, the five of them had to run very fast to keep up.

After about ten minutes, Chen Shuyang felt that he had run for several thousand meters and was so tired that he could not breathe. When he stopped, he immediately found the dragon crystal grass not far away.

That dragon crystal grass is much bigger than the previous three.

Jiang Dong walked over cautiously, observing carefully at a distance of half a meter from the dragon crystal grass, lest someone accidentally touch the dragon crystal grass and lead the snake out.

This dragon crystal grass is darker in color, and compared to the previous grass that has no feet like a dragon, this one can faintly see claws that resemble feet. It is said to be grass, but it is as lifelike as a dragon that is really about to soar into the clouds.

It's not easy to mess with.

Jiang Dong retracted, with a dignified expression, "It's Dragon Crystal Grass, but it looks more 'mature'. I'm afraid the long snake behind it is not easy to deal with."

Lou Fan looked helplessly at the hairball in his hand who was buried in butter beans and was happily eating. After looking for such a powerful one, let them pick it or not

"What should I do, pick it up or not?"

High risk means high return, so here comes the problem, their quest only requires ten dragon crystal grasses, and they didn’t say what kind of quality they want, besides, they don’t know if they can bring back the quest items in the end, what if Wouldn't it be a loss if it disappeared.

At the time of the two difficult choices, Maoqiu finished eating butter beans, looked up at everyone, and found that no one responded, and the dragon crystal grass was still in place, whoosh...

Lou Fan only had time to stare at Maoqiu, and then put the dragon crystal grass into the bag, and the long snake had already appeared over there.

Gritting his teeth is no longer enough to describe his mood. At this moment, he only thinks about how to quickly get rid of the long snake. It's a pity that the eighth-level team is not here, otherwise the task progress will be one more.

The snake was exactly as Jiang Dong expected, it was indeed much bigger. It was as thick as the arms of three people, and the thin scales all over the body were shining, so it was very hard at first glance. The blood basin opened its mouth wide, and the snake letter hissed, and the two eyes emitted a faint green light.

"Be careful! Spread out!" Qin Tan shouted.

Pushing away the stairs, he lifted the knife and rolled to the side, the long snake's head bumped into the stone wall, the stone wall was hard and the snake's head seemed to be even harder, causing a big crack in the stone wall.

Wen Lang and Jiang Dong had been on their side for a long time, one threw out the nine-section whip, and the other threw out the bandage. It's a pity that Wen Lang's nine-section whip was too short to deal with this long snake, and he couldn't wrap it around it. The long snake immediately turned its head to his side, and he immediately rolled over and passed through the snake's belly, at least he was not bitten.

"Think of a way! The whip won't hold you back!"

He shouted while running, Jiang Dong immediately said: "Come to me."

Wen Lang ran over immediately. The long snake behind him was held back by Lou Fan and Qin Tan, the snake was too big to get close. While Lou Fan was shooting arrows to attract attention, Qin Tan took the opportunity to attack the snake's belly, but the snake's belly was as hard as a stone.

Jiang Dong handed the bandage partition in his hand to Wen Lang, who took the bandage and immediately wrapped it around his hand. Jiang Dong immediately ran to the snake head, and wrapped a bandage around it.

Fortunately, Jiangdong's spiritual weapon is a bandage. Ordinary people throw the bandage, how to wrap it on the net when they are soft, but only the spiritual weapon can have this effect. Like a rope, it can be wrapped automatically, which greatly facilitates them.

Jiang Dong pulled the snake's head only to realize that the snake's head is not as easy as pulling the snake's tail. The head of the snake moves violently, and you have to be careful not to be caught and bitten by the snake. If it goes east, you have to go west. If it goes the other way, you have to run to the other side quickly. It can be seen that Lang never said that when he almost lost his strength, he was stopped upstairs.

It's still the same operation, but the effect is greatly reduced, Qin Tan's Tang knife can't cut it. Lou Fan had to keep shooting phoenix feather arrows to attract the attention of the snake, he was afraid that the snake would hurt Qin Tan.

"What to do, what to do?" Chen Shuyang's dagger was useless at all, and he was circling anxiously while hiding at the entrance of the cave.

Gritting his teeth, Chen Shuyang raised his short sword and rushed forward. Even if he couldn't hurt the snake, he still had to attract attention to give Brother Qin a chance, otherwise the longer the time, the worse it would be for them.

The nature of creatures is probably to bully the weak and be afraid of the strong, and not to hurt others, Chen Shuyang's arrival gave the long snake a chance, it immediately gave up fighting with Qin Tan, turned around and rushed towards Chen Shuyang.

The bloody mouth came with a strong stench, and Chen Shuyang was stunned, as if he had been cast under a spell for a moment, and he couldn't move. Lou Fan pulled out the sword from his waist and raised it up. The immobilizing amulet in his left hand was already in the palm of his hand, ready to be crushed at any time.

"Lou Fan!" Qin Tan's frightened voice sounded.

A white shadow flashed out from the chest, and rushed towards the long snake.

