Lord of Enigma

Chapter 101: Mysterious ears


Tang Qi smiled and bid farewell to the two girls, one was wearing a floral dress, sunny and pretty, the other was wearing animal skin clothes, with fluffy hair, a primitive and wild flavor.

The two girls each gave Tang Qi a piece of knowledge. The former is a rare language, just like the Mohawk and Antioch languages that Tang Qi has learned before. This is also an endangered language preferred by some professionals. language.

However, Tang Qi cared more about the latter knowledge than language.

[Beast Taming: A magical technique, mastering this technique can quickly domesticate wild animals, and this is also one of the knowledge that must be possessed by animal trainers, animal shepherds and other similar professions.]

"So, with this kind of knowledge, I can even become a beast trainer or a beast herder?"

"A girl with this kind of knowledge is still ruined by that self-portrait. It seems that one of its hosts is very powerful."

Between the flickering of thoughts, Tang Qi had already digested the fragments of information in his mind. He suddenly had a feeling that if he faced that Brown dog-masked man again at this time, he didn't need to use force. As long as he used this knowledge, he might be able to subdue him.

The dog-faced man is also a kind of beast.

Jingle Bell!

Tang Qi was comprehending the very practical knowledge in his mind, when suddenly the crisp doorbell sounded.

At this point in time...

He subconsciously looked at the clock on the wall, but accidentally saw the sky outside the window.

It turned out that it was already evening, and I was so focused that I forgot the time.

Put the one-third of the wonderful hair knot left in his hand back into his pocket, and walked directly to the door without looking through the cat's eyes. In the process of walking, Tang Qi silently felt the aura outside the door. ordinary people.

Of course, ordinary is relative.

Tang Qi opened the door, looked at the ordinary-looking, somewhat short black-clothed man in a hat, and silently speculated that this man's killing skills might be able to quickly kill at least three or five burly men.


"Yes, here is the package you asked for."

The man in black did not deny it, and directly handed over a delicate black wooden box.

After Tang Qi took it, he handed over another larger gray wooden box.

At the same time, he added: "This is an order you need to complete. When do you think I can pick it up?"

"It's really a simple and rough style. It looks like an agent. It's used as a courier. The Castle Bureau is really luxurious."

Tang Qi complained from the bottom of his heart, but his face perfectly played a high school student.

Some hurriedly put the two boxes away, and then replied: "It can be done tomorrow morning."

The man in black who got the answer turned around and left without dragging his feet.

Tang Qi took the two boxes to the workbench, and immediately opened the delicate, black wooden box.

Opening the lid of the box, what Tang Qi saw first was a piece of black silk cloth. In the center of the silk cloth lay a pair of ear-like objects, which looked like iron, with circles of strange spells engraved on them. Wen, finally gathered in the depths, one on each side.

On one side of the silk cloth, there is a small piece of paper.

Above, the usage of this pair of "iron ears" is written in detail.

In Tang Qi's eyes, dots of dim light also began to gather.

[Wonderful object: the ear of the mysterious contract.]

[Status: complete.]

[Information Fragments: This is a contract-type strange item. It can carry out contract verification without the other party's knowledge, even if it is only a verbal agreement. Once it is recognized by them, it is an iron law that cannot be violated. Penalties for breach of contract.]

As the fragments of information flowed through, Tang Qi nodded in satisfaction.

This strange object was indeed similar to what the old Coulson described on the phone, it was simply an artifact used to insinuate people.

Of course, there are no restrictions.

If this strange object can really form a contract without the other party knowing, and can set punishment at will. Then its value, even in a place like the Castle Bureau, is extremely high, and it is definitely not something that outsiders like Tang Qi can exchange with some extraordinary bullets.

Its limits are written on small pieces of paper.

It is the agreement of both parties to the contract that the price paid is quite equal.

Absurd contracts like "You promised to accompany me to dinner today and you will die if you miss the appointment" cannot be recognized by them.

But it doesn't matter, what Tang Qi needs is its concealment.

After closing the box and putting it away, Tang Qi opened the second gray wooden box.

The things inside are much simpler and cruder.


Brand new, exaggerated caliber yellow ammunition.

Tang Qi made a silent comparison. The dozens of bullets lying in front of him at this time had a more exaggerated caliber than the bullets used by his Bloodline No. 1 and Stana's wine-red rhinoceros.

"It really makes the best use of everything. Could it be that the field staff of the Castle Bureau are using real hand cannons. With this kind of bullet, with one shot, an elephant-level monster can directly headshot, right?"

Some speechlessly closed the wooden box, Tang Qi couldn't stop the desire to complain.

There are more than he expected, and the inventory of Siren's Tears may be in a hurry.

"After dealing with this one, maybe it's time to consider getting some new wonders and making new extraordinary bullets."

Tang Qi muttered, then got up, and put both wooden boxes into the safe.

The time he agreed with the recipient is tomorrow morning, so don't worry now, he has another "appointment" to go.

After changing his clothes, Tang Qi left the campus.

I went to the police station first, and listened to Macaulay's report in the dark alley.

After that, Tang Qi left the Bronx and Midtown directly, and went to the suburbs instead.

On the way, Tang Qi recalled Macaulay's remarks. Regarding the results of the trap during the day, his original words were: "The pair of chubby black sisters fell into joy after accidentally discovering the news, and directly snatched it. Two old newspapers, and quickly left the Newton area."

"Before they left, the two sisters were still muttering that the poor old uncle had returned to the arms of God Osa, but he still left some relics and gifts. We have to contact that kid quickly and transfer the money~ oh no , and bring back all the old Morgan's belongings."

These words confirmed some of Tang Qi's previous guesses.

"Family unity? It's probably just old Morgan's wishful thinking. It's impossible for every member of a poor family from the Saha continent to be able to maintain themselves and not be affected by the luxurious metropolitan atmosphere, especially when Old Morgan is almost pampered." Under the circumstances, corruption is inevitable."

The last comment is for Sister Hariya.

These two are simply perfect trap entrances.

"The bait has been thrown out, now let's see when the prey will take the bait?"

"With the wisdom of that ambitious wizard, at least after tomorrow's verification, I am looking forward to his call, or a personal visit from a certain family member?"

Tang Qi muttered a few words, and then stopped. At this time, he was already in a small remote park on the edge of the city. Looking around, Tang Qi turned into mist at a dark corner, elongated and twisted, and quickly merged into the already completely dark night.

This time, the direction was opposite to the last time I went to George Way Village.

There are no people, no villages, only a piece of dark and faint mountains. From a distance, it looks like a group of terrifying monsters crouching.