Lord Chu’s Wife is Wild

Chapter 57: follow


Li Zheng's words warmed Lu Sheng's heart.

"There is enough money. My father gave me a sum of money before he left."

As for what Chu Sihan gave her, she naturally couldn't say.

"That's good!"

Li Zheng nodded, and then he said worriedly: "Are you going alone?"

Lu Sheng shook his head and lied, "No, I still have a few friends."

"That's good!"

Lu Sheng drank tea with Li Zheng for a long time, and she left with an excuse when the pot of tea was exhausted.

She was afraid that if she drank any more, she would not be able to eat dinner.

After returning home, Lu Sheng went to find Aunt Yu next door, told her that he was going on a long trip, and asked her to help take care of the vegetable garden and Lu Xin by the way.

After Aunt Yu agreed, she asked her to take good care of herself.

Lu Sheng handed over the keys of the house to Aunt Yu that night, and said that there were rice and noodles in the kitchen, and asked them to go and cook them.

He even moved all the meat and vegetables from the family to Liang's house.

Lu Yao and Lu Xin are not clingy, so when she told them that she was going to travel far away, the two of them didn't make much difference, they just asked her to come back early.

After Lu Sheng explained everything, he went straight into town that night.

At this moment, the gate of the town was closed, but it didn't bother her.

After entering the town gate, she found an inn to stay.

Early the next morning, she was waiting on the official road.

If Chu Sihan was going to Linjiang Mansion, this was the only way he had to go, and it was also the only way out of the town.

She waited and waited, waited until late at night after she had eaten three meals, and finally saw a group of people coming slowly in this direction.

With the help of the dim light, she clearly saw the tall figure riding on the horse in the lead.

He was wearing a Tsing Yi, and his handsome face was expressionless at the moment, but his eyes were very alert.

Lu Sheng smiled slightly. She turned around and hid behind the pillars. She waited for the convoy to leave for a certain distance, and waited for twenty black shadows to pass by her before she followed slowly.

She has the Yukong Talisman and wants to catch up with them, but it's just an instant.

The twenty black shadows in the back seemed to come from bad people.

However, she was not in a hurry to make a move.

If Chu Sihan can't even deal with this kind of people, then he is too weak.

Sure enough, as soon as the convoy entered the forest, the group of men in black started to attack.

However, everything was solved quietly by Chu Sihan's people.

In this way, along the way until Tianweixi, Chu Sihan and his group were intercepted by no less than five groups of men in black.

However, in the end, they were no match for Chu Sihan and the others.

Looking at it like this, the road to Linjiang Mansion is not smooth.

At dawn, Chu Sihan and his party stopped at an inn.

It seems that he is ready to rest.

Lu Sheng was dressed in white, holding a broken sword just bought from an iron shop, and wearing a white veiled hat on his head.

The hood completely covered her face, and when she entered the inn in this chivalrous attire, she attracted many people's attention.

"Xiaoer, serve some side dishes and a pot of wine."

She lowered her voice and called out.


The waiter in the shop responded and was ready to go.

But Chu Yun and his party all stared at her with vigilant eyes and expressionless faces.

As soon as their front feet came in, the woman entered with her back feet, and they had to suspect that the woman was following them.

Chu Sihan's eyes swept over like a sharp sword, but when he saw that figure and the wanton sitting posture, he always felt a little familiar.

He stared at the figure, narrowed his eyes, and then laughed at himself.

How did that person appear here

How could it be such a dress

I haven't slept all night, have I hallucinated

(end of this chapter)