Lord of End of World

Chapter 28: turnaround


The three of Wu Ming stayed there until 12 o'clock in the middle of the night, and He Jin woke up within a second. As soon as He Jin got up, Gong Lixin also opened his eyes, his eyes were clear, and he didn't see the sleepiness of waking up at all.

The two took over, and first walked around the wall. The roar of zombies could be heard from outside from time to time, but none of the zombies could climb over the wall. with. He Jin asked Gong Lixin to go to sleep, Gong Lixin waved his hands repeatedly and said 'no'.

The child became stubborn and could not be persuaded no matter what, He Jin was displeased on the face, but loved him more and more in his heart. Obviously he is also a child of everyone, but he can't see arrogance and willfulness in a child. Compared with Lu Yun, he is in the sky and the other is in the ground, which makes people feel very relieved.

The hall is empty, with gray cement walls exposed, exuding a pungent dusty smell. There were no wires laid in the building, and it was pitch black, only illuminated by a small flashlight in He Jin's hand. Of course, even if the wires are laid, they dare not turn on the light source rashly. Zombies are sensitive to sound, and maybe just as sensitive to light.

The night was too dark, and the zombies outside were too noisy, which made the hall eerily quiet. He Jin turned to look at the child, and asked in a low voice, "Why didn't you go to the army with your father? Otherwise, you wouldn't be living outside now."

"Maybe it's because I'm young, so I might cause trouble for him. Besides, the army is crowded with people, and the swords and guns have no eyes. Instead, it's better to stay at home." Gong Lixin is extremely intelligent, and he can understand Father Gong's painstaking efforts after a little thought.

"Hey!" He Jin sneered, with an extremely dissatisfied expression, "Is it safe to leave you alone at home? If it were me, I would have to take you by my side all the time."

Gong Lixin waved his head and denied, "No, my sister is also at home."

"Your sister let you go out alone when she was at home?" He Jin frowned tightly, his face darker than the night sky outside.

Gong Lixin rested his chin on his knees, lowered his eyes, and stopped talking. Gong Xiangyi deliberately concealed it, he didn't want to complain to anyone, no matter what the other party was, it was his sister. Besides, she just let it go and didn't personally do anything to hurt him, and it's still within his tolerance.

Under the illumination of the flashlight, the child's eyelashes cast two rows of fan-like shadows, covering the emotions in the eyes. But inexplicably, He Jin could feel his loneliness and disappointment from his curled up body.

It is said that the child and his elder sister are of the same father, not the same mother, and they are separated by a layer of blood. It seems that the relationship is not as harmonious as it seems on the surface. He Jinyu made up his mind, stretched out his hand to hold the child, and patted his back lovingly, his eyes hidden in the darkness stared coldly. Without even seeing her face to face, He Jin's impression of Gong Xiangyi had already hit rock bottom.

Not wanting to mention Gong Lixin's sad things again, He Jin lowered his voice and narrated some of his adventures when he was a mercenary. Fifteen or sixteen-year-old youths are most interested in this kind of legendary stories, and Gong Lixin is no exception, he soon cheered up and listened with gusto.

Before he knew it, an hour passed, He Jin stopped talking, took out two bottles of coffee from the plastic bag, handed one to Gong Lixin, and drank the other in two or three gulps.

At this moment, the homeless man who was tossing and turning in the corner slowly sat up, looked at the two from afar, and tiptoed towards Gu Nan and Ma Jun.

Walking up to the two of them, he looked back at He Jin and Gong Lixin again, seeing that they were just watching with cold eyes and did not move, so he breathed a sigh of relief, and reached out to touch the food bag that Gu Nan put in the corner.

The food bag made a rustling sound, and the homeless man froze, staring at the sleeping two.

Gu Nan turned over, but did not wake up. Ma Jun lay on his back, snoring lightly. The homeless man felt relieved, slowly and carefully took out a box of biscuits from the bag, and then stepped back step by step to the original corner, sat down and couldn't wait to open the bag of biscuits and gobbled it up.

Before the apocalypse came, it was still a prosperous and prosperous time. Even the homeless tramp, begging on the side of the road or rummaging in the garbage can always fill his stomach, and his ability to endure hunger is far from what it was decades ago The peers are so deep. He slept until the sun was up, and when he woke up, he was chased and killed by his fellow zombies. He finally survived a thrilling experience, and now it was midnight, and he was so hungry that his chest was pressed against his back. When he got the food, he was unavoidably eager to move. There was a loud noise.

Regardless, the homeless man grabbed the biscuit and hurriedly stuffed it into his mouth, not afraid of being choked on the dry biscuit crumbs. At the same time, Gu Nan and Ma Jun were awakened by the crisp sound of the biscuit bag. With the help of the flashlight, they saw the voracious homeless man in the corner, and immediately burst into anger.

"Damn it! I can't bear to touch the things that I have worked so hard to get. How dare you steal it in the middle of the night! I will kill you!" Ma Jun was originally impulsive and irritable, but now because of the sudden arrival of the end of the world, his mood is even more serious. Restless, when they saw the homeless man stealing the food they depended on, they became angry for a moment, their eyes were red, they rushed to grab the biscuits, and punched and kicked the homeless man.

At first, Gu Nan was able to stand on the sidelines with cold eyes. As he watched, the desperation and violence he suppressed surged into his heart, and he strode up and kicked the homeless man violently. He looks gentle, but his attacks are much more vicious than Ma Jun's. He kicks the homeless man's vitals, almost beating him to death.

It is customary to eat a bully meal and get beaten. The homeless man thought that when the two of them had fought enough, he would let him go when they were discouraged. At first, he could hold his head and bear it. It can be seen that Gu Nan and Ma Jun's attacks became more and more ruthless, their eyes were full of fierceness, and they clearly wanted to kill he. He was afraid, and the pain became more and more severe, so he finally let go, sobbing up and down.

