Lord of End of World

Chapter 44


When he received his son's first call to report his safety, Gong Yuanhang began to withdraw the army in the northern suburbs. The army has just experienced a catastrophe. The surviving soldiers are exhausted and need a period of rest. Only after the rest can they have the energy to rescue the people. It was the first time for Gong Yuanhang to work so many people for his own self-interest. He felt pressure and guilt in his heart, but he had no regrets.

When people come to the end of the world, materials are precious, but emotions cannot be lost. What is the use of having more supplies after losing friends and relatives? In the end, he was just waiting to die alone.

Gong Yuanhang is not young and has limited energy. If it wasn't for protecting a pair of children, he would not want to hold the army firmly in his hands. He was never an ambitious man.

When Gong Yuanhang returned to the base, Gong Lixin's second call to report his safety also arrived. Hearing the background sound, he should be on a helicopter, but miraculously, Gong Yuanhang could clearly hear every word of his son, as if his son was whispering in his ear, and there was no obstacle in communication.

After hanging up the phone, Gong Yuanhang went to see Mr. Lin and told him the good news that the group would return safely. The two sat in the office talking, with a lot of emotion in their tone, but for two days and two nights, it seemed as if they were born in another world.

"Father, when will Wenbo and the others come back? Have you found your brother?" Gong Xiangyi heard the sound of the army returning to camp, and pushed Gong Yuanhang's office away.

"Didn't you call them?" Gong Yuanhang asked with a frown.

"I don't have their phone number." Gong Xiangyi sat down on the single sofa opposite the two, with an embarrassing look on her face.

Gong's father and the three left in a hurry, and none of them left her a communication method. She wanted to ask Mr. Lin, but every time she knocked on Mr. Lin's door, she didn't get a response. She thought Mr. Lin had already rested, and she didn't want to But seeing him talking to his father in the office, it was clear that he didn't want to talk to him.

Lin Mao raised his eyelids, his old face was indifferent.

Gong Yuanhang nodded slightly, and said, "They will be back in an hour, with your brother."

"Brother is all right?" Gong Xiangyi opened her almond-eyed eyes and asked in surprise. She thought that when Gong Lixin walked out of the house, the only thing waiting for him was death. This was his predetermined destiny in this life, and she firmly believed in this. However, Gong Lixin is back now, and it's still a supernatural being. This completely deviates from her expectations, and is also very different from the experience of the previous life. How can she not be surprised

"You seem to be a little unacceptable?" Gong Yuanhang asked with a serious face, seeing that his daughter had doubts and surprises in her eyes, but she didn't have the joy she should have.

Lin Mao also looked at Gong Xiangyi with scrutiny in his eyes.

"No." Gong Xiangyi looked serious and waved her hands quickly, "I, I'm just a little worried and don't know how to face my brother. After all, it was my negligence that caused my brother to live outside and suffer a lot. Therefore hate me."

Gong Yuanhang's eyes were dark, he rubbed his painful temples, and asked in a deep voice, "Xiangyi, to be honest, did you really lose your brother because of negligence?"

"Father, what do you mean?" Gong Xiangyi sat up straight, her voice trembling.

"I understand your personality. After all, you are my daughter. I have raised you for 25 years." Gong Yuanhang sighed, and Lin Mao also shook his head invisibly.

Gong Xiangyi's back was tense, and her hands beside her were unconsciously clenched into fists.

Gong's father continued, "You are as careful as you are, and you will think twice before doing anything to avoid mistakes. You are by no means the kind of careless person. You forgot to tell my brother and ignored him for a while. I never believe these words. Did you let him go on purpose? Because you were afraid that he would turn into a zombie and pose a threat to you, right?"

Father Gong stared straight at Gong Xiangyi, as if trying to see through her soul. If she didn't expose her lie in front of her daughter, let the lie continue to be buried, and then rot in her heart a little bit, it would affect her xinxing sooner or later.

The daughter became more and more indifferent, with a numb mentality towards the death of life, and she didn't even care about the life and death of her relatives. This change surprised Gong's father. If you don't use a heavy hammer to wake up your daughter, but calm down and let her get away with it, maybe your daughter will do even more cruel things in the future. This is what Father Gong is most worried about.

"Father, I didn't! How could you think of me like that?" Gong Xiangyi turned pale and denied it.

"Don't lie to me again. I have lived with your grandfather Lin for most of my life. I dare not boast about anything else, but my eyes will never be wrong." Gong Yuanhang leaned back on the sofa dejectedly, his eyes full of love for his daughter. disappointment.

Lin Mao glanced at Gong Xiangyi indifferently, without any extra emotion in his eyes, and told the facts he had already seen through with extreme indifference.

Gong Xiangyi's sharp nails dug into her palm. She lowered her eyes and remained silent for a long time. When she raised her eyes again, her tone was full of sarcasm, "Father, what right do you have to say about me? You can bring your brother to the army, but you still want to keep him at home. Isn't it because Afraid that he will turn into a zombie, don’t you have the heart to do it? You chose to escape, why can’t I? I don’t want to kill him, wouldn’t it be better to let him go out to fend for himself? Compared with you, what’s wrong with me? Does the father leave the danger to his own daughter?"

Before the words fell, Gong Xiangyi was sobbing.

Gong Yuanhang was completely startled by her words, and couldn't recover for a long time. He didn't expect his daughter to think of him so much. As a father, he also blindly trusted his child. Subconsciously, he always felt that his son would be fine, so he wanted him to stay in a safer environment. At the same time, for his daughter's consideration, he left a large number of weapons, guns and ammunition, and various knives, all within her reach. Even if the son mutated in the end, and the daughter really killed the son, he would not blame him in the slightest.

