Lord of End of World

Chapter 7: revenge


Gong Lixin is in Class A of Senior One. The classroom is on the far left of the first floor of a teaching building.

When he was still living in the underground palace, he had heard all kinds of interesting stories about the 'private schools' from those furnaces when they were young. At that time, he was still looking forward to the scene of learning and playing with children of the same age, but now looking at the Chinese textbooks printed in small print, the little young master's delicate brows were raised high, and the expression of expectation was instantly disillusioned.

It was only because the young master discovered that he, who had read extensively and had a photographic memory, had become illiterate. After reading the whole article, except for the extremely simple words like 'one, two, three', he didn't know any of them.

Fortunately, Gong Lixin's memory is still there, so the young master knows that the characters in this time and space have undergone a transformation, the traditional characters used in ancient times have been greatly simplified, and only half of the characters or a certain radical are used to replace them. In this way, the young master had to compare his memory with Gong Lixin's memory, and the reading speed became extremely slow.

It is so difficult to read Chinese textbooks, let alone chemistry, biology, mathematics and other textbooks. The knowledge of these subjects is undoubtedly a book of heaven for the young master, even with all the memories of Gong Lixin, the young master is completely unable to understand.

Forget it, if I can't be the champion, I can still serve as a soldier in my father's army. I don't think I need to learn these things to be a soldier, right? The little young master lay down on a pile of textbooks in frustration, thinking with luck.

While the young master was worrying about himself, a handsome young man with a tall figure stepped into the classroom, walked to the desk in front of the young master and sat down, then turned around, his eyes kept searching on the young master. His deskmate was a young man with an ordinary appearance and a short stature. When he saw him coming, he smiled flatteringly. He consciously helped him organize his stationery and took out the textbooks needed for his early self-study.

Seeing the little young master frowning tightly and lying powerlessly on the table, the young man curled his lips slightly, and his eyes flickered with a sarcasm.

"Li Xin, how was your night last night? Did you enjoy yourself?" The young man quickly hid his true emotions, approached the young master, and asked with concern. His tablemate also turned around, and cast a meaningful glance at the young master.

"Huh?" Hearing the young man's question, the young master looked up at him, looked at him for a moment, then said hesitantly, "You are Fang Ye?" The Fang Ye who tricked Gong Lixin into taking the aphrodisiac

Fang Ye was stunned for a moment, then smiled, "Why don't you even know me? Could it be that last night was so intense that you couldn't turn your head around?"

On the surface, he joked like two good brothers, but in fact, he had already stared at Gong Lixin thousands of times in his heart. He is very clear about Gong Lixin's crush on Lin Wenbo. He knows that this relationship will not bear fruit, and if it continues, it will only harm others and himself. .

He knew that Gong Lixin would not get what he wanted, and would make Lin Wenbo hate him even more. If the situation was more serious, Gong Lixin might be raped by the men in the clubhouse before Lin Wenbo could get there. Who told him to have such an attractive face.

However, what he wanted was for Gong Lixin to be despised, hated, and not humiliated. He enjoyed the fun of toying Gong Lixin with applause. So what if the family background is more prominent? Although on the surface their Fang family depended on the Gong family for their livelihood, he had to curry favor with Gong Lixin everywhere, but in private he was able to wantonly trample on Gong Lixin's dignity, which gave him a different sense of satisfaction.

Imagining Gong Lixin's unsightly appearance last night, the smile on Fang Ye's face became real, and his servant couldn't help but sneer.

The two pretended to be good on the surface, but they didn't know that the young master had already seen the sarcasm and contempt hidden in their eyes, and classified them as enemies.

Although he was imprisoned in the underground palace for sixteen years and had never been in contact with the outside world, making the young master ignorant of worldly affairs and innocent in nature, he was brought up by the devil Xiao Lin, and he was by no means a pure and harmless lamb. Unique principles of doing things. If others treat him well, he will repay him with sincerity, and if others hurt him, he will repay it double.

Under Xiao Lin's influence, cruel factors had already been implanted in his innocent nature. If this factor is not triggered, he can be the most obedient child in the world, but once stimulated, he can immediately transform into a man-eating beast.

'Hate being drugged' is one of the few taboos of the young master. Obviously, what Fang Ye did touched his bottom line. He stared at Fang Ye closely, his face darkened a little, and he asked in a cold tone, "Do you think taking that medicine will make you feel comfortable?"

Fang Ye felt uncomfortable being stared at by him, Na Na explained, "I've heard people say it's very comfortable, very high."

"En." The young master nodded, and said slowly, "Since you like it, then I will personally make you a medicine that will make you feel more comfortable after taking it, and I will find ten burly men to sleep with you for one night."

In his previous life, when Xiao Lin forced him to swallow aphrodisiacs and have sex with those furnaces, he had always wanted to do that to Xiao Lin. It's a pity that Xiao Lin died, and he could only make up for this regret on Fang Ye.

The smile on the corner of Fang Ye's mouth froze when he heard this, and he stammered and asked, "You... You're joking, right? Whether or not what happened last night is up to you, don't blame me!" Gong Lixin didn't like him Do you obey? Why are you angry this time

Fang Ye's little follower also looked at Gong Lixin who spoke harshly in disbelief, with a slight fear in his expression. It was because he found that Gong Lixin's attitude was very serious, and there was a strong evil spirit hidden in his eyes looking at Fang Ye, it was definitely not as simple as a joke.

