Lord of End of World

Chapter 18: Doomsday


Time is the most powerful weapon, it can destroy everything silently, including the whole world.

The largest flu epidemic in human history ended. Although it lasted only three days, the chaos caused did not subside until a month later. Just when people thought that the matter was over and a stable life began again, a disaster covering the whole world came quietly.

On July 4, 2013, the weather was sunny and hot, no different from previous summers. But it was on this day that the 500-year-long new era known as the "era of annihilation" by later generations began, and human beings entered a more difficult and darker period than ever before.

In 2013, due to the coming of the end of the world, it was called "the first year of Mieshi" by later generations, and July 4th was also recorded in the annals of history as the first day of "The First Year of Mieshi".

As the only person who experienced the apocalypse and was reborn again, Gong Xiangyi has an unforgettable memory of this day. Father Gong, Mr. Lin, Song Haoran, and Lin Wenbo went to the army one week in advance to prepare under her warning. Father Gong and Mr. Lin were in charge of cleaning up the zombies in the garrison camp in Province A, while Song Haoran and Lin Wenbo were in charge of cleaning up the zombies in the recruit training camp in the suburbs. The two groups of people did not dare to slack off and were determined to minimize the casualties of the army.

Among the people who have had the flu, there are zombies and people with supernatural powers. The zombies need to be eliminated, but the supernatural beings, as the new force for human beings to resist the zombie invasion, need to be strictly protected. If people with supernatural powers were allowed to die in the hands of zombies before their supernatural powers were developed, it would be a great loss to the army, and even more so to the entire human race. Because Gong Xiangyi once predicted that a top-notch supernatural being could easily eliminate an army of thousands of people, invulnerable to swords and guns, impervious to shells, and extremely powerful in combat.

Therefore, in order not to accidentally injure talents, Father Gong and Song Haoran had to resort to extraordinary measures. Because there were too many soldiers who had the flu and there was not enough room to isolate them one by one, Gong's father and Song Haoran had to call them out half an hour before the solar eclipse to assemble urgently, announced the news that the end of the world was coming, and Let them be fully armed, each with a military dagger in his hand, and repeatedly stated: If the companions around him attack for no reason after the eclipse, send the dagger between the opponent's eyebrows, and smash the opponent's brain with one blow.

As soon as Father Gong's speech ended, it immediately caused an uproar in the entire army. But the bounden duty of a soldier is to obey orders. After a brief hesitation, these well-trained soldiers put on a serious face and all clenched the daggers in their hands.

Maybe, they thought this was just a fake exercise, and the so-called end of the world was just nonsense; maybe, they thought that the weapons in their hands were tricky and couldn't hurt people; maybe, they thought that there would be no companions after the solar eclipse Will attack for no reason. But no matter what they think at the moment, believe it or not, the tragedy after the eclipse will completely overturn their cognition.

At the same time, those ordinary soldiers who have never been infected with the virus were arranged to lurk on the floors around the training ground, each holding a sniper rifle in his hand, and the black muzzle aimed at the companions who lived with him day and night downstairs. . They also received the same order, as long as after the solar eclipse is over, if any of the soldiers downstairs violently injures others for no reason, they will be killed immediately on the spot.

The order has been conveyed to all companies and regiments. The troops under the direct control of Father Gong and Song Haoran are naturally following the orders like a mountain, but it is beyond their control whether the person in charge actually implements the order in a slightly remote military area. By this moment, they had given their all.

As early as a week ago, when Gong's father left home in a hurry, he told Gong Xiangyi to find a suitable opportunity to tell Gong Lixin about the doomsday, and to take good care of Gong Lixin, not to let him go to school, let alone wander the streets. The siblings stayed at home with peace of mind, and when the zombies in the army were cleaned up and they were capable of fighting, he would naturally send someone to pick them up out of the city.

It's not that he never thought about keeping the siblings by his side, but after thinking about it carefully, Father Gong immediately dismissed the idea. In the end times, places with fewer people are safer.

The military family area is far away on the outskirts of the city, with a sparse population. It is almost empty during working hours. No one comes in and out, and the security facilities are complete. As long as the doors and windows are locked, there will be no danger. In contrast, troops gathered by hundreds of thousands of people are much more dangerous. Due to the large number of people infected with the virus, Father Gong is not 100% sure that he can wipe out the zombies. If the situation gets out of control, at least he won't have to bring his children with him. The daughter has space in her hands, and she can live well with her son.

Before leaving, Song Haoran repeatedly told Gong Xiangyi to take good care of Gong Lixin. In the end, he couldn't be completely relieved of Gong Xiangyi. He planned to talk to the child in person, but he was called to the army by an emergency call, and he didn't even have time to see the child.

Mr. Lin and Lin Wenbo were in charge of military supplies and logistics for Father Gong, so naturally they also followed the army. The four left one after another, and Gong Xiangyi immediately fired all the servants of the Gong family.

In the last life, most of the servants of the Gong family turned into zombies, and the few who survived the disaster died one after another following the escape of the Gong family, without any supernatural beings appearing. After two lives, Gong Xiangyi has long been used to seeing life and death. Not only the blood, but also the bone marrow are cold. Keeping them here will either pose a threat to her or become her burden. Naturally, she will not do such a stupid thing.

Only those who are capable and useful are worthy of her high regard.

After disposing of the servants of the Gong family, Gong Xiangyi calmed down and waited quietly for the last moment. She didn't tell Gong Lixin about the doomsday as father of Gong and Song Haoran had instructed, let alone where Gong Lixin was going, everything was as she had decided long ago, and she let this brother fend for himself.

