Lord of End of World

Chapter 83


Forty kilometers away, more than 2,000 people who had safely evacuated from the base, including supernatural beings and civilians, all gathered in the open space of the gas station and watched with their own eyes. bury. The huge noise was still clearly audible even after dozens of kilometers away, and even the ground under his feet trembled accordingly, and the soaring smoke and dust fluttered over the ruins, lingering for a long time.

The power brought about by the sudden change of heaven and earth was so terrifying that the people who witnessed this scene felt chills all over their bodies. What would have happened if Young Master Gong hadn't reminded everyone to evacuate in time? I'm afraid they have already been smashed to pieces and buried under the mountain. Thinking of this, everyone looked at Gong Shao who had a calm expression, with fanatical admiration and deep gratitude in his eyes.

Major Gong rescued them from the purgatory city, collected enough supplies for them to survive, helped them eliminate the zombies that threatened their lives, led them to become stronger, fought, and let them break free from despair and see the light and hope of living . Time and time again, Shao Gong has proved with practical actions that the end of the world is not terrible. To them, Gong Shao has already surpassed the light and fluffy word "benefactor", but has been endowed with a thicker and more sacred meaning. Just like faith, like a spiritual pillar, as long as Young Master Gong is with everyone, even if the base is destroyed, they will not panic, and firmly believe that they will be able to overcome the difficulties smoothly and live well.

The moment they saw Gong Shaoping's plain expression, the panic of the crowd instantly calmed down. Someone in the crowd choked with tears and shouted 'Long live Shao Gong', as if some kind of switch had been triggered, full of frenzy The sound of "Long Live Gong Shao" reverberated over the gas station for a long time.

Father Gong and Grandfather Lin looked at each other with deep smiles in their eyes. They thought that this disaster would distract the base and spread panic, but they didn't think that with Li Xin around, all these worries would become their mediocre worries.

After this incident, Gong Lixin's prestige in the base has reached an unprecedented height, and he has become the spiritual leader in the hearts of the people, making the base's cohesion and sense of belonging stronger.

Gong Lixin is an otaku, facing the enthusiasm of so many people at once, it is inevitable that he has some maladjustment. His face was still plain, only his tight lips and slightly red ear tips revealed his inner discomfort. He moved his feet unobtrusively, and moved closer to Lin Wenbo who was standing beside him. His clear eyes were clearly written with five large characters—what should I do

It was the first time I saw the young man showing a panicked expression like a little white rabbit, but he still had to force himself to be calm, that pitiful and cute look made Lin Wenbo's heart tremble. Lowering his head, he clenched his fist with one hand and put it on his lips, suppressing the smile that was about to overflow from the corner of his lips. Lin Wenbo reminded softly, "It's getting late, and I've been tired for another day. Tell everyone to camp and rest."

Gong Lixin's eyes lit up slightly, and he raised his hand to signal for everyone to be quiet, and used his internal force to send his words into everyone's ears, and said with concern, "It's getting late, you all have to set up camp quickly, so you can rest."

"Yes!" Everyone agreed in unison, secretly surprised at Gong Shao's clearly audible voice, like whispering in their ears, and their admiration instantly rose again.

"Young Master Gong, the base is gone, where shall we settle down in the future?" When turning around, someone asked worriedly.

"We will hold a meeting tonight to discuss this issue, and we will give you the answer tomorrow morning. No matter where we go, I, Gong Yuanhang, promise that I will never abandon any of you." Seeing that his son was being asked, Gong's father quickly answered loudly.

With his guarantee, the last trace of uneasiness dissipated. The people consciously went to the logistics staff to get tents and set up temporary shelters in the open space of the gas station. A meeting was held in the commissary to discuss what to do in the future.

"Why don't we just go north and go to the Xiangcui Bay base? I heard that there are complete facilities and sufficient supplies, and they are recruiting supernatural beings and survivors from all over the country. Going there, the lives of the people will be more secure." Six groups The team leader spoke first after pondering for a moment.

