Lord of Enigma

Chapter 118: A wish-fulfilling elixir


"I choose... this one!"

In the carriage, Macaulay handed back a glass bottle containing gray liquid to Tang Qi.

His other hand was raised slightly, holding the bright red, fiery red potion, which was his choice.

Macaulay did not hesitate, and under Tang Qi's gaze, he pushed the cork away, then tilted his head, and poured the entire bottle of medicine into his mouth.

During the whole process, Tang Qi just watched quietly, without any intention of stopping.

At the same time, he did not put away the "Secret Medicine for Amnesia".

If the "Gumon's Word" fails, Macaulay must drink it again, otherwise Tang Qi must adopt some extreme methods, which will deviate his direction of doing things.

Tang Qi looked at Macaulay, and immediately after drinking the secret medicine, a strange change occurred on his body.

The crimson color like magma began to spread down from his head, and his whole body also entered a state of drunkenness in an instant, and he collapsed on the carriage seat with a "bang", as if he was stuck in some kind of In the dream, his brows were tightly frowned, and some words kept murmuring in his mouth...

Tang Qi observed in the shadows, while counting down silently in his heart.

The ancient Mongolian language secret medicine, the boundary between success and failure is indistinct.

It was originally born to alleviate the pain of soldiers who are about to die, so it is inevitable that it will take effect in a short time.

This time limit is ten seconds.

Once this time limit is exceeded and Macaulay does not wake up, it means that the secret medicine has failed.

At that time, there will be unknown consequences.

After all, this is a hypnotic secret drug. If it fails, even Tang Qi, the configurer, will not be able to guess what kind of hypnosis the user has suffered.

Before Macaulay took the secret medicine, Tang Qi had already planted enough hints in Macaulay's mind.

"Take the red potion and you will gain power...can work for me..."

Based on these hints and the comparison with another potion that can obviously cause amnesia, Macaulay should have a similar desire in his heart, which will increase the chance of success of the secret potion.

According to Abu’s experiment log, when the dying warriors in the Saha continent longed to “forget the pain” in their hearts, they had a very high chance of success in taking the ancient Mongolian language.

As long as Macaulay longs to "work for me" in his heart, it will form a fit with the password in the secret medicine "loyal to me", and there will also be a very high success rate.

If this still fails, Tang Qi will have no choice.





Tang Qi silently counted down in the shadows. His body seemed to be relaxed, but he could actually enter the combat state at any time. This was also to prevent the failure of the secret medicine. After all, there were not examples in the experiment log of dying soldiers who went berserk and attacked others directly after taking the secret medicine.

The reason is probably due to being hypnotized by an unknown force.

Just when Tang Qi was about to spit out "two" silently.

On the seat opposite him, Macaulay, who had been like a "magma monster", suddenly opened his eyes at this moment, and the fiery red color on his body disappeared instantly, and a very strange aura appeared in McCaw Lee's body.

Macaulay is still not a transcendent person, but he has a calm demeanor.

If you put on a decent dress for him, he will no longer have this scruffy appearance, even if he is still disabled, it will be easy to make people feel good about him.

"Sir, have I passed the test?"

Macaulay readjusted himself, sat in front of Tang Qi, and asked respectfully.

Although the posture seems to be the same as before, but the demeanor has changed a lot, and at the same time, there are more things that he has not discovered by himself.

"Are there positive side effects of the secret medicine?"

Tang Qi put away the secret amnesia medicine and smiled faintly.

It worked!

Macaulay himself has not noticed it, and perhaps he will never be able to.

In his eyes, there was a hint of obscurity, loyalty to Tang Qi, as if he had already assumed a role, a role of "Tang Qi's subordinate", and will continue to deepen this role as time goes by. impression.

And this process, Macaulay is not only unable to detect, but will accept it very naturally.

This is the effect of the ancient Mongolian language secret medicine, it is not the kind of compulsory hypnosis.

To some extent, it can be regarded as a secret medicine that can satisfy "wish".

For example, a dying soldier hopes that there will be no more pain. If he takes the secret medicine, he can forget all the pain as he wishes, and return to the embrace of death in the dreamland.

For another example, if someone wants to feel happy, he can become happy by taking the secret medicine.

This is a kind of secret medicine that tends to have a positive effect.

Of course, its final effect depends on how the configurator uses it.

Moreover, it is mainly aimed at ordinary people or low-level transcendents, and the "wish" in the user's heart cannot exceed a certain limit. This limit should be physical and mental, and it cannot act on external substances.

If someone takes the secret medicine of "Ancient Mongolian Language" and hopes to become a woman, then he has a chance of success.

But if someone's hope is to become rich, it will definitely fail. It is impossible for the secret medicine to transport the gold coins of God's grace out of thin air.

The most important thing is that different wishes must correspond to different passwords.

This level has stuck most of the mystic pharmacists.

For example, Abu, his transformation experiments all ended in failure.

Tang Qi succeeded, but he came by cheating.

But in terms of investment and benefits, it is worth it.

"It is a special but effective secret medicine. It may not be able to cultivate dead men, but it can make me no longer alone. In the future, some affairs that are inconvenient for me can be handed over to Macaulay. This is what I did at the beginning. The reason for picking him."

"A force that can only be kept in the dark, it is always the most suitable to cultivate from scratch, and it is best to control it."

"And, for Macaulay, he did get a chance to change his destiny."

A faint smile appeared on Tang Qi's face as the thought flickered.

In the carriage, the atmosphere became more relaxed, and a voice entered Macaulay's ears.

"Yes, you passed the test and you will be rewarded."

"Sir I..."

At this time, Macaulay has completely assumed the role of a loyal subordinate. This is what he longed for, so there is no sense of disobedience when he changes. Hearing Tang Qi's words at this time, he subconsciously wants to say that I don't need rewards. Work for Mr.

It's just that when he looked up, he saw an extremely miraculous potion.

In the transparent glass bottle, there is a clear water-like liquid, but these liquids seem to be blown by the wind all the time, rippling out circles of ripples, which is incredible.

When Macaulay was stunned, Tang Qi spoke with an order-like voice.

"Drink it!"


Macaulay didn't ask the name of the medicine at all, nor did he ask about the effect.

He didn't even take a second look. After hearing Tang Qi's order, he uncorked the bottle and poured all the secret medicine into his mouth.

Then, this lame little beggar felt the power of "extraordinary" for the first time.

ps: Thanks to the book friend Mi Ye for the reward, this is the third update, the promise has been fulfilled.