Looting Equipment From NPCs

Chapter 75


When Qin Tan and his group walked to the huge picture frame, two hours had passed, and the fragments on the ground were ignored by Wen Lang. He walked to the door painted with flowers, and pushed the door open without the slightest hesitation.

Jiang Dong reacted very quickly and pushed him aside, Wen Lang saw countless flowers with sharp teeth rushing out of the door. Qin Tan made a decisive decision, and the Tang knife in his hand quickly cut off one that was pounced on him with its mouth open, and the flower fell to the ground, dripping bright red juice.

Wen Lang and Jiang Dong immediately took out their weapons

Others were not so lucky. They couldn't dodge in time, and were bitten on the neck by the piranha's mouth. Immediately afterwards, the petals swelled up, and the whole person was sucked into the flower. The flower that devoured the person seemed to be satisfied, agitating the cheek-like petals, and quickly retreated behind the door.

A few minutes later, the piranha seemed to have received some order, and with dissatisfaction, she retreated to the door without hesitation, and the door painted with flowers slammed shut, as if such a terrible thing had never appeared before.

Qin Tan looked around with a sullen face. The first-level team and the rookies each lost one, and one of the other three lost their arms. The other two were luckier and got a little scratch.

"Treat the wound." Qin Tan gave the medicine to the wounded.

Jiang Dong bandaged the newcomer who was covering the wound with his severed hand and screaming ouch. The wound that had been medicated quickly stopped the bleeding, and then wrapped it with a layer of bandage.

Wen Lang stood aside with his head bowed. He was a little reckless just now, and even opened the door without taking precautions. He glanced up at the remaining three doors, a little hesitant.

Jiang Dong was bandaged up, put away his things and walked to Wen Lang, and said softly: "I'll drive, you stay away."

Wen Lang frowned at him, and retorted, "With your luck, a monster will appear in a while, and we will be finished."

"When the monster came out, I was also in front, get out of the way."

Wen Lang pulled him, refusing to give up an inch, "I won't give in."

Jiang Dong brushed his hair irritably, and grabbed Wen Lang in front of him. The two faced each other, their noses almost touching.

Jiang Dong stared intently at Wen Lang's eyes, gritted his teeth and said, "I said I'll go, I don't want you to get hurt."

Wen Lang stared at him, and could even feel the slight trembling of his arm holding her.

Wen Lang sighed, covered Jiang Dong's arm with his palm, and said softly but firmly: "We are together, you choose, and I will stand with you."

A steady stream of heat came from the palm of his hand, and Jiang Dong looked at his firm eyes, with an indescribable light shining inside. He smiled helplessly, pulled Wen Lang's hand, squeezed it, and then let go.

"Okay, together, but you have to stand behind me."

Wen Lang wanted to say more, but Jiang Dong stopped him.

Qin Tan asked the wounded to stand at a distance, and walked behind the two of them by himself. Jiang Dong glanced at the remaining door, and walked to the door with the bird painting on it. Wen Lang couldn't help but put his hand on his arm, Jiang Dong didn't even look at it, he patted his hand comfortingly, pushed him away, and moved his body to block him.

He took a deep breath, pressed the hand on the door with a little force, the door opened silently, Jiang Dong held his breath while pressing the weapon. Ten seconds later, everything was calm.

Then, he heard a voice.

It took Chen Shuyang some time to sort out the fragments, and with his excellent memory, he quickly filtered them in his mind.

It has to be said that Chen Shuyang is indeed a top student, calm and organized.

Half an hour later, Lou Fan stood under the huge jigsaw puzzle and looked at the painting with admiration.

On the far right side of the picture, a tall figure surrounded by white light stands on it. His face cannot be seen clearly, but the sacred aura can be felt. He raised his left hand in a downward gesture. On the right shoulder, there is a huge bird of unknown species, with sharp eyes, like an eagle but more ferocious.

At his feet, there was a group of people crawling, and a small group of people stood in the middle, looking up at him, holding a red mass in their hands.

Lou Fan looked at it and felt absurd, as if he was in it, looking at the tall and blurry figures in front of him, but felt that he was looking at the group of people below them kindly and solemnly, with some anticipation. hope.

"I know what to choose!"

Chen Shuyang shouted, pulling Lou Fan's thoughts back in an instant, as if his soul had returned to his place. When he looked again, there was still the same painting just now. It was clearly a landscape painting with shining spots in it. When he took a closer look, it was a simplified version of a bird.

Chen Shuyang jumped happily to push the door, but Nie Feng grabbed him. Chen Shuyang looked at him puzzled, with questioning eyes.

Lou Fan angrily stepped forward and knocked Chen Shuyang on the head, "If you're so reckless, if it's not correct, why don't you go to die?"

Chen Shuyang said aggrievedly: "It must be correct, I can't be wrong."

Lou Fan was helpless, unable to laugh or cry, such a serious and confident academic master, what can you say about him

Nie Feng pulled Chen Shuyang aside, and went to open the door by himself. The door was pushed open, and everything was calm.

Chen Shuyang cried out, "Look, I'll just say it's correct."

"Yes, yes, you are the best." Lou Fan hadn't finished speaking when he heard an excited voice calling him.

