Lord of End of World

Chapter 98


When Gong Lixin walked back to the Gong family's farmland, the rice in the field had already been ripened by wood-type supernatural beings, and under the summer wind's fiddle, layers of golden waves were rippling, dazzling people's eyes, and there was a burst of fragrance in the face. The rice fragrance is refreshing.

Gong Lixin narrowed his eyes, stood on the edge of the field ridge, quietly staring at the beautiful scenery that he had never seen before, completely intoxicated by this moment physically and mentally. After being reborn, although we have encountered the end times, there are still many beautiful things in life that are worth cherishing, just like the shining stars in the dark night sky. Although the tiny stars cannot illuminate the entire sky, they make the night sky fade away The frightening darkness became brighter than the day.

Looking for light in the endless darkness, looking for hope in the cold despair, from another perspective, it is nothing less than a kind of joy in life. Thinking of this, Gong Lixin opened his lips and smiled. This smile is like the first ray of sunshine piercing through the thick cloud after the storm, which is extraordinarily dazzling and also brings a gorgeous rainbow, so beautiful that it is difficult to describe in words.

Song Haoran stopped, staring blankly at the seemingly illusory young man immersed in his own world with the golden rice waves as the background, his heart beat wildly. When his heart, which was about to jump out of his chest, calmed down a little bit, he restrained the obsession in his eyes, paced over slowly, and asked pretendingly, "Li Xin, you seem to pay special attention to that man named Dou Heng, why? ?”

The smile on his face was still there, Gong Lixin tilted his head, his eyes were as bright as stars, flashing a mischievous brilliance, the tip of his index finger lightly pressed against his lips, and said mysteriously, "This is a secret, you will know it naturally in the future .”

The light white fingertips and the crimson attractive lips, in contrast, the white is whiter and the red is redder, complementing each other and attracting people's attention. Song Haoran's eyes were deep, and he was instantly bewitched by the beautiful scenery in front of him. He felt his mouth was dry and his lower abdomen tightened. He wished he could suck the boy's index finger into his mouth, and then pecked his soft lips to grind and gnaw. bite.

Endured and endured, but finally couldn't hold back the longing in his heart, he strode forward, hugged the naughty and cute boy into his arms and rubbed them fiercely, seemingly playing around but carefully pressed a few kisses on his cheeks, One of them brushed the corner of the young man's lips and tasted the unique fragrance from the young man's mouth. He was so fascinated that he had already forgotten about Dou Heng.

Gong Lixin's cheeks were flushed from being rubbed, dizzy, she snuggled into his broad and warm embrace, giggling lightly. The scene of the two playing is vivid and tender, attracting the eyes of countless people in the field, and they are greatly affected, and they can't stop smiling.

Dou Heng stared blankly for a while, and then slowly bent down under the ruthless whipping of the guards. His drooping face was cold and hard, and his deep pupils looked at the dark brown soil under his feet without focus, appearing extraordinarily empty and dazed. .

With his hands in his pockets, Lin Wenbo squinted at the two people who were embracing each other not far away, his handsome and gentle face was uncontrollably tinged with gloom and hardness.

Seeing the jealousy and bitterness hidden in his eyes, and seeing Gong Xiangyi walking this way from afar, Cao Yanan smiled secretly, Shi Shiran walked over, hugged his arm affectionately, and asked in a low voice beside his ear, "What are you looking at? So lost in thought?"

Lin Wenbo turned to look at Cao Yanan, who was smiling slyly. From the corner of his eyes, he caught a glimpse of Gong Xiangyi, who was pale and was staring at Gong Xiangyi for a moment, and said displeasedly, "I didn't see anything. If you want to provoke Gong Xiangyi, please change the method, don't Talk to me, I don't like it." He pulled his arm back as he said.

"Hehe~ Is it because you don't like it or is it because you're afraid that others don't like it? I didn't expect that you would do such a thing as digging people's feet!" Cao Yanan pointedly looked at Song Haoran who had left Song Haoran's embrace, and was jumping Going down the field, Gong Lixin picked up a hoe to dig sweet potatoes.

