Lord of Enigma

Chapter 102: Golden Skull


The deserted valley, because of the absence of human activities, is rapidly recovering the appearance of the original forest. The path overgrown with weeds and the gradually dense jungle, except for the chirping of insects and the howling of some unknown beasts, the only sound left in the whole valley is the whistling wind.

However, many things left by humans can still be seen here.

For example, occasionally some rotten wood or rusted iron nails can be found in some mounds of soil.

Here, it used to be the "paradise" of the first batch of gold diggers.

Strictly speaking, the establishment of Meser City also has their share of credit.

In other words, blood, sweat and corpses.

Although many people successfully panned for gold in the valley, most of them died in a "flood".

Tonight, a lost climber suddenly appeared here.

A young man was walking on the mountain road with one foot deep and one foot shallow. His clothes looked a little messy and a little embarrassed.

The strange thing is that he didn't carry a bag, maybe he accidentally lost it on the way.

There was an ominous and cold aura faintly wafting out from his body, but this aura suddenly stopped when he came to a spacious depression.

"One minute!"

Tang Qi still chose this time limit, and closed the mark with a pinch.

At this time, the place where he was located was a depression where the vegetation was not dense, and the sound of the wind was whistling a few meters above his head. Some strange calls were sent from a distant place on the sound of the wind, which seemed to be some birds or monkeys. What.


There was a muffled sound without warning, just above Tang Qi's head.

The mud mixed with weeds splashed, and a ragged figure suddenly broke through the ground, its limbs clinging to the mountain, and then, like a wild wolf starting to hunt, it rushed towards Tang Qi at such a fast speed that it was like a phantom in the darkness .

One, a very dazzling phantom.

Because this figure is impressively golden.

That's right, the first "weird" head that Tang Qi saw was a golden skeleton except for the rotting clothes. If it weren't for the looming blood in the black eye sockets of the skeleton, and its mad dog-like movements, Tang Qi would have thought he saw a luxurious, expensive and boring work of art.

When it rushed, the same sound appeared everywhere around the depression, even on the opposite side of the valley.

They were so dazzling under the moonlight that Tang Qi was shaken for a bit. When he felt ridiculous in his heart, his eyes finally focused on the first golden skull.

A faint light created a picture that was reflected in Tang Qi's eyes.

[Extraordinary creature: A resentful gold digger.]

[Status: Angry.]

[Information Fragment 1: It is so dazzling. When it was still a human being, it was so eager for gold that after death, driven by resentment, it still shuttled underground, constantly searching for gold and sticking it to itself. They did not hesitate to personally tear off the rotting flesh and blood, and finally became like this.]

[Information fragment 2: They are full of gold but cannot use it, which makes them extremely angry. Anyone who tries to dig for gold here will be torn into pieces by them.]

"People are dead, but they have so much gold, it really makes people angry."

Tang Qi looked at the fragments flowing past, and silently expressed his sympathy.

Then he opened his arms, as if wanting a warm hug from the first gold digger who rushed over, his eyes were looking around the valley, except for the "golden glitter" that came out of the ground, there were some places , is faintly exuding a more dangerous aura.

"It's all coming? Then the good show can... start."


Whispering, Tang Qi hugged the first golden skeleton that came down from the top of the mountain, and then made a trip to the ground, rolling directly down the valley. The other golden skeletons let out silent roars, and then rushed forward at a rapid speed. Soon, a huge "golden ball" appeared in the valley, and it rolled down to the bottom of the valley with a rumble.

This scene, thinking about it, is enough to drive many greedy people crazy.

But these are not attractive to the "weirds". What really made those deeply hidden weirdnesses come out regardless of the danger of exposure was the aura wrapped in that golden ball.

Except for the monsters born in the city, most of the monsters will not take the initiative to hunt and kill humans, unless humans want to die and break into their lairs.

This kind of rule probably originated from the long time ago, when the extraordinary forces of human beings repeatedly encircled and suppressed Weird.

But if there was an extra ray of "bad luck" in it, everything would be different.

With the abandoned Golden Valley as the center, when the breath of doom began to spread in the continuous mountains accompanied by the howling mountain wind, some weirdness that had been sleeping for many years was quickly awakened, and they could not resist the desire from the depths of the soul.

Scary and strange gazes fell on the deepest part of the golden valley across the mountains.

In comparison, those evil spirits that quickly followed the mountain wind and swept in were simply innocuous little shrimps. They couldn't even separate the entangled golden skeletons, they could only let out angry and sharp howls.

The first terrifying monster to come came from the ground.

Just as the golden ball rolled down the depths of the valley and was about to hit the ground, there was a "boom", and a big hole suddenly opened in the soft ground, and a terrifying huge mouth suddenly appeared. Its head was completely black, and its mouth almost occupied All the areas, after being opened, are filled with layers of sharp teeth that look like shark teeth.

With a "click", this worm-like giant swallowed the golden ball directly.

Then Gululu turned his head to go back into the hole. During the process, the golden ball was quickly cut into strips of golden slime in his mouth, and then "exploded" out.

Seeing that this huge worm is about to swallow that "attractive breath" all by itself.


The scream that the howling mountain wind could not suppress suddenly sounded at this moment, and saw an equally huge figure descending from the sky, holding the worm that was about to escape with terrifying claws, and at the same time, a curved beak began to frantically peck at it. the head of the worm.

From a distance, it looks like a battle of monsters.

But once you get close, you will immediately find that these two things, except for the worm, which seems to be some kind of monster left over from ancient times.

The "giant bird" should be called more weird.

Although it has a body like a giant crow and dark feathers, there is a person "embedded" in its chest and abdomen. A man who was naked, wrapped in something like a film, and always kept a bright smile.

If you get closer, you will find that this man is not really smiling, but his mouth has been forcibly cut open, and a strange black liquid like oil is constantly flowing out of the two dark eye sockets, flowing along the The roots in the film poured into the beating bright red heart of the giant bird.