"Brother Lou!" Wen Lang yelled, "Brother Lou, I finally saw you!"

This tone was like meeting a savior, filled with impatience and infinite grievances.

Lou Fan subconsciously looked for Qin Tan's figure, and when he saw him coming out of the opposite door, he was stunned for a moment, then burst out laughing so hard that he couldn't straighten up.

"Hahaha… "

Chen Shuyang looked at the colorful faces of his companions suspiciously, "What's wrong with you?" You are so embarrassed.

Wen Lang sighed exaggeratedly, "I can't live without Brother Lou. It's too sad, so I won't talk about it. It's finally a triumphant reunion!"

People from both teams came out of the door and came to the corridor. Before Lou Fan could speak to Qin Tan, a familiar cheerful mechanical voice sounded in midair: [Ding Dong! Congratulations to the player for passing the second level. Now start the guard patrol mode immediately. The guard patrol time limit is one hour, and the location is random. Please hurry up and escape. Be careful not to be caught by the guards, otherwise there is only a dead end!]

It sounds cheerful and cheerful, as if instead of a dead end, there's some big reward.

There was a black line above everyone's heads, but there was no time to think about it. Three prolonged sirens sounded in the air. Lou Fan didn't doubt the words of the mechanical sound at all, shouted and ran, and immediately took the lead and ran.

Nobody knows what that 'guard' looks like, but it sounds like a bad idea.

However, probably luck had run out, and when Lou Fan turned a corner at Sanchakou, a soldier-like guard covered in silver armor was refreshed head-on.

Lou Fan made a U-turn and was still stuck in his throat when the guard rushed over. It moves mechanically, but it is not slow at all, on the contrary, it is very flexible. It holds a spear in its hand, with a cold light on the top.

Lou Fan stopped in his tracks and stepped back. Qin Tan behind him was already holding a Tang saber to face him, and the iron weapon collided with a "bang", and Jiang Dong, Wen Lang, and Nie Feng behind him immediately rushed forward.

Chen Shuyang held his spear and gun and wanted to go up, but was pulled back by Lou Fang, "All run back, turn around immediately when you see the guards."

The junior team and the rookies immediately turned around and ran obediently, not knowing where to go, anyway, they ran when they saw the road.

Lou Fan drew out the crossed arrows from the quiver at his waist, and shot the guards with three arrows. However, the invincible cross arrows fell to the ground like an egg hitting a rock, and they fell to the ground one after another when they hit the guards, without even leaving a trace on the guards.

Lou Fan's complexion changed, and he looked at the guard who was fighting with four people like tickling, and said decisively: "Stop fighting, and run when you have a chance, so you can't be caught."

Chen Shuyang hurriedly yelled, "Try it with the Immobilization Talisman!"

Wen Lang took the time to throw out the immobilization amulet and stick it on the guards, and he was immobilized! The four immediately pulled away and ran, and five seconds later, the heavy footsteps of the guards sounded again.

This talisman can only be used for five seconds!

The six ran together, Qin Tan said: "Don't separate, run together."

Wen Lang immediately nodded empathetically, no, don't separate, promise me!

Lou Fan nodded, it would be best for the six of them not to be separated, so as not to worry about it.

However, after running like this, only three of the six people from the junior team and rookie team were in front of them, and the other three went to nowhere.

After running through a few forks, the guards behind them had been thrown off, and the group stopped to catch their breath. Before they could catch their breath, familiar heavy footsteps sounded from another place, and they immediately started running again.

after an hour.

[Ding dong! The guard patrol mode is cancelled, see you in four hours!]

When the alarm was lifted, several people immediately collapsed to the ground without any image, their eyes were closed tightly, and their faces were pale, like people suffering from illness. Only the rapid ups and downs of their chests showed that they were still alive, and their hearts were beating powerfully.

"Have we really entered the maze? Who said that this task is transitional, very simple, and not difficult at all!" Wen Lang gritted his teeth, "If you just be careful, you can pass it? I'm fucking... want to die."

After saying the last two words, Jiang Dong slapped them, "Tongyan Wuji, don't talk nonsense."

Wen Lang: Fuck your childish nonsense, who are you scolding!

However, he could only stare at Jiang Dong, for some reason he didn't dare to refute, and subconsciously let out a couple of pee pee.

Lou Fan propped himself up and sat up, looking back and forth between the two of them, and finally smiled like an aunt.

Wen Lang rubbed his arms, feeling creepy.

Jiang Dong grinned at him, showing a knowing look.

Tsk, I still underestimated Jiangdong's Mensao!

Lou Fan didn't care about it, turned to look at Qin Tan, looked up and down, didn't see enough, was hugged by Qin Tan.

"Don't read it."

He buried his head in Qin Tan's chest, the muffled voice in his ear tickled his heart. Unconsciously pressing Qin Tan's thigh with his fingers, someone grabbed his troublesome hand immediately.

"Itches, huh?"

Lou Fan twitched, what kind of occasion was this, talking nonsense and telling the truth!

The author has something to say:

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who voted [Mine]: 1 Wen;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate [nutrient solution]:

2 bottles of Baili perilla; 1 bottle of Miaomiao, Junchuan, and Luoying;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!