Lord of End of World

Chapter 97


The panic continues to spread, devouring people's desire for life. The base stopped operating normally in an instant, and no one came to carry out the orders issued by Gong's father. Everyone was immersed in despair and had a very negative attitude.

Once people's beliefs collapse, the only thing waiting for them is death, not by zombies, but by themselves. If this continues, the suicide rate in the base will rise steadily, and human beings will push themselves into a desperate situation.

Lin Wenbo walked around the base, knowing that he must dispel the negative emotions of the people as soon as possible, and after pondering for a while, he brought Gong Lixin to the broadcasting room, and told him, "Xiao Xin, skip the part about Bigu Dan for what you advised us earlier. , Say it again to the people. Tell them, we will find plants that are suitable for eating, and let them be strong before that. No matter how bad it is, there must be grain in the scattered strategic reserve granaries across the country. We can go to search, those granaries The food is enough to feed more than a billion people in country C for a year, and it is enough to feed thousands of them. Before the food runs out, we will definitely find a solution."

Gong Lixin nodded while listening, and when Lin Wenbo finished speaking, he seriously suggested, "Brother Lin, please help me write a manuscript, I don't understand well, I'm afraid I can't speak well." Something like 'strategic reserve', He understood every word when he took it apart, but he couldn't figure it out at all when he put it together, and he might miss Brother Lin's business.

Looking at his ignorant little face, Lin Wenbo suddenly laughed lowly, and the last trace of gloom in his heart disappeared without a trace. This is the so-called ignorant so fearless, right? No wonder Xiao Xin never knew what fear was, and she always remained calm and calm, so unexpectedly cute! That's good, you don't need to think about those complicated things in your heart, because there is me.

With the thought of protecting him, Lin Wenbo lovingly rubbed the top of the young man's hair, and began to draft the speech with a promise. Although Xiaoxin is not good at words, let alone speech skills, such inspiring words can be most effective only when they are spoken from his mouth, because he is the patron saint in the hearts of the people and their belief.

Lin Wenbo is a very successful businessman, and what he is best at grasping is people's hearts. A speech with rich voice and emotion was quickly formed in his pen. He handed over a thin piece of paper, and said softly, "Xiao Xin, just read it as you like, you don't need to pay attention to the rhythm. As long as it is your words, the people will definitely believe it and cheer up." Because there is no People know better than him how terrible the appeal of the young man is, and that power is enough to make people addicted.

"En." Gong Lixin nodded solemnly, and after Lin Wenbo turned on the microphone, he read out the speech script word by word.

Because he had only been in contact with the textbook for a year, he threw it away. He was not very familiar with simplified characters, so he read very slowly, but his pronunciation was exceptionally clear. There was no anxiety, no fear, and no despair in his melodious and melodious voice. It's just calm and calm, like the clearest and purest spiritual spring in the world, with the power to comfort people's hearts.

Father Gong, who was burned inside, hadn't seen anyone for a long time. When he returned to the prison from the farm, what he heard was his son's encouragement and comfort. He stopped in his footsteps, couldn't help but listen carefully, and his frowning brows unknowingly relaxed. The people in the base also forgot to panic, and became quiet bit by bit, with a smile slowly showing on their faces. The prisoners who were on the verge of rioting due to despair and exploited by Kang Zhengyuan and Baolong also calmed down their violent ups and downs, and followed the guards with whips to the farmland, ready to grab them.

Dou Hengyin was among a group of ragged prisoners, looking back in the direction of the broadcasting room, his eyes that seemed particularly deep because of his concentration seemed to penetrate the wall, and saw where the boy was. started, but eventually failed because it was too rusty. He finds it incredible that in the peaceful and prosperous times of the past, he didn't feel the slightest warmth and hope, but in the last days, he has tasted these two extremely extravagant emotions for him. Life is so impermanent!

Tan Mingyuan walked out of Bao Long's office, his respectful expression turned into contempt and disgust in an instant. Thinking back to Baolu's food storage plan of "killing people for meat", and then recalling Gong Shao's gentle encouragement to the people and subordinates, he spat on Bao Long, and a strong murderous intent flashed quickly in his eyes.

Such a scum, I will kill him sooner or later, so as not to dirty Young Master Gong's hands! When thinking about this part, Tan Mingyuan obviously forgot that he was once one of these scumbags.

After Gong Lixin released the broadcast and walked out of the building hand in hand with Lin Wenbo, he was greeted by the smiling faces of the team members that were even brighter than the scorching sun.

"Boss, let's answer your call and prepare to go to work in the fields, let's go together!" Wang Tao, who has become an authentic muscular man, raised the hoe in his hand and said with a smile.

"Well, I also want a hoe." Gong Lixin was startled, and said with a smile on his face. He had never used this kind of farming tool before, and his big bright eyes were full of curiosity.

"Ha, Brother Song really knows you best, he already knew you would say that!" Wang Tao looked at Song Haoran who was holding two hoes with admiration.

Song Haoran smiled, his eyes overflowing with pride and pampering, he handed over a hoe in his hand, then naturally put his arms around the boy's shoulders, and led him towards the distant farmland.

Seeing the young man's white and soft little hand detach from his big palm, Lin Wenbo narrowed his eyes slightly, put his hand into his trouser pocket, and quietly clenched into a fist. Cao Yanan walked beside him, glanced at his particularly cold profile with an interesting expression.