Sure enough, Gong Lixin pursed his lips, and said in a serious tone, "I never joke. I will contact you when the medicine is prepared and the big man is all found."

Preparing aphrodisiacs is easy for the young master, but he has just possessed Gong Lixin. He is not familiar with the place, and it will take some time to buy all the medicinal materials and find ten burly men, so Fang Ye has to wait. wait.

I was threatened by Gong Lixin? Fang Ye kept asking himself, seriously suspecting that there was something wrong with his hearing. The way Gong Lixin looked at him made him feel even more uneasy, and a chill slowly climbed from the soles of his feet to the top of his head.

Fang Ye's scalp was a little numb, and he turned to avoid Gong Lixin's knife-like gaze. He opened his mouth to explain, but the class bell rang just in time.

Knowing the meaning of the ringtone, the young master immediately picked up the book to study by himself, and stopped talking to Fang Ye. Seeing the teacher came in, Fang Ye had no choice but to keep his mouth shut, with a gloomy face and a heavy heart.

Gong Lixin's enlightenment means that those people who flatter him in the open and bully him in the dark have a hard time. If Gong Lixin really wants to take revenge, with the strength of the Gong family, the words he threatened just now can easily become reality.

Imagining the scene of ten strong men taking turns torturing him, a drop of cold sweat rolled down Fang Ye's forehead, and the chrysanthemum began to ache. His deskmate obviously thought of the same thing with him, glanced at his buttocks with a pale face, and then immediately distanced himself from him, secretly praying that Gong Lixin would not take revenge by sitting together.

Fang Ye spent the rest of the day in fear, and every time the get out of class bell rang, he immediately apologized and explained to Gong Lixin sincerely. However, this time Gong Lixin didn't take his word for it, even though his mouth was worn out, he didn't look up at him, and his attitude of tearing his face was quite obvious.

In fact, this day is also very difficult for the young master. Fang Ye's harassment was nothing, what bothered him was the schoolwork problem. Except for Chinese, he can't understand other subjects at all. Reluctantly persisted for two classes, the young master sighed, and finally gave up the plan to study seriously, turned his dantian, and simply practiced internal strength silently.

Finally, after school was over in the evening, the young master's dantian became a little more full.

If this continues, I will be able to break through to the first level of Nimai Divine Art in less than two months. The young master laughed at himself while packing his schoolbag. When he walked out of the school gate in a daze and saw Song Haoran who had been waiting across the road early, his depressed mood improved a little.

The little young master raised his steps and was about to run towards Song Haoran, but was blocked by Fang Ye.

"Li Xin, wait, I want to talk to you." For the sake of his family and himself, Fang Ye had no choice but to reconcile with Gong Lixin as soon as possible, no matter how unwilling he was.

"Brother Song said that you are not a good person. If you come to me again in the future, he will talk to you in person. He is right across the street. Go over and talk to him." The young master pointed at Song Haoran's Land Rover and said. Regarding Big Brother Song's exhortations, he remembered every word firmly.

Fang Ye turned around, and sure enough, he saw Song Haoran staring at him with sinister eyes. Seeing Gong Lixin pointing at him, he immediately lowered his face, opened the car door and walked towards the two of them.

Song Haoran's name was like thunder to Fang Ye. His fiery temper and ruthless methods are legendary in the C country's military circles. There was once a person who was not afraid of death to provoke him, but without saying a word, he shot that person's hands and feet with four shots, and ruined that person's life for the rest of his life. However, the Song family is so powerful that no one can do anything to him.

After leaving the Song family, Song Haoran's temper did not restrain himself. His military exploits were not supported by Gong Yuanhang, but by the blood of himself and the enemy. No one knows how many secret missions he has carried out, but it is a recognized fact that he has countless lives in his hands, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he killed people like hemp.

How could Fang Ye not be afraid of Song Haoran, who was becoming more and more powerful, and even the older generation wanted to avoid him? He rubbed oil on the soles of his feet, and quickly disappeared. Thinking of Song Haoran's evaluation of himself as "not a good thing", and thinking of his framing of Gong Lixin last night, Fang Ye sadly realized that the good times of the Fang family are coming to an end.

"That's Fang Ye?" Song Haoran asked affirmatively when he walked to Gong Lixin's side.

"Yeah. He's very afraid of you." The young master tilted his head and looked at Song Haoran earnestly. He didn't find anything scary about him, so he couldn't help frowning, expressing contempt for Fang Ye.

"Just be afraid of me, so that he won't come to you in the future." Song Haoran smiled, and naturally took the boy's soft hand, and walked towards the Land Rover across the road to protect him.

"If he doesn't come to me, I will go to him. He forced me to take that pill, and I will force him to take aphrodisiacs, and I will find ten big men to sleep with him for one night." The young master said calmly. He told his most trusted elder brother Song about his revenge plan.

Song Haoran slapped his footsteps in disarray, looked down at the boy with a serious expression, and made sure that the boy was not joking. He raised his brows and hugged the boy's shoulders, laughing back and forth.

He likes well-behaved and cute children, but a straightforward child who dares to love and hate is obviously more to Song Haoran's appetite. Because "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth" is Song Haoran's principle of life, Gong Lixin's impartial way of handling this incident hit his heart, and made him feel a little more affection for this younger brother. recognition and appreciation.

As expected of Uncle Gong's son! With the courage of Uncle Gong! Song Haoran thought to himself, he laughed for a long time before letting go of Gong Lixin's small shoulders, patted his chest and assured him, "Are you looking for ten burly men? Put it on Big Brother Song!"