Looting Equipment From NPCs

Chapter 56


The transparent fishing line collapsed straight in the air, Chen Changdong held the fishing rod tightly, and leaned back, unable to move even a little bit.

They ran a few steps outside. The huge resistance behind made it difficult for Chen Changdong to move forward. Three of the men could only help him hold the fishing rod. All four of them had bulging arms and hideous faces.

Liu Yue and Liu Xing were in a hurry, the blackness in front of them was getting thicker, and they didn't dare to go forward.

Chen Changdong was in a state of stalemate at the moment, he couldn't let go of the spiritual weapon, he couldn't pull it out, and the situation was stalemate. Just when he was thinking about what to do, he suddenly felt his hand loosen, and the three teammates who were helping him thumped on the ground together with him.

The fishing line broke? !

Chen Changdong suddenly opened his eyes wide, and his face changed dramatically.

Liu Yue reacted the fastest and shouted: "Liu Xing, go, captain, get up!" After speaking, she stepped in front of Chen Changdong and pulled Chen Changdong up.

When the fishing line was broken, it was equivalent to Qin Tan's Tang knife being cut in two, and the ferocity of the evil spirit can be imagined.

A thick black mass came quickly, and the six turned around and ran away. Ma Ming was the last one. He got up too fast, slipped on his feet and fell back. It was just a matter of a moment, and the black group wrapped him in.

"Ah... uh uh uh." After the scream, there was a voice that made the scalp tingle.

Liu Xing couldn't help but look back, Ma Ming not far away could only see a head, with a frightened expression on his face and bright red blood tears streaming from his eyes. Not daring to look any further, Liu Xing turned his head with a pale face, only feeling cold all over.

Back in the circular corridor, the dim light above the head brought warmth to people, and the remaining five members of the tenth-level team were panting silently.

Chen Changdong's face was ugly. He didn't expect Ma Ming to die on the first night. Originally it was said that the tenth level was a hurdle, but relying on his own spiritual weapon, he felt that there was nothing to be afraid of. Now it seems that he underestimated the viciousness of the tenth level world.

Liu Xing held her sister's hand tightly, the image of Ma Ming just now echoed in her mind, she was afraid that she would become like that too.

Yuan Jin and Dong Xu were sweating. Ma Ming was behind them just now. When they were dragged away, they even felt that he wanted to grab their hand. Dong Xu tried to pull, but their hand slipped away.

Liu Yue was very calm at the moment, she said: "Captain, we forgot one thing, the coffin that sealed the evil spirits has not been found, and, to deal with the evil spirits, it seems that we must ask that eminent monk for help."

Chen Changdong also recalled it now, they really ignored these things. In the quest world, mutual generation and mutual restraint, this is something experienced people who have done a few quests can understand, no matter how bad it is, they can always know it from the mouths of seniors.

But they made mistakes at the beginning. One was to ignore the eminent monk, and the other was to fail to find the key coffin. Even if they caught the evil spirit just now, there was no way to seal it.

The most urgent task is to find the coffin first.

"Go back to the first floor and make plans. Go find Qin Tan and the others tomorrow." Chen Changdong gritted his teeth, checked his fishing rod, and found that the fishing line was indeed broken, and the hook at the front was also gone. Fortunately, the spiritual weapon can be repaired automatically. There will be in the morning.

The faces of the five people were solemn, and Dong Xu took the lead with his spiritual weapon. Twenty minutes later, they found that they were still in the circular corridor on the fourth floor, and there was no elevator to go down.

They are stuck.

Dong Xu was sweating all over his head, and turned his head to ask: "What should the captain do? If we can't find the exit, will the evil spirit come out to attack us?"

Liu Yue squeezed her younger sister's hand hard, trying to make her not be so afraid.

Chen Changdong couldn't help swearing, and then said: "Come out and fight. It's been nine worlds and you still want me to teach you? What are you afraid of? Have you never seen a ghost or something?"

Of course Dong Xu is not Mengxin, but this is the first time he has seen a ghost who can destroy the leader's spiritual weapon, and he lost his sense of control for a while.

Chen Changdong took out something from his bag and stuffed it into Dong Xu's hand, "Here, use this if you can't beat it."

Dong Xu saw that this was something the captain bought from a twelfth-level team. It was originally intended to save his life, but he didn't expect to give it to him now. He held it in his hand and looked at Chen Changdong again. His eyes were only fortitude and no fear.

Chen Changdong looked around and pointed, "Go there and stay there first, since there is no exit, don't waste your energy, wait until dawn."

Here Chen Changdong and the five were trapped on the fourth floor, and the five on the upper floor stayed safely in the master's lounge. Although the vibration of the basement floor could be felt under their feet, what did it have to do with them? Their task target stayed in the house well and was fast asleep. The five of them had a good time and were assigned a good night watch, taking turns to rest.

Before going to bed, Lou Fan glanced at the fur ball, it was still curled up into a ball, sleeping soundly. Lou Fan poked it and put it back.

After sleeping without dreams until the next day, Lou Fan had to open his eyes with a loud bang, a black shadow flashed in front of his eyes, Lou Fan followed without thinking.

