Lord of End of World

Chapter 82


After the wave of zombies in the second half of the night passed, some evolved zombies arrived one after another, trying to rush into the base, but they were all killed by soldiers and supernatural beings stationed on the first line of defense. At dawn, there was finally no movement outside the defense line of the Yuanjiang Bridge, and the base quickly sent a plane into the city to check the situation.

In the past, zombies tried to enter the base for food, but the number was very small, and they were often stationed there before crossing the safe zone. The self-defense forces responsible for protecting the farmers shot and killed them. The large-scale zombie tide like last night was still For the first time, it was no longer safe to come to the safe zone, and the food grown must have been ruined by the large group of zombies who crossed the border.

The helicopter that went to investigate the situation has not yet returned. As the morning mist cleared, the ground shook several times, and then the second wave and the third wave of zombies began. The military concentrated all its forces to guard against sticking to the first line of defense, lest zombies break into the base and kill more than a thousand people as prey.

This is the first major crisis that the base has faced since its establishment. The people don't know what to do, and people are in panic. The sky over the base is shrouded in gloom.

However, the tough performance of a group led by Gong Shao quickly dispelled the thick clouds, cheered up the people, and made the newcomers who joined the base see what is meant by the 'art of killing zombies'.

They first staged a disgusting 'killing', and then drove a piece of vajra vines to brutally strangle the zombies, and then everyone showed off their special skills and violently killed the zombies. Their active and excited performance seemed to be enjoying the killing instead of fighting, which made the other seven team members shed crocodile tears for the zombies who came to attack the base.

There was a group of townsmen, and the other groups cooperated in a tacit understanding, mercilessly wiped out all the fish that slipped through the net, and firmly held the first line of defense.

From early morning to noon, the besieged evolutionary zombies are gradually decreasing, and the helicopter that went to the city center to check the situation has also returned, bringing news of a strong earthquake in the city center. Because of avoiding the earthquake, a large group of zombies migrated. The evolved zombies escaped quickly, so they rushed to the base first. Thinking about it, groups of junior zombies were still behind.

However, junior zombies are now like ants in the eyes of supernatural beings, and they are nothing to worry about. They can all be burned to death by setting a fire in the past.

Gong Lixin was fighting together with the supernatural beings, but suddenly a slight clicking sound came from his ear, blocking his movements. He raised his head and looked back at the highway behind the base with a solemn expression. When the second inaudible click came, he hurriedly left the battle line, tapped his toes, and swept towards the highway.

The expressway is just behind the base, less than 100 meters apart. It is a typical karst landform, which was formed by workers drilling and digging on limestone hills. There are layers of steel wire protective nets on both sides of the road to prevent gravel from rolling down the road and causing traffic accidents.

When Gong Lixin came to the road, a few pieces of gravel rolled down from the top of the mountain and fell into the protective net, causing a sound of gold and stone colliding. Gong Lixin put his ear close to the road, lay down quietly for a while, then calmed down, and quickly rushed to the headquarters.

Seeing Shao Gong walking against the wind and flying gracefully from the expressway to the base, the people looked up with burning eyes. No matter how long they watched, Young Master Gong's every move still amazed them. Although they are both supernatural beings, Young Master Gong has an ethereal and otherworldly aura about him, as if he were a real master of the world.

When Gong Lixin knocked on the door of the headquarters, Gong Xiangyi was taking two doctors to give Gong's father a physical examination. After the wave of zombies started last night, Father Gong felt uneasy and almost fainted. This made Gong Xiangyi very anxious, so he forced him to stop his official duties and check with the doctor.

As early as a few months ago, Lin Wenbo asked Gong Xiangyi out of the third group because of her behavior of misappropriating supplies again and again. The two went through the most serious quarrel in history, and then entered a long period of cold war. Grandfather Lin, Song Haoran, and Gong Lixin have long ignored her. Now, Father Gong is her only support. Without Father Gong, it can be said that she is struggling in the base, unable to move an inch. Therefore, she was very afraid that Father Gong would leave her too.

"Li Xin, is there something wrong with the defense line of the Yuanjiang Bridge?" Seeing the solemn young son, Father Gong swung the two doctors back and asked in a deep voice.

"Father, are you sick?" Gong Lixin didn't answer, but turned to look at the two doctors, frowning tightly.

Seeing the worry in Young Master Gong's eyes, the two doctors quickly explained, "Young Master Gong, please don't worry, the chief just has a little high blood pressure, just take some antihypertensive drugs, and there will be no major problems."

"Really? Thank you doctor." Gong Lixin relaxed slightly, and continued to ask, "Is there any antihypertensive medicine in the base? If not, I will go to the city to look for it now."

"The last time the Seventh Group went on a mission, they brought back a lot of medicines, among which there were several special antihypertensive medicines, so there is no need to look for them again." The two doctors quickly waved their hands, secretly praising Gong Shao for his filial piety. Now the city is not only ravaged by zombies, but also has a strong earthquake. For the sake of the chief, Young Master Gong rushes into the dangerous situation without frowning. Blessed is Chief Gong for raising such a son!

Gong Yuanhang was also very caring, and quickly pulled his son to dissuade him, and asked the doctor to bring him a few bottles of antihypertensive medicine to prove that the base has enough medicines and there is no need for his son to be in danger.