"No!" Gong Xiangyi vetoed sharply without giving everyone any time to think, with a few traces of fear flashing quickly in her eyes. The Xiangcuiwan base was the place where the tragedy of her life began, and it was a nightmare that had plagued her for two lifetimes. She would never go there anyway.

"I don't think it's feasible either." Lin Wenbo glanced at Gong Xiangyi inexplicably, and spoke slowly.

"Tell me your reasons." Xiangcui Bay is the Song family's base, and the Gong family and the Song family have deep grievances. Gong Yuanhang also felt that something was wrong, but he didn't say it clearly. After all, this involves the interests of the people, and the interests of the people cannot be ignored because of family grievances.

Gong Lixin lowered his eyes, as if he was listening to the content of the meeting carefully, but in fact he had already lost his mind. As soon as such decisions were involved, his head was severely knotted, and he degenerated from the wise and powerful Gong Shao to the short-sighted ancients in an instant.

Song Haoran caught a glimpse of the boy's eyes that were beginning to become foggy, and felt amused in his heart, and quietly pulled his white and slender fingers and placed them in the palm of his hand to play with. He doesn't care about where to go, even if everyone wants to go to Beijing and join the line of the second uncle who forced him out of the family, as long as the young man is still by his side, he can be at peace and calm.

"Nearly 2,000 of us migrated collectively, and with so many supplies, there will be a lot of commotion, and there will definitely be a lot of trouble along the way. I'm afraid we won't be able to support Xiangcui Bay safely. It's safer to find a nearby base to seek refuge. "Lin Wenbo explained.

"Yes! If you go north, you will have a long journey, and you will definitely encounter a lot of bandits and zombies, and there will be many dangers. It is the best policy to choose a base nearby." Gong Xiangyi quickly agreed.

After pondering for a while, the person in charge of the third district hesitated and said, "That's what you said, but we have a large number of people, which base nearby dares to take us in? Are you afraid that we will turn our backs on customers and occupy the magpie's nest? When the time comes, we will go rashly. I am afraid there will be bloodshed and more losses."

"It doesn't matter. Let's pay some supplies first in exchange for the qualification to join the base. If they refuse, we will directly open their gates with artillery fire. It is necessary to fight against customers, and doves occupy the magpie's nest, but we have to wait until we have a firm foothold. You can only do it by drawing." Song Haoran kept scratching his palms to wake up his sanity, Gong Lixin finally understood what he said, and said in a flat tone.

What he had received since he was a child was the education of controlling violence with violence and stopping killing with killing, and he never knew what yielding was. In his opinion, seeking refuge is not the best policy, and annexation is the choice once and for all.

The six people in charge were dumbfounded by Gong Shao's ambitious words, and they didn't know how to react for a while. On the contrary, it was the leaders of several supernatural teams who were excited by him and their emotions were high. Living in troubled times, and with outstanding strength, which man doesn't have a little dream of conquering all directions and making achievements in history? Gong Shao's words were too appetizing to them, and at the same time, their understanding of Gong Shao deepened. Don't look at Gong Juvenile's young age, this decisiveness is very comparable! It really is a boy born from a hero!

Father Gong and Mr. Lin looked at each other and smiled. Seeing the little boy grow up step by step into the resolute and courageous appearance he is today, the pride and pride in their hearts cannot be expressed in words.

Lin Wenbo and Song Haoran have long been accustomed to the surprise brought to them by the young man. They suppressed the smiles in their eyes. They looked at the map and pointed to a small island at the same time. They said in unison, "Let's go here."

Everyone took a closer look and saw that it was the Long Snake Island Prison, which was more than 5,000 kilometers away. If they traveled day and night, they could arrive there in only three or four days.