Time seemed to be frozen at that moment, before Lou Fan even came back to his senses, the next moment, the long snake fell straight from the midair and fell to the ground with a bang, shaking the surrounding space.

"Furball!" Lou Fan yelled suddenly, and ran to the long snake to look for the furball.

The Mao Tuanzi came out of nowhere, and the white hair on its body was stained with blood. It ran to the foot of the building, shook its body, and the blood stains on its body were immediately shaken off, like shaking the rain on an umbrella, and its fur returned to snow-white again.

Holding a dark red bead in its small paw, he handed it to Lou Fan triumphantly.

Qin Tan, Wen Lang, and Jiang Dong came from the other side of the snake.

Wen Lang: "Brother Lou, what did you do, why did this snake die suddenly?"

Qin Tan looked Lou Fan up and down, making sure he didn't see any wounds, so he still asked worriedly, "Aren't you injured?"

Lou Fan shook his head, "It's okay, it died before I even touched it. It should be a hairball."

Mao Tuan once again refreshed everyone's understanding of its force value.

Chen Shuyang was so frightened that his hands and feet became stiff just now, thinking that he was going to die, but now after the catastrophe, Yu Sheng slipped from the stone wall and fell to the ground, letting out a long breath. His back was covered with sweat and his clothes were soaked.

The eyes looking at the hairball became fiery.

In the future, it is better not to do things like being a hero, just quietly stand aside and be a handsome man, after all, my character is set as an encyclopedia, with brainpower. Martial force and the like are just floating clouds, and it is not as important as trying to curry favor with Mao Tuan.

Qin Tan would not be fooled by his interruption, he frowned and said in a deep voice, "Don't do such a dangerous thing again next time." Kanlou Fan opened his mouth to argue, Qin Tan said again: "You have other There are ways to keep ourselves from being in danger, and equipment is the tool we use to help us survive, and we can find it again if we lose it.”

Lou Fan also knew that he had been a little reckless this time, he just wanted to wait until it really didn't work out before using the talisman, after all things are hard to get.

Now? Forget it, life is more important. He was also afraid that he would not survive. He just found a boyfriend, and he still didn't do what he should do. If he died, it would be too bad!

In order to change the subject, Lou Fan pinched the beads and asked the fur ball, "What is this?"

The furball raised its small paw and pointed at the long snake.

Inside the snake

"Isn't snake gall like this?" Lou Fan turned around and asked Jiang Dong. He is a doctor.

Jiang Dong couldn't help but smile, "I'm a surgeon, not a veterinarian. But snake gallbladder really doesn't look like this."

Fuqiu took out a butter bean from his fur, pointed to the bead, put the butter bean into his mouth, and ate it.

To eat

Lou Fan looked at Qin Tan and then at the bead in his hand, knowing that it was inside the snake's body, why did he feel a little bit hesitant to put his mouth down.

Qin Tan took it with a frown, stuffed it into his mouth, and gulped it down.

"Eh? How could you just eat like that?" Lou Fan nervously opened Qin Tan's mouth, put his feet on his feet and looked inside, "Did you swallow it? Can you spit it out? Are you stupid!"

Qin Tan looked down at him, and pulled him into his arms, "Huh? Am I stupid or are you stupid? Think I don't know you want to swallow it yourself, what if something goes wrong?"

Lou Fan thumped him, "Then what if you have a problem?"

"Don't worry, I won't make you a widow."

Lou Fan: ...

Wen Lang already knew about the relationship between the two, but at this moment he still felt that his heart as a single dog had been violently attacked. He felt that he needed to call 120 for first aid.

Chen Shuyang was in a daze, as if he hadn't realized how things turned around. What kind of rhythm is this? Why did it jump to the step of being a widow, and who is the one below

Just as Qin Tan finished speaking, his expression suddenly changed, and his arm muscles tensed. Lou Fan immediately sensed that something was wrong with him, and quickly grabbed his arm.

"Qin Tan! Qin Tan, what's wrong with you? Don't scare me!" Lou Fan helped Qin Tan, who had a liver-colored face, to the side and sat down, picked up the fur ball, and roared, "What the hell is that! Can I eat it or not!"

Jiang Dong immediately began to check Qin Tan's status. Wen Lang and Chen Shuyang helped him untie Qin Tan's backpack and weapon.

Lou Fan was already flustered at this moment, he completely forgot that Fuqiu could not speak at all, his roar frightened Fuqiu, and the fur all over his body stood up like spikes, but the place Lou Fan was holding was still a soft ball .

The author has something to say:

Let me tell you, this is a fat stamp from three liters of yards I vomited blood.

Just ask you, fat or not

Lou Fan: Well, mom, you should lose weight...

Thanks to the little angels for irrigating me with nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angels of the irrigation nutrient solution: 10 bottles of Shaosan, 5 bottles of Myosotis sylvatica, 2 bottles of Baili Perilla, 1 bottle of Ice Crystal Weiyu, and 1 bottle of Mo

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard! ^_^