Lord Chu’s Wife is Wild

Chapter 50: buy bricks


Li Zheng frowned, "If you have something to say, just say it, what kind of wine do you need, how much does it cost?"

"My father made this before, and now there is no one to drink it, so I brought it for you. Don't dislike it."

"Why do you dislike it?"

Li Zheng smiled, "I'll ask your aunt to return the pot to you later."

Lu Sheng nodded, directly explaining his purpose of coming.

"I want to buy some bricks, but I don't know where they are. I want to ask uncle to show me the way."

In the entire Liuyue Village, there are not many families who can live in green brick and tile houses, generally there are only two or three households, one of which is Lizheng's family.

She is not very familiar with other people, so after thinking about it, she still thinks that the village head is the most reliable.

"Buy bricks?" Li Zheng was puzzled, "What do you buy bricks for?"

"I have my own use. I wonder if Uncle Lizheng can help me with this?"

"All the benefits are taken away, how can there be any reason to refuse?" Li Zheng smiled and said: "Buy bricks, right? You go back first, and I will take you there after Uncle has finished his breakfast."

"Then thank you in advance, Uncle!"

After Lu Sheng thanked him, he left first.

Mrs. Li Zheng's wife Fang came out of the kitchen, "What does the kid buy bricks for?"

"I don't know either." Li Zheng pondered for a moment, and said, "This kid, after what happened in the Lu family, he seems to be a different person."

After hearing this, Fang didn't care too much, and just said: "Whatever she wants you to help, just help if you can. Now Xiaoran has changed her ways and returned to the town to study. She is the only one in charge of the family. The pressure is estimated Not small."

Li Zheng nodded, "I know that."

After Lu Sheng got home, he sat for about two quarters of an hour, and Lizheng arrived in a bullock cart.

"Xiao Sheng, let's go!"

Li Zheng yelled outside the door.

Lu Sheng got up quickly and asked Lu Paddle to take Lu Xin to the next door to find Aunt Yu and Liang Yuan to play, while she and Li Zheng left in a bullock cart.

There are no people who can make bricks in Liuyue Village, but there are people in the neighboring village.

The bricks are not the usual red bricks, but gray, and cost two yuan a penny.

Lu Sheng asked for 40,000 bricks and spent twenty taels of silver.

Because the quantity was too large, the seller divided it into several batches, and it was not until the evening that the bricks were finally shipped out.

Looking at the yard full of bricks, people in the village were puzzled. Even Aunt Yu came to ask her why she bought so many bricks.

Lu Sheng said it was used to build walls, but except for Aunt Yu, few people believed her.

It wasn't until the next day that Lu Sheng recruited workers in the village, saying that they paid fifty renminbi a day and took care of lunch, and everyone believed it.

Many people came to apply for the job, and Lu Sheng selected a dozen or so people who were well-known and honest in the village, including Liang Ping, there were nearly twenty people.

It took nearly half a month to finally build the wall.

The tomatoes and potatoes in the vegetable garden are also growing very well.

After the wall was built, Lu Sheng dug a pond in the backyard, and she completed the rest of the project by herself.

She specially asked the person who built the wall to leave a hole so that the river in the backyard could flow into the pond.

In order to change the water frequently, she also specially dug a drainage channel to facilitate the drainage of waste water in the future.

After doing this, she found lotus and planted them directly in the pond, and then poured the crayfish and river crabs in the space bracelet into the pond.

"Second sister, what is this thing? It looks so strange!"

Ah Pao stared at the crayfish and asked in surprise.

"This thing is called crayfish. Second sister will make some for you to try later."

"Little deaf blind, what a strange name, can it really be eaten?"

Lu Paddle expressed doubts.

(end of this chapter)