Long Snake Island Prison is located in the Inland Sea of Bonan, and it is the largest prison at the junction of four provinces, which can accommodate more than 70,000 prisoners at a time. The entire Long Snake Island is surrounded by high-voltage power grids, and only a narrow one-way road has been artificially paved for prison vehicles to enter and exit. It is precisely because of its isolation and strict security that some prisoners and prison guards on the island survived in the last days.

Long Snake Island Prison adheres to the principle of 'reform through labor', turning the fertile soil of the entire island into large farmlands, allowing prisoners to farm day and night to cultivate themselves, and a self-sufficient system has been formed before the end of the day. You don’t have to worry about food or zombies when you go there. The only point is that the surviving prison guards and prisoners on the island are extremely xenophobic and never admit outsiders. It may not be easy to convince them.

After listening to everyone's opinions, Father Gong waved his hand and said firmly, "It's okay, let's talk when we go. Just like what Li Xin said, let's give courtesy first and then soldiers. There is no shortage of food in Long Snake Island, so we will exchange it with ammunition. Prison guards and prisoners have always been at odds. No, as long as there is a gap between the two factions, there will be loopholes for us to exploit when negotiating. If not, just use artillery fire to speak for us."

Father Gong made a final decision, and everyone nodded, with expressions of relief on their faces. Once the base is destroyed, they will naturally feel a lot of pain and pressure, but now that everyone is closely united and making plans together, the anxiety and anxiety have long since disappeared, and only the longing and hope for the future remain.

Gong Xiangyi clenched her fists tightly, her nails dug into her flesh, the pain was excruciating, but she seemed unconscious. No one noticed how twisted the expression on Lin Wenbo's face was when she pointed at Long Snake Island.

In the previous life, the troops led by Father Gong first took refuge in Long Snake Island Prison. There is indeed plenty of food and safety there, but it is not a place to stay for a long time. Now that they have gone, they will leave sooner or later, and they will eventually converge on Xiangcui Bay. She tried her best to avoid the tragedy of her previous life, but the god of fate seemed to play a joke on her, pushing her back to the same path invisibly. She was scared, scared to death!

"No, you can't go to Long Snake Island!" Gong Xiangyi suddenly slapped the table hard and denied sharply.

"Where are we going? Xiangcui Bay?" Lin Wenbo asked in a low voice, holding Gong Xiangyi's trembling shoulders. The reason why he asked this question was because he could see that Gong Xiangyi had an inexplicable fear of Xiangcui Bay, and it was very likely that she had fallen into the imagination in her head again. In order to find out Gong Xiangyi's true heart, he had to speak provocatively.

"No! You can't go to Xiangcui Bay either!" Gong Xiangyi stood up with a pale face and shouted loudly.

Father Gong also knew that there was something wrong with his daughter's psychology. Seeing that her expression was not right, he quickly waved away everyone. Gong Lixin and Song Haoran looked at each other, followed the crowd and strode away. Gong Xiangyi fell ill again, and they didn't want to be poisoned by her magic voice.

Gong Xiangyi made a lot of noise, and repeatedly predicted that Long Snake Island would become the habitat of Fire Crows, which was not suitable for human habitation, but her father dismissed them all. If they don't go to Long Snake Island, they have no other place to go. With so many people, they must find a place to settle as soon as possible. It won't be too late to talk about it after things stabilize in the future. The fire crow, presumably a mutated bird, can find a way to prevent it.

There was a quarrel for a while, and seeing that her father did not change her original intention, Gong Xiangyi also knew that she could not influence everyone's decision, so she pushed Gong's father and Lin Wenbo away, and ran away alone.

Looking at Lin Wenbo, who was full of exhaustion and bitterness, Father Gong was speechless and could only pat him on the shoulder guiltily to show comfort.

After all, he raised his daughter with his own hands. He is inevitably selfish and wants to find a good and reliable man to take care of his daughter for life, and Lin Wenbo is the candidate he is most satisfied with. Even if he knew that his daughter had really wronged the child, he could only turn a blind eye to it. He only hoped that his daughter would be more sensible and not wipe out the fate and relationship between the two of them.