A group of people squatted on the edge of the farmland, waiting for the wood-type supernatural beings to ripen the crops before harvesting.

Seeing Gong Xiangyi standing on the ridge, bending over and talking to Dou Heng who was harvesting rice, Gong Lixin raised his eyebrows, put down his hoe, and Shi Shiran walked over. He knew that Gong Xiangyi was the kind of person who didn't want to get ahead without benefits, and Dou Heng must have caught her eye somewhere, otherwise she wouldn't bother to make friends. In this way, Gong Lixin, who already had a good impression of Dou Heng, paid more attention to him.

Hearing Gong Xiangyi kept assuring Dou Heng that he could be taken to the Gong family's base, and that he would no longer need to live like a slave in the future, Gong Lixin pursed his lips, his eyes filled with sarcasm. A man like Dou Heng doesn't need a woman to save him. Even if he wants to get out of the sea of suffering, he will only rely on his own strength. If not, he will drag those who stand in his way to hell with him. No one understands the madness buried in Dou Heng's bones better than him, because they used to be the same kind of people.

"You don't need to worry about it anymore, Dou Heng doesn't need you to save him." Gong Lixin said lightly as he quietly walked behind Gong Xiangyi.

Gong Xiangyi was taken aback, turned around and looked at him in astonishment, and stammered, "You, how can you eavesdrop on us?"

"You speak so loudly, how can you count me as eavesdropping?" Gong Lixin tilted his head and asked with a very serious expression.

Gong Xiangyi gritted her teeth and had nothing to say, so she left resentfully. Ever since he possessed the supernatural power, Gong Lixin's body has undergone a radical change, his every move seems to carry a daunting magic power, as long as he has the heart, he can make people submit by hooking his fingers at will. Facing such a person, all the vigor in her body became powerless, and when she saw him, she could only run away from him and deal with it with evasion.

Glancing thoughtfully at Gong Xiangyi's receding back, Gong Lixin sat down on the field ridge, resting his chin, staring intently at Dou Heng who was still harvesting the rice without even looking at himself.

Knowing that Gong Xiangyi is the boy's older sister, Dou Heng has been gritting his teeth to endure the desire to kill patiently, letting her make noises in his ears. Seeing the boy appear, his heart jumped for a moment, but it didn't show on his face, his expression was still tense. After the young man sat down and looked at him intently, Dou Heng's body gradually stiffened, and the movements of harvesting rice seemed messy and cramped.

But Gong Lixin didn't know how to harvest the rice, so he didn't see any abnormality in him, and looked him from head to toe with big bright eyes, trying to find something special about him that caught Gong Xiangyi's attention.

Dou Heng's thin lips were tightly pressed into a straight line, feeling that the young man's eyes were solid, causing waves of electric currents running around in him, and he was flustered and at a loss, his arched back became more and more stiff. If he was a ferocious beast, his hair would probably stand on end by now.

However, Gong Lixin still didn't notice his abnormality, and stared at him without blinking, without any cover.

Can't tell whether it's nervousness or excitement, or both. Dou Heng's forehead is dripping with sweat, and there is a trace of flushing on the tips of his ears, hidden under his dark skin, which is undetectable, and his palms are also slightly sweaty. It was so slippery that it was almost impossible to hold the handle of the sickle.

"Be careful!" Gong Lixin's focused eyes flashed, and while warning in a low voice, he threw a stone quickly, knocking down Dou Heng's sickle, and said with a frown, "You almost cut your ankle just now."

"Thank you." Dou Heng frowned, and thanked him in a low voice. The annoyance and shame in his heart made him dare not look up at the boy's expression. Damn it! How can I make a fool of myself in front of him? ! He thought to himself in embarrassment.

"You're welcome." Gong Lixin waved his hand, jumped down from the ridge of the field suddenly, walked up to him, took his wrist and held it silently for a moment, and then seriously reminded, "Your palm is wet with sweat, so you can't hold the handle of the knife. Wipe your palms before working so you don't get hurt."

Dou Heng withdrew his wrist awkwardly, quietly feeling the unusual burning heat left on it, wondering if it was his imagination. However, whether it was his imagination or not, this feeling made him very nostalgic.

Seeing the young man jumping onto the field ridge, smiling and waving goodbye to him, Dou Heng suppressed the overwhelming disappointment in his heart, and said in a low and hoarse voice, "What's your name, please?" He had heard others call the young man As 'Gong Shao', however, what he was eager to know was the boy's real name, not a strange and alienated title.

"My name is Gong Lixin." Gong Lixin's round cat pupils smiled into two crescent moons, indescribably cute. After the words fell, he paused, and said in a cautious tone, "You will definitely become very powerful in the future, so you must believe in yourself and live well."

He just detected the majestic energy contained in Dou Heng's body, not any kind of supernatural power he had detected before, so he understood why Gong Xiangyi paid attention to him. This person will definitely be a strong man in the future. Maybe I can open up the meridians for him and let him have strength. This thought was rejected by Gong Lixin just as it surfaced from the bottom of his heart. Only by relying on the strength gained by one's own efforts can one be invincible and indomitable. His actions seem to be helping, but in fact they are hindering, which is no different from helping the seedlings grow. Forget it, just watch him quietly and wait for his self-awakening!

Thinking of this, Gong Lixin smiled, revealing a row of white teeth. And Dou Heng stood in the rice field blankly, chewing his name and words of encouragement over and over again.