Seeing that Gong Lixin received a call from the teacher, hurriedly called a taxi and drove towards the school, Gong Xiangyi opened the curtains, stared at the rear of the car that disappeared at the corner of the street, and smiled coldly.

Today in the last life, Gong Lixin, who wanted to skip class, also received a call from his teacher asking him to attend the final exam held by the school.

At that time, she didn't know that the end of the world was just around the corner, so she scolded Gong Lixin and insisted that he go to school to finish his studies. After the apocalypse broke out and many people turned into zombies, she realized that it was her decision that pushed her brother into danger.

She didn't go to the army to find her father and Haoran to seek asylum, and she didn't go to Lin's to find Wenbo to join her. She went to A University alone, and finally found her brother after going through all kinds of hardships. The two hid under a bus for thirteen days. During this period, she risked her life several times to find food, and only then did the two survive until the moment when the army rescued them.

Fortunately, the rudimentary zombies' vision, smell, and hearing are not yet sensitive, and their bodies are also very stiff. They cannot run, jump, bend their legs, bend over, bow, or climb. They survived by taking advantage of the terrain. Otherwise, in two days, when the junior zombies evolve into first-level zombies, they will surely die without a place to bury them.

But how did the brother she rescued regardless of her own safety repay her in the end? Gong Xiangyi closed her eyes, hiding the strong hatred in her dark pupils, unwilling to recall the unbearable past.

She put down the curtains, slowly patrolled around the house, packed all the things that could be used into the space, locked the doors and windows, took out a few guns, and sat in the living room watching TV. It wasn't until the last moment that she witnessed her brother running out to die.

Gong Lixin's departure from home was predestined and had nothing to do with me! she told herself so.

In the taxi, Gong Lixin hurried to the school empty-handed. Although he eavesdropped on the conversation between Gong Xiangyi and Gong's father and others, and learned about the end of the world, he never eavesdropped on the same conversation in the future. Naturally, he didn't know that Gong Xiangyi later predicted the specific time of the end of the world.

Based on the recent busyness of Gong's father and others and Gong Xiangyi's increasingly nervous mood, he guessed that the end of the world would be within a few days. I didn't want to go out at first, but the principal called me personally and asked him to return the key to the school's advanced laboratory. He said that a group of doctoral students were going to do an important research, and the other key was lost by the doctoral supervisor, so he must go back. a trip.

The headmaster’s tone was filled with fear and anxiety, and there was a hint of anxiety and pleading. Gong Lixin, who had a clear sense of grievances and sincerity, would not refuse those who had helped him enthusiastically; besides, A Datong was in the suburbs of the city. For an hour, he thought to himself that he would not be so unlucky, and it happened that the end of the world happened within this hour.

What should I do if I am really unlucky and come home and encounter the end of the world as soon as I go out? Gong Lixin blinked, not paying any attention to this fleeting thought. It's really the end of the world. With his current skill, those zombies can't do anything to him if they attack in groups. How he got out of the door, naturally how to go back.

Half an hour later, the taxi arrived at University A. Gong Lixin returned the key to the principal, and was about to take a taxi back, but was caught by his head teacher. Today is the final exam, and the upright head teacher does not allow anyone to be absent.

"The boss is the boss. He dare not even come to the final exam, and the principal has to invite him in person." The little man at the front desk of Gong Lixin turned his head and whispered compliments.

Gong Lixin glanced at him lightly, but didn't speak. For this kind of people who only know how to flatter and flatter, he has seen a lot in his previous life, so he doesn't like to pay attention to them.

"Can you lend me a pen?" Smoothing the test paper on the table, Gong Lixin asked softly to the classmate not far to the right, her delicate brows were knitted into a ball, and her expression was a little shy.

He was caught by the teacher and asked him to shake off the teacher and leave on his own. He couldn't do such a rude thing. Fortunately, he sat down and finished the paper. But when he hurried out, he didn't take anything, and he couldn't answer the questions.

Gong Lixin's deskmate is a sports student with dark skin and a simple and honest appearance. Because of his poor family, he has to rely on participating in competitions to get scholarships to pay for his tuition. He has never had any contact with Gong Lixin, a second-generation official like Gong Lixin. Seeing that Gong Lixin came late without even bringing a pen, he frowned reflexively, and the disgust in his eyes flashed away.

"Take it, you don't need to return it." The young man had a good heart, even though he didn't like Gong Lixin, he still handed out a ballpoint pen across the empty space.

"Thank you." Gong Lixin smiled and said in a low voice. The young man stopped looking at him and buried himself in answering the question.

There was a rustle of pens across the paper in the classroom, which made this summer morning seem particularly peaceful. Gong Lixin examined the chemistry test paper in his hand like a heavenly book, biting his lower lip tightly with his snow-white teeth, his face full of distress.

Just when he was about to start writing and randomly filling in a few tadpole-like symbols into the blank space, the sky outside the window darkened a little bit, and the bright red sun seemed to be being swallowed by an unknown monster, showing a gap. The gap grew wider and darker gradually descended on the city, and the eclipse began.

In the classroom, someone screamed in fear, someone whistled excitedly, and the teacher sternly reprimanded them, making a mess.

At the same time, the military of Province A forcibly mobilized the media such as radio stations and the Internet, and announced to the citizens of the province the news that the end of the world is coming. Quickly find a hidden place to hide and wait for the rescue of the military.

Gong Lixin, who was worrying about the chemistry test papers, heard the radio broadcast in the classroom repeatedly, and his delicate brows frowned even tighter. As soon as I go out, I encounter the end of the world. Am I really born with evil spirits? He pursed his lips, thinking seriously.