Lord of End of World

Chapter 62


Dingtai Building, the city's landmark building, has won many international acclaims and carried much pride from the citizens. It just collapsed slowly and irreparably.

The smoke and dust it raised covered the sky and the sun, its roar resounded through the sky, its proud figure turned into a pile of ugly and rough cement blocks and broken glass, and the exposed steel spine that was ruthlessly broken tells its story. sorrow.

In the cabin, even the air became extraordinarily heavy. The tough men who never knew what to bend over were now bent over, looking at the mess below with red eyes, like a city swept by the flames of war.

This is a situation they created with their own hands. Destroying the beautiful city of the past like this, imagination and witnessing are different after all, and the guilt it brings is far beyond their tolerance. Even Song Haoran, whose heart is as firm as iron, At this moment, his eyes were red, and the fingertips that pulled the trigger trembled.

The survivors looked sympathetic, and when they looked closely, some people had tears streaming down their faces, crying silently. At this moment, the air was stagnant, helpless, reluctant, confused, hesitant, and all negative emotions quietly penetrated into the hearts of everyone, like steel needles, piercing them with dull pain.

Gong Lixin lowered his eyes, staring at the countless zombies buried in the ruins, and at the group of zombies still rushing toward the fire, he smiled with satisfaction. He has no extra nostalgia for this city, and he can't understand the sorrow of the people. He only knows that after the fire, this piece of scorched earth will become a burial place for hundreds of thousands of zombies, and this city will be greatly purified.

Could there be a better result than this? Obviously, no! Therefore, all sorrow and reluctance are superfluous, useless, and weak, just like zombies, and should be completely eliminated!

Nodding secretly in his heart, Gong Lixin gently held Song Haoran's trembling fingertips, looked up at him with a smile, and said carefully, "Brother Song, look, how many zombies died down there? There should be hundreds of thousands, right? Hundreds of thousands of zombies have been wiped out, and one day, we will kill all the zombies here. At that time, we will come back and rebuild our temple of light on this piece of scorched earth."

Killing Xiao Lin, flattening the underground palace, and building his own bright palace on it were his dreams in his previous life, and he had completed half of them. In this life, he will fully realize his dream.

The boy's voice was not loud, but it seemed to have some kind of magical power, awakening the lost people. Their gazes slowly moved away from the sea of flames and the ruins, and they looked at the zombies roaring and struggling in the flames, and finally turned into charred black skeletons, and their hearts were shocked.

Zombies kept throwing themselves into the sea of flames one after another, and the dense crowd of zombies around them was decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye, being burned by the fire.

"This fire has purified this area." Lin Wenbo said in a low voice, his expression was no longer sad, "Our actions are not wrong. The old world will be destroyed in our hands, and the new world will also be in our hands Birth. For our bright palace, let's work hard!"

After saying that, he hugged the young man's thin body into his arms, kowtowed his head on the top of his soft hair, narrowed his long and narrow pupils with obvious tenderness and a smile, and admired the scene below as if he were admiring a magnificent scenery. buildings.

The young man's warm body filled his arms and also filled his heart. Indistinctly, some old and stubborn things were withdrawn from his soul, replaced by a firmer, more The fiery belief made him a little dazzled.

The idea of creating a new world hand in hand with the boy in his arms took root in his heart, sprouted, and grew rapidly. The weakness and hesitation that had been buried deep in my heart since the beginning of the last days were completely absorbed by this root system and turned into vigorous vitality.

Song Haoran also came back to his senses, staring blankly at the calm-looking young man who was huddled in his friend's arms, suddenly turned his hand back, and intertwined fingers with the young man, the flushing around his eyes quickly faded, replaced by a firm belief. At this moment, everything in the past was completely abandoned by him. He really lived in the present, in the last days, and he would join hands with the young people around him to create their future. passionate.

Through the headsets on their heads, the 20 special forces on the other planes also heard Gong Shao's bright declaration. Seeing the collapsed buildings one after another, the obsessions in their hearts were also collapsing, and new beliefs stood up with Gong Shao's dream as the cornerstone.

When the survivors on the plane knew that the military had saved themselves at the cost of the entire Dingtai District, there was only one thought in their hearts: to survive! No matter how hard it is, you must live well!

The survivors who were on the same plane as Gong Lixin felt it even more deeply. The young man stood silently behind Gong Lixin, staring intently at his thin but tall figure, his eyes were full of eager light.

The four planes stopped lingering, simply turned around and headed towards the base.


At four o'clock in the afternoon, the ability test was coming to an end. Gong Yuanhang, Lin Mao and others had no intention of watching the results, and waited anxiously in the headquarters. Gong Xiangyi also put aside the work in hand, and accompanied her restlessly.

Under the scorching stares of everyone, the satellite communicator finally beeped. Gong Yuanhang was shocked and quickly connected the phone.

A beam of joy flashed through his eyes very quickly, his tense expression was slightly relaxed, he hung up the phone after a few low responses, and said to everyone present, "All fifty-two survivors were rescued safely, and there were no casualties on our side. Then arrive at the base. Go down and get ready for work."

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and could hardly believe their ears. They knew exactly how difficult and dangerous this mission was. Even if an army of tens of thousands is dispatched, it may not be able to retreat safely. They thought that Young Master Gong might put on a show and return as soon as possible; he might retreat in embarrassment with heavy casualties; he might even die in the Green Garden Market.

