Lord Chu’s Wife is Wild

Chapter 81: Scared to death counts as one


"You really think it tastes good?"

Lu Sheng asked uncertainly.

She has tasted this meat, and it tastes really good, but as the saying goes, it's hard to say, just because she's satisfied doesn't mean that other people are also satisfied.

"Very good!"

Liang Pingdao: "Soft but not rotten, fat but not greasy, this is the first time I have eaten such delicious pork belly."

He has studied for two years. Although he looks rough, he speaks like a bookish man.

Aunt Yu and Mrs. Chen also agreed, and it was obvious that they really liked eating.

"That's good!"

Lu Sheng breathed a sigh of relief.

She is the one who wants to open a restaurant, if the food she makes doesn't suit everyone's appetite, then she will close the restaurant sooner or later.

It's a little cooler than usual tonight.

Lu Sheng covered himself with a thick quilt, but still felt a little cold.

Fearing that the two little ones at home would catch a cold, she got up in the middle of the night and went to the next room to look around. Seeing that the two were sleeping soundly under a thick quilt, she backed out again.

Just as he was about to enter the house, he suddenly heard a sparse sound coming from outside the wall.

Listening carefully, there were still voices of someone speaking in a low voice, and the voices seemed to be men.

It's so late, what are these people doing outside her walls

Lu Sheng frowned slightly, then sneered.

She took out a piece of talisman paper and tore it off, and several black clusters appeared in front of her in an instant.

The temperature around suddenly dropped, Lu Sheng shivered, and said: "Go and watch on the wall, if those people outside dare to come in, you should show up, and anyone who can scare to death counts as one."

After hearing this, several black groups agreed excitedly, and then floated to the wall to guard the wall.

Outside, Lu Chuan and a man moved a wooden ladder to the wall of Lu Sheng's house.

There are several big men behind them.

"Take your steps lightly, don't disturb the people next door."

Lu Sheng has a good relationship with the Liang family, and everyone in the village knows about it recently.

Moreover, Li Zheng was still very protective of Lu Sheng, if Liang Ping and Li Zheng were alarmed and let them know that he and an outsider came to steal Lu Sheng's things, he might not be able to afford it.

Lu Chuan turned his head and told the rest of the big men in a low voice: "After going in later, one of them will smoke and the other will lead the horse away. I saw it today, and the horse is definitely not cheap. You can buy it at the horse market for at least a hundred taels of silver. Come on, I'll go and steal those bolts of cloth."

Those few bolts of cloth could only be afforded by good people, and it would be a waste for Lu Ran to wear them, so it would be better to let him sell them, at least for some wine money.

The big man holding the sweat medicine was the first to climb up the wooden ladder impatiently. He heard from Lu Chuan that Lu Sheng was very beautiful, so his idea was not as simple as stealing money.

Lu Chuan said that he would sell Lu Sheng to a kiln, but he felt that if Lu Sheng's appearance was as amazing as Lu Chuan said, he would definitely not be able to sell him at a good price.

It should be sent to Yixiangyuan, which is the biggest romantic place in Huangyang Town.

However, just as he climbed up to the wall, just as he was about to grab the wall with his hands, a black shadow appeared in front of him.

The black image has a human shape, and has a nose and eyes, but it is faintly visible.

"Jie Jie—"

A strange smile suddenly sounded, and the big man's scalp went numb, and his eyes widened to the maximum.

"What are you doing, hurry up!"

The people below kept urging.

The big man stared stiffly at the black figure close at hand, trembling for a while, and suddenly shouted: "Ghost-ghost!"

Because he was too frightened, he stepped on the air and fell directly from the wooden ladder.

The people below didn't expect him to fall suddenly, and they had no time to dodge, and they became flesh pads.

(end of this chapter)