He thought that his father had done everything he should do, but he didn't expect his daughter to misunderstand him so deeply.

Gong Yuanhang smiled bitterly and wanted to explain, but seeing the hatred hidden in his daughter's eyes, he didn't say anything in the end. explain what? My daughter has a sensitive heart, and loves to get into the wrong things, and since she has already decided that it is him who is wrong, it is useless for him to say anything.

Gong Yuanhang lowered his head and supported his forehead, feeling more tired than ever before. Lin Mao patted him on the shoulder, silently comforting him. He could see that Gong Xiangyi's reasoning was just arrogance to cover up the fact that she deliberately murdered her brother. But she knew Gong Yuanhang very well, and she knew what kind of words could seriously hurt the other party and make the other party lose their judgment.

Such a selfish and cold-blooded woman made Lin Mao even more disgusted. But this is Gong Yuanhang's family matter after all, if he interrupted, he would be suspected of sowing discord, so he chose to remain silent, but secretly thought in his heart that he must get back the supplies that his grandson deposited with Gong Xiangyi as soon as possible.

"Forget it, since your brother is safe and sound, this matter is over, and we don't want to mention it again." Gong's father wiped his face, unable to speak, "When your brother comes back, you go and apologize to him, don't worry about it." Therefore, I have a division. I don't have many days to live, and you siblings will eventually support each other and go on. Remember, you are relatives, relatives who depend on each other."

"Understood, Dad." Thinking that her father's health was deteriorating at this time, and he would get sick soon, Gong Xiangyi's eyes darkened, and she immediately agreed.

"Go!" Gong Yuanhang waved wearily. Gong Xiangyi glanced at him guiltily, and walked out of the office slowly.

"She has a bad temper!" After Gong Xiangyi walked away, Lin Mao finally couldn't help but say something, "Her ability to prophesy gave her a premature sense of the doomsday, and she was extremely indifferent to life. In her eyes, I'm afraid The moment Li Xin walked out of the house, she was already dead and completely abandoned by her. Don't expect her to take care of Li Xin in the future."

Gong Yuanhang was shocked, and sighed after a while, "Whether you ignore it or give it up, let her go, I can't control her now. As long as I live, as long as the two of them don't form enemies. Li Xin, I will Let him become independent as soon as possible. I'm gone, and Haoran and Wenbo are still there, and they will help me watch."

Lin Mao's heart was touched when he heard the words, and he also let out a long sigh.

More than an hour later, the helicopter arrived at the base smoothly. Gong Yuanhang and Lin Mao immediately cheered up and went to the tarmac to greet them. Gong Xiangyi obediently stood behind them, looking up at the sky with a complicated expression. Lu Yun and Wu Ming also stood in the corner, welcoming He Jin back.

The helicopter landed slowly, and before the fuselage stopped, a thin figure jumped out of the cabin and rushed towards Father Gong. Father Gong immediately opened his arms, embraced the youngest son who had flung himself into his arms, turned around in a circle, and smiled for the first time in days.

During this year, the son is not as afraid of him as he used to be. Instead, he always finds time to read and chat with him, and shows deep attachment to him. The relationship between father and son has long become intimate.

But this kind of change was missed by the busy Gong Xiangyi, so when she saw the interaction between the two, she was so shocked that she was stunned for a moment and forgot to go up to greet her.

Song Haoran walked to the father and son with a smile, and hugged Gong Lixin's waist, who was put down by Gong's father, before he had time to stand still, to prevent him from falling. Lin Wenbo stretched out his hand, hugged Grandfather Lin who was coming forward, and patted his thin back, expressing his comfort wordlessly.

After Gong Lixin hugged Father Gong, he came to hug Grandpa Lin again, smiling brightly, and his carefree appearance made the two of them very happy.

Here, when Gong Xiangyi came back to her senses, she could no longer intervene, and could only stand stiffly in the corner, like a bystander who had nothing to do with these people, feeling embarrassed and annoyed.

After getting off the plane, He Jin also stood in the corner, watching the child's smile brighter than the sky full of stars from a distance, the loss and sorrow in his heart came like a tide.

"Brother He, don't look at it, Young Master Gong's family is reunited, so let's go too. Let me tell you, this base is amazing, with perfect facilities, clean and tidy rooms, and delicious food. I specially leave it for you. There is a plate of braised pork, and a few bottles of beer, let's go, let's go for supper!" Lu Yun stepped forward and pulled his arm, and said happily.

"Is there only beer?" He Jin took a deep look at the children surrounded by the crowd, turned around, and asked in a hoarse voice.

"If you want to drink liquor, I can help you get it. Uncle Gong is a very nice person. I heard that we brought Young Master Gong back, and he specially ordered the subordinates to give us whatever we want!" Lu Yun rubbed his hands, and ran to the logistics department impatiently. . It's rare that Brother He wants to drink, so he will definitely accompany him to the end. You know, in order to keep his head clear, Brother He has always refrained from drinking.

"Get a few more bottles, and sleep well tonight when you're drunk." He Jin confessed to Lu Yunxing hurriedly.

When he returned to the military compound and saw the child's untouched room, he originally thought that the Gong family had completely given up on the child, so he wanted to take him away. But seeing Gong Yuanhang's excited expression of recovering from the loss, things were obviously different from his thoughts. No matter what hidden secrets are hidden in it, as long as the child is safe and happy, he is relieved soon after the loss, but he is a little bit upset after all, and just wants to have a drink or two to relieve the inexplicable boredom in his heart.

Lu Yun didn't look back, and shook his hand in agreement. Wu Ming looked at He Jin with understanding, and thought to himself: When the end of the world is coming, I still think that Brother He is a man of iron, and he can always be calm and unhurried. I didn't expect him to be under pressure, and he needs to drink to relieve his worries!