Lin Wenbo's expression was stern, and he looked at Cao Yanan with lightning eyes, and remained silent for a long time. Cao Yanan bit the bullet and looked at him, but the smile of interest at the corner of his mouth was gradually stiffening.

Damn it, a rich man, where did he get such a terrifying aura? With a low curse, Cao Yanan grinned and said with a flattering smile, "Okay, okay, I was wrong! I won't make fun of you anymore! Don't worry, I will keep your liking for Young Master Gong a secret for you, and I will never tell you. Anyone," she said, putting her hand around her mouth in a zip motion.

Lin Wenbo looked behind her fixedly, with golden light overflowing from his eyes, he said lightly, "You don't need to keep it secret, you already know what you need to know."

Feeling the extremely oppressive aura behind her, Cao Yanan felt chills all over her body, turned her head stiffly, and looked at Song Haoran with red eyes twitching at the corner of her forehead, thinking that my life is over, I finally got angry !

"Do you like Li Xin? Which one do you like?" Song Haoran raised his jaw and asked in a deep voice with his handsome face tense. He seemed to ask this sentence twice. Although the target was different, he had a hunch that none of the answers he got would be the answer he expected.

Sure enough, Lin Wenbo laughed lowly, his voice was flat but with unmistakable firmness, and he said slowly, "Do you still need to ask? The way you like him is the way I like him. No, It should be more appropriate to say 'love'."

Song Haoran's complexion was dark, his slightly red pupils locked his eyes, and he didn't speak for a long time. Cao Yanan secretly called out handsome for the two of them in his heart! It's just so powerful! This close battle will definitely be exciting. Although she really wanted to stay and watch the follow-up, for the sake of her own safety, she still secretly squatted down to avoid the sharp eyes of the two colliding in the air, and the electric sparks were flashing, and then moved away step by step, embarrassed.

After Cao Yanan left, the silent Song Haoran finally moved, walked towards Lin Wenbo step by step, grabbed his skirt suddenly, a vein popped out of his bulging temple, and asked sharply, "How long have you liked Li Xin?"

"It's been a long time, so long that I can't explain it myself." Lin Wenbo said in a low voice, his eyes were full of naked and deep love. After saying that, he looked at Song Haoran's clenched fist and said casually, "I know you really want to beat me up, but I want to remind you that Xiao Xin is watching us."

Song Haoran's ruthless expression froze for a moment, and he looked back at the young man who was smiling at them in the field, and quickly let go of Lin Wenbo's lapel. The two parted their lips and smiled back at the same time. When the boy continued to dig the ground with his head bowed, they immediately put away the doting hidden in their eyes and confronted coldly.

"If I didn't hear it, are you never going to tell me?" Song Haoran suppressed the anger in his heart and asked the question he cared most about.

"No, I was going to find a chance to tell you. You are my best friend in this life, and I will never do that kind of thing that stabs you in the back. If you want to compete, I will fight with you openly." Lin Wenbo's tone was light, implying a trace of apology, but more of a persistence that would never give up.

"Against me? Why are you arguing with me?" Song Haoran's tense heartstrings relaxed slightly, but his tone still had a strong smell of gunpowder. He reminded in a deep voice, "Don't forget your identity!"

"Then tell me what my identity is now? Why can't I fight with you?" Lin Wenbo smiled angrily, and his calm tone also became unfriendly. The two stared at each other closely, not giving in to each other.

Song Haoran wanted to refute that you were Li Xin's brother-in-law, but he realized that Lin Wenbo and Gong Xiangyi had already broken up. He suddenly realized, and mocked, "No wonder you broke up with Gong Xiangyi so simply. It turns out that you have already moved on. Lin Wenbo, what qualifications do you have to love Li Xin like this?"