In short, they had predicted thousands of outcomes, but they never thought it would be such a happy ending! How did Young Master Gong do it? Everyone focused their eyes and thought deeply, and even Gong Yuanhang couldn't wait to find out the details.

He couldn't bear the surprises his son brought him one after another.

Gong Xiangyi secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and accompanied Mr. Lin, who was in charge of logistics, to go down to prepare. Fifty-two survivors, how much supplies will be consumed? I just hope that there will be a few capable people with good abilities. She thought in a trance.

Half an hour later, four helicopters arrived as scheduled and slowly landed on the tarmac. Some people came after hearing the news, and kept looking around, hoping to find their lost relatives among them.

Seeing the youngest son who was the first to open the hatch and rush towards him, Gong Yuanhang couldn't help but stepped forward and greeted him with open arms.

Embracing the boy who cheerfully threw himself into his arms, Father Gong stroked his smooth black hair with an indescribably loving expression. His son was forced to take risks at such a young age and grew up rapidly, and his heart throbbed with pain.

After patting his son's back heavily, Gong Yuanhang put away the love on his face, and handed him over to Song Haoran and Lin Wenbo, who were waiting with a smile on their faces, and stepped forward to greet the survivors.

After shaking hands with several survivor representatives one by one, Gong Yuanhang asked the logistics staff to take them down for physical examination, quarantine those who were suspected, and take those who were not suspected to register their household registration and test their abilities before they could arrange a room to rest.

After arranging the survivors, he looked at the 20 special forces soldiers who stepped forward to bid farewell to his youngest son, with a thoughtful expression on his face. He felt that some aspects of this group of soldiers had changed. Their demeanor was more severe than before, their eyes were firmer than before, and their attitude towards their younger son was cautious and reverent, which was a gesture of submission.

Apparently, Lin Mao also saw the clue. He exchanged a glance with Gong Yuanhang and said easily, "Let's go, hold a meeting and listen to their task summary."

Gong Yuanhang laughed loudly and walked towards the headquarters.

"What is the relationship between that boy and the leader of your base?" The young man who delivered the chocolate looked at Gong Lixin who left with Gong Yuanhang from a distance, and asked the staff around him curiously.

"That's Young Master Gong," the staff member's expression became solemn for a moment, and his tone became proud, "Chief Gong's son, a user of the Ice Fire Wind three-line ability, is also the most powerful person in our base. I heard that he is only 16 years old this year. .”

It turned out to be Gong Shao, not Gong Shao! The young man suddenly thought of it, and was attracted by another topic, hesitantly asked, "You said he is a supernatural power? What is the supernatural power?" When he asked, the young man's palms were a little sweaty.

Talking about the ability, the enthusiasm of the staff came, and they introduced it endlessly. At the end, they kindly said, "You guys are going to participate in the ability test later. If you are a person with abilities, you will have a good life in the future. pass."

The young man nodded in a daze, replayed the staff's words in his mind repeatedly, and found that he didn't have the ability he knew, and felt a little relieved.

After the staff finished speaking, they remembered that they were rescued by Gong Shao, so they asked Gong Shao about his demeanor in saving people. The young man quickly put aside his uneasiness, and happily talked about Gong Shao's great achievements.

In the conference room, Gong Lixin put one hand into his pocket, tightly clutching the chocolate that the young man gave him, swallowing silently, his thoughts had already gone somewhere.

Song Haoran and Lin Wenbo supplemented each other and explained the mission process clearly, which made everyone in the meeting room dumbfounded.

After they finished speaking, Gong Yuanhang was silent for a long time before opening his mouth, his expression still a little dazed, "Did you blow up the Dingtai Building? The entire Dingtai District was burned to scorched earth?"

"Yes." Song Haoran and Lin Wenbo replied firmly, without a trace of regret on their faces.

Gong Yuanhang slumped on the back of the chair, staring at the void without focus, as if he was imagining the scene when the Dingtai Building collapsed. The people in charge of the Sixth District looked at the three people with their heads bowed and silent with the eyes of terrorists.

"Hahaha!" Mr. Lin took the lead to recover, clapping his palms and laughing, "Okay, have the courage to break the shackles of the old pattern, not be disturbed by foreign things, enough decisiveness, enough courage! Sure enough, heroes come out of troubled times, and boys come out of heroes Ah! Yuanhang, you gave birth to a good son!"

After Lin Mao uttered his voice, Gong Yuanhang pondered for a moment, then immediately raised his head and laughed loudly, the laughter was extremely carefree. His son has grown to such a point, and he is stronger and more determined than he imagined, so he can rest assured.

This base was originally intended to be handed over to Haoran or Wenbo, but now it seems that his son Gong Yuanhang is more suitable! Thinking of this, Gong Yuanhang laughed again.

After the several persons in charge thought it through, they treated Gong Lixin more cautiously than before. The entire Dingtai District exploded as soon as it said it would explode, without any hesitation, it was ruthless! They are completely convinced!

Gong Xiangyi saw the expressions of her father, grandfather Lin, and the six people in charge, gritted her teeth, and slowly lowered her head. Gong Lixin was so ruthless that he could be desperate, what would she use to fight him? forget it!

For some unknown reason, he glanced at his father who was laughing. Young Master Gong squeezed the chocolate in his hand, thinking to himself: When will the meeting end? I want to eat chocolate. Well, there are six small pieces in total, one piece for Dad, one piece for Grandpa Lin, one piece for Brother Song, one piece for Brother Lin, and I can eat two pieces!