Gong Xiangyi felt sour when she saw the scene of the two being loving fathers and filial sons. But she had to admit that in the two lives, Gong Lixin was extremely filial to his father. In her previous life, if her father hadn't passed away, Gong Lixin wouldn't have turned into such an extreme and distorted appearance.

After confirming that Father Gong was in good health, Gong Lixin remembered the business, and quickly said, "Father, you quickly give the order to let all the personnel in the base evacuate quickly, the back mountain is about to collapse."

"What?" Gong Yuanhang and Gong Xiangyi exclaimed in unison, almost fidgeting.

"How do you know that the back mountain is about to collapse?" Gong Xiangyi collected herself and looked at Gong Lixin with suspicion in her eyes.

"I heard the sound of cracking inside the mountain. Now the mountain is still cracking. We must leave within two hours, otherwise we will be buried alive by the collapsed rocks." Gong Lixin pointed to his ear and said firmly.

"Why didn't I hear it?" Gong Xiangyi still didn't believe it, and asked in a deep voice. Evacuate? Where to withdraw? It was hard to establish a base belonging to the Gong family, but could it be lost in just one year? Could it be that she is destined not to escape the tragedy of her previous life? Thinking of this, she felt cold all over her body, and she didn't want to leave no matter what.

Gong Yuanhang believed in his son's judgment. His son could even hear the sound of a feather falling to the ground ten meters away, and he was sure he could hear the sound of the mountain cracking. Thinking of this, he looked terrified, and hurriedly ordered the soldiers to rush to the broadcasting station, and issued the order of 'the mountain is cracked, all evacuated'.

Hearing the repeated broadcast sound, all the staff in the base were restless, but no one immediately carried out the order. This is the base they have built for a year. They fight, work and live here. They have long regarded this place as their home and have a deep sense of belonging. Now, there is no sign of the collapse of the mountain, and they are extremely reluctant to be told to leave them. Most of them are lucky and want to wait and see for a while.

The supernatural beings who were fighting the zombie tide on the front line also heard the sound of the broadcast, and quickly sent their team members back to the base to inquire. The leaders of the sixth district also rushed to the headquarters one after another, and surrounded the headquarters with water.

Time is life, but these people are still asking questions, wasting their own lives, Gong Lixin felt extremely impatient, pushed everyone away and walked towards the broadcasting room.

"I'm Gong Lixin. Listen up, everyone. The back mountain will collapse soon. If you don't want to be buried alive, please pack up your things quickly and evacuate within two hours." Swinging back the soldiers who were issuing orders, Gong Lixin moved closer to the microphone and said solemnly. warned.

After finishing speaking, he didn't have the patience to repeat it over and over again, so he immediately left the broadcasting room and rushed to the front line, preparing to replace Li Dongsheng, and asked him to pack things for the team members and help the base carry supplies. In one year, Gong Lixin deeply realized the convenience of "the space is in my hand, I have the world", and he fed Li Dongsheng with crystal cores without hesitation, and forced Li Dongsheng to become a second-level high-level ability user. The area has also expanded from the original 30 square meters to the size of a football field. Now that the base has been relocated, Li Dongsheng just needs to use it.

Hearing Young Master Gong's unique clear voice on the radio, the people at the base no longer waited and watched, and hurriedly went back to the dormitory to pack their things without daring to delay at all. The person in charge and the supernatural beings who surrounded the headquarters to ask Gong Yuanhang about the situation also resigned immediately and organized the evacuation. At this moment, the powerful appeal contained in the word "Gong Shao" was vividly expressed.

The son easily solved the trouble in front of him with just one sentence. Gong Yuanhang breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Gong Xiangyi who was in a daze, and urged, "Go back, pack up your things and leave quickly."

"Father, leave here, where are we going?" Gong Xiangyi asked in a daze.

"Leave first. I don't decide where to go alone. We will hold a meeting to discuss it when it is safe." Gong Yuanhang rubbed his eyebrows and strode away.

At the back of the base, with Gong Lixin's warning, no one dared to delay, and quickly packed up their belongings and moved them to the truck. Everything that can be transported away is transported away, and those that cannot be transported have to be reluctantly discarded. After the trucks left with the people, more than a dozen helicopters loaded with supplies took off one after another and flew towards the gas station 40 kilometers away. That was the safe foothold designated by Gong Shao.

Ahead, hordes of zombies are still coming. In order to ensure the safe evacuation of the people in the base, the supernatural beings are still fighting hard. When the evacuation of the people was almost over, Gong Lixin asked Luo Dahai to spread the seeds of the iron vine on the bridge, and after urging them all, he quickly left with the supernatural beings and boarded several trucks waiting in the base.

The iron wire rattan is shaped like iron wire and has strong toughness. After being stimulated, it will cover the bridge head densely like a spider web. Although the evolutionary zombies are extremely powerful, it takes a lot of energy to tear off the spiderweb-like iron wire vines, which buys enough time for the evacuation of the supernatural beings.

When the zombie group finally tore off the vines and broke free, the base was already empty.

The evolved zombies sniffed the strong popularity at the end of their noses, wandered around the base, looted, roared, and followed the smell towards the gas station 40 kilometers away. But not long after chasing, bursts of cracking sounded continuously, and large rocks began to fall from both sides of the road, smashing them into fleshy mud. A few seconds later, the entire limestone mountain suddenly let out a loud roar, and then fell apart, completely burying the base, zombie groups, and the highway. The smoke and dust all over the sky rose up, covering the sky and the sun, and it could be seen clearly even tens of kilometers away.