Wu Ming, Wang Tao, and Lu Yun were woken up one after another, frowning at Gu Nan and Ma Jun's irrational violence, but seeing He Jin sitting firmly in the same place, turning a blind eye to all this, they were not sure whether they should step forward Prevent. The keen-eared zombies had already heard the commotion in the building, and they were swarming over in twos and threes. Gong Lixin's ear tips moved slightly, knowing that they couldn't continue arguing, he picked up a stone beside him with his fingers and shot towards Gu Nan.

The stone grazed Gu Nan's cheek like lightning, drawing a thin bloodstain, and also cut off a few strands of hair from Gu Nan's temples, and then ruthlessly embedded it into the concrete wall behind, making a muffled 'bang' ring.

Gu Nan turned his face, looked in disbelief at the small hole on the wall that seemed to be pierced by a bullet, then touched his cheek, and felt a warm and greasy liquid in his hand, and felt a slight tingling pain.

A pebble is just a pebble, but in the hands of a young man, its power is even more astonishing than a bullet. What would happen if the stone was a little more off-center and passed through his head? Gu Nan didn't dare to think anymore, he stood stiffly in the same place, his limbs and bones were occupied by Sen Han's fear.

Ma Jun had already been stupefied with fright, his face was as white as paper, and he couldn't help trembling when he met Gong Lixin's indifferent gaze. The legendary peerless master actually exists! The only thought left in his mind echoed repeatedly. When Gong Lixin flicked the Tang Dao, he had imagined the power of that finger, but he didn't expect that Gong Lixin would turn his imagination into reality, and the shock it brought far exceeded his ability to bear.

He Jin glanced at the young man with dark eyes, and thought: Li Xin's attack is not like a supernatural power, but more like a legendary martial arts. However, as far as he knew, no matter how powerful the modern insider masters were, they would not be able to throw stones into bullets. Moreover, Li Xin's palms are very delicate, he doesn't look like someone who practiced martial arts since childhood. From this point of view, Li Xin's ability is likely to be of the power type. As long as you have supernatural power, you can still leap several feet and throw stones into bullets.

Although Wu Ming, Wang Tao, and Lu Yun had seen Gong Shao's sharp shots many times, they were still shocked by him time and time again, and their admiration for Gong Shao was refreshed time after time. At this moment, the three of them were fully awake. They ran to Gu Nan and Ma Jun, pulled them away, and marveled at the small hole. Lu Yun even stretched out his hand to scratch the hole, trying to dig out the pebble as a souvenir. .

Gu Nan and Ma Jun let them brush away, their faces couldn't see the previous fury, they looked back at Gong Lixin in shock and fear, their bodies trembling invisibly. The homeless man also stopped whimpering and moaning, clutching his bloody nose, looking at the extremely thin young man in the shadow with fear and reverence in his eyes.

"If you want to torture your own kind, why don't you save your strength and kill a few more zombies." The voice of the young Qingyue resounded in the hall, "Wrap up the wound, zombies are very sensitive to sound and bloody smell, and now there are at least a few hundred people gathered outside the wall There are only zombies waiting to eat your flesh."

After the young man finished speaking, everyone noticed the howling of zombies outside the wall several decibels higher than before.

Gu Nan and Ma Jun's sanity had already returned, and they were so ashamed by the young man, they hurried forward a few steps, respectfully, and carefully took a simple medical kit from him. This is what Wu Ming dropped in from a small pharmacy on the street in the afternoon.

Ma Jun pulled two pieces of gauze, and quickly covered the wounds on Gu Nan's palms and cheeks. When meeting Young Master Gong, Gu Nan failed twice. After bandaging Gu Nan, seeing the homeless man's nose bleeding profusely, he silently pushed the medical kit in front of him.

"Isn't it just two biscuits? As for beating people to death? It almost attracted zombies to siege! Don't be petty!" Lu Yun couldn't dig out any stones, so he had to give up resentfully, and turned to Gu Nan and the two of them with cynicism.

Gu Nan and Ma Jun didn't dare to say anything at all, the remaining arrogance had already been stepped into the mud by Gong Shao, and they couldn't dig it out.

Feeling bored, Lu Yun took out a bottle of milk and a piece of bread from his food bag and threw them in front of the homeless man, and said angrily, "Here, here, it's just food. It's worth a lot! Yes!" Why don’t you go out and find food yourself when you are beaten with such perseverance? Starvation is death, death is death, if it were me, I would choose a decent way to die! You are still a man!!”

Lu Yun's words were very unpleasant, but the homeless man didn't care at all. He held up the milk and bread with trembling hands, and kowtowed to Lu Yun and Gong Lixin, saying, "Thank you two young masters" , Two deep grooves were washed out by tears on his face covered in black and ash.

The tramp who was already desperate and waiting to be beaten to death felt alive again, not only his body, but also his heart, and even his silent soul. He has never been so eager to stand uprightly as he is now, to live a human life, and not to be looked down upon by the two young masters.

Therefore, the end of the world is like Pandora's box, which not only stores darkness and destruction, but also stores hope and light, it just depends on how you choose.

The homeless man blocked his bleeding nostrils with cotton wool, devoured the bread and milk, looked at Gong Lixin gratefully, hesitated for a while, then slowly approached him, and said cautiously, "Master wants to leave here to the military area through the underground pipeline The compound? I know the way. I've lived in the underground pipes for two years before, so I know the route."

When he woke up, he happened to hear the conversation of the five people about how to leave. The homeless man didn't know them well at the time, so he chose to keep silent, but now he is eager to repay Lu Yun and Gong Lixin.

When everyone heard this, their eyes lit up immediately.