Lin Wenbo's eyes were dark, and he said cautiously, "I didn't break up with Gong Xiangyi because of Xiaoxin, so don't think so badly about me. If Gong Xiangyi didn't speak up, I would never abandon her in my life. In fact, I have already made up my mind. Mentally prepared, just plan to watch Xiaoxin from a distance, and watch him for a lifetime."

Speaking of this, he couldn't help showing a trace of love from his pupils that had already turned light gold, but even if it was just a trace, it was heavy and suffocating. Seeing this, Song Haoran suddenly extinguished the rising anger in his chest, and his mood was complicated and difficult to describe.

Looking at his friend with a slightly relaxed expression, Lin Wenbo continued, "I was already desperate, but God was kind to me, and even pointed out a way out for me. Can you imagine a long-distance trek in the desert? Do people who want to die of hunger and thirst suddenly see an oasis? You can’t, because you are luckier than me. You say I’m not qualified to compete with you. What’s the basis? Can’t you love someone after you’ve loved them? According to me I know that you have been in love several times. The only difference between me and you is that the person I once loved was Xiaoxin's sister. But is it because of this that I will be bound by her for the rest of my life, and it will be easy for me to give up on myself? The dream of happiness? You think so, is it too unfair to me? I don’t want much, I just want a chance to compete fairly.”

Song Haoran was touched by his friend's heartstrings. Indeed, my friend and Gong Xiangyi are now two independent individuals, and there is no relationship anymore. He has the right to pursue his happiness, and no one is qualified to stop him.

Seeing Song Haoran's stern facial lines relax, he obviously figured it out, Lin Wenbo smiled lightly, and said sincerely, "Haoran, we will be competitors from now on, but I hope that no matter who wins or loses, we will win Don't let this affect our friendship. You know, it's the end of the world, and it's not easy to find a true friend."

Song Haoran let out a foul breath, and said in a deep voice, "Just fight, I have nothing to be afraid of. Don't worry, love belongs to love, friendship belongs to friendship, I have a sense of proportion."

Lin Wenbo withdrew the golden light from his eyes, nodded slightly, and walked past him with a smile towards Gong Lixin who was not far away.

Gong Lixin was concentrating on digging away the dirt from a bunch of sweet potatoes, so he didn't pay attention to listen to the conversation between the two, and missed their declaration of war. Seeing Lin Wenbo approaching, he raised his head and smiled. Lin Wenbo squinted his eyes, feeling unprecedentedly stable and satisfied, brushed off the dirt that had accidentally stained his cheeks, planted a precious kiss on his cheek, and confided in a low voice, "Xiaoxin, I like you, don't you? I love Wujiwu because of Gong Xiangyi, and I like you because you are you."

He repeatedly chewed on Xiaoxin's comforting words after breaking up with Gong Xiangyi last time, and finally tasted the uneasiness and fear hidden in Xiaoxin's heart. He felt that this sentence was very important, and he must let Xiaoxin know.

Gong Lixin was stunned, and then his smile became brighter. I like it because I am me? Not because of Gong Xiangyi, let alone because of the identity of the original owner? Undoubtedly, Lin Wenbo's words hit the softest part of Gong Lixin's heart, making him instantly overwhelmed by a deep sense of happiness.

Sensing his subtle emotional changes, every pore of Lin Wenbo's body seemed to be soaked in joy, and he couldn't help but leaned down and kissed his forehead again, with a pious expression, as if he was worshiping the holy thing in his heart.

Song Haoran looked at the two people who were surrounded by strong warmth with red eyes, and thought uneasily: Wen Bo is so good at controlling people's hearts, can I really beat him? This rival seems to be very strong. By the way, he has liked Li Xin for a long time, so it must have been intentional to disturb me and Li Xin's intimacy last time! Damn it, it's hard for him to say such a bunch of high-sounding reasons! I feel guilty for days! Oh shit! A whole profiteer! If I had known earlier, I would have eaten Li Xin directly!

It's a pity, the world knows it's hard to buy, Song Haoran can only regret it now, regretting it endlessly.