In front of Qin Tan was the figure of an eminent monk, running fast, Lou Fan followed behind Qin Tan, Jiang Dong and Wen Lang followed behind him, and Chen Shuyang was at the end.

A group of people ran to the circular atrium, and saw a person lying on the ground with his limbs twisted, surrounded by several NPC passers-by who were pointing.

Jiang Dong stepped forward and took a look. Although the deceased was beyond recognition, he still recognized it. He turned his head and said solemnly: "This is a member of the tenth-level team. It should be called Ma Ming."

Tenth grade team

Lou Fan paused and asked in confusion: "Last night was the first night, and the tenth-level team lost a member? What happened to them?" He turned his head and looked around, but he didn't find anyone from the tenth-level team.

Wen Lang turned his head and happened to see Chen Changdong and the others getting off the elevator, "Brother Qinlou, the elevator is there."

Qin Tan looked over, the condition of the five people seemed to be okay, there was black and blue under their eyes, and they hadn't slept all night when they saw it. He looked at the deceased and walked towards Chen Changdong.

"Captain Chen, what happened to you last night? Your team members fell from the building just now." After Qin Tan finished speaking, he saw the surprised faces of the five people, apparently not knowing that the dead were his team members.

The eminent monk was squatting on the ground, cutting his nails and hair, still putting them away carefully.

Before Chen Changdong could speak to Qin Tan, he stopped the eminent monk first.

Liu Yue briefly explained their experience to Qin Tan, and Lou Fan listened to the general idea, that Ma Ming died last night, and should have been pushed down by the evil spirit this morning.

They were all on the same team, and Liu Xing thought of Ma Ming's eyes again. She found a piece of cloth from somewhere and covered Ma Ming's body.

Chen Changdong stopped the eminent monk, who looked at him expressionlessly. "Master, we have to deal with evil spirits, please give us a little help, or tell us where the coffin is, we can exchange things or buy them."

The master remained expressionless, as if he hadn't heard.

Chen Changdong stared at the eminent monk, asking for some key item, but the eminent monk didn't mention anything, who knows what the key item is? He turned his head to look at Qin Tan, the junior team followed the eminent monk yesterday, and he didn't know if they knew anything.

"Captain Chen, are you looking for a coffin?" Lou Fan leaned over and walked out from behind Qin Tan.

Chen Changdong nodded, wondering if he knew something.

Lou Fan pretended to think about it, "I seem to know something about this. Our team analyzed it in advance, and the master revealed something to us last night. If you really want to know, I can tell you."

Chen Changdong immediately said, "Where is it?"

Lou Fan laughed, "Captain Chen wants to exchange information with us? We accept everything, points are fine, and the equipment is of course better."

Wen Lang opened his mouth wide, leaned into Jiang Dong's ear and said, "Damn it, Brother Lou is becoming more and more a thief!"

Jiang Dong suppressed a smile, "It's not good to be a chicken thief. You didn't realize that the mid-level teams we cooperate with are not fuel-efficient lamps. If you don't be a chicken thief, we will be the ones who suffer."

Wen Lang agreed very much, "That's right, only Brother Lou can pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger without changing his face. If Brother Qin comes up, emmm..." He turned his head to look at Jiang Dong again, and said with disgust: "You can't do it either, just looking at it is slippery."

Jiang Dong chuckled, "You're just a bastard."

Standing behind the two of them, Chen Shuyang deeply felt the wonderful painting style of his team, raised his glasses, and silently lowered his head to write scriptures.

Chen Changdong choked up, the current fourth-level team is so good

"Five thousand points in exchange." Chen Changdong said.

Hey, what the hell are you looking like to let you guys get a big deal? Lou Fan couldn't help but roll his eyes in his heart.

"Captain Chen, do you think such important information is only worth five thousand?" Lou Fan still had a smile on his face, and no one could see that under his gentle appearance, he was a ghost with the skills of a chicken thief. Refined. "Well, if you only pay five thousand, I can only give you news about five thousand."

Chen Changdong gritted his teeth, thinking he had to buy it no matter how reluctant he was. The initiative is not in their own hands, this news is too important to them. If the price was clearly marked, he felt that he could pay 100,000 points, but with this identity transfer, he was still raised by someone who was a step lower than himself, and he felt a toothache all of a sudden.

"Fifty thousand." Chen Changdong seemed to grind this sentence through his teeth, and then said to Qin Tan: "Captain Qin, your team members are very good."

Qin Tan agreed, "I also think it's very good."

Pooh! Wen Lang almost laughed out loud.

Lou Fan raised his eyebrows triumphantly.

Fine! You are ruthless! Chen Changdong felt that if he continued speaking, he would vomit blood.

"Captain Chen is so sincere, let's make a deal." Anyway, in a world of missions, it's not good to push people into a hurry, and they still need to cooperate well.

Originally, Lou Fan wanted to collect the reward after returning home, but Chen Shuyang tapped his watch a few times, and Qin Tan's watch beeped twice, indicating that he had received points.

Lou Fan:! ! ! How is this going? How can you still do this? How come no one told him

Looking at them, Chen Changdong knew they didn't know. He snorted and said, "After completing the ninth-level mission, you can apply for permission at the exchange hall in the South Square. You can only accept it now, not give it away."