Lord of Enigma

Chapter 119: Cancer in the city of Moses


"Sir, I am willing to die for you."

Macaulay half-kneeled in the carriage, with his head bowed, and his tone was extremely firm, as if this was his long-cherished wish.

If someone could take a closer look, they would find that Macaulay's body was trembling slightly, not because he was lying, but because he hadn't turned back from the excitement at this time.

He is a clever little beggar, and he has heard some weird legends from some old vagabonds. At the same time, as a member of the Federation, he has also heard the story of the "Twelve Saints", but he always thought that the story was It's just a story.

Until just now, he drank the bottle of water-like potion.

It was difficult for him to describe the feeling at that moment, he only knew that if Mr. hadn't held him down at the critical moment, he would have lost control at this moment, and jumped out of the carriage directly, flying in the air like a breeze.

This is of course his illusion, the swift secret medicine cannot allow him to travel in the void.

But what can be confirmed is that his crippled foot can no longer affect his speed. Once he moves, what he can explode is equivalent to a monster-like speed.

"Get up, you are working for me, not my slave."

Tang Qi looked at Macaulay who had completely entered the role, and said indifferently.

Instead of continuing to instill the password of "loyalty to me", it emphasizes working for me, which is to avoid the opposite of everything.

What's more, Tang Qi really only needs a loyal subordinate, not a dead soldier.

He could see Macaulay's excitement at this time, which was understandable.

A teenager who has been disabled for a long time may not care about his mobility on the surface, nor does he have low self-esteem, but it is impossible for him to be indifferent.

And that bottle of "Speedy Secret Medicine" made up for this defect.

Macaulay is only superficially disabled now, his speed is not only like a ghost, but at least he can compete with animals like cheetahs.

Of course, it's just speed, and it doesn't have any extraordinary combat power, at least not for the time being.

"You need a period of time to adapt. At the same time, you have to hide during this period, and several of your subordinates will disappear temporarily. There is no need to expand, but to settle down completely until my next mission comes, understand?"


Regarding Tang Qi's order, Macaulay agreed without any hesitation.

Before Macaulay got out of the car, Tang Qi seemed to think of something again, his eyes flashed slightly, and then he added: "After adapting, it is best to learn some knowledge and some fighting skills, you should have a little bit of self-protection strength."

"Yes, sir."

After bidding farewell to Macaulay, Tang Qi ordered the driver to return to the Thorn Campus.

He has no hunting plans tonight, and he doesn't plan to go anywhere else. Except for the old thing Samra, all members of the family have been wiped out by him, and Samra has also arranged a "gift" to wait. The last loophole has just been plug up.

It seems that Tang Qi has finally entered the rest period.

At least, for the time being, there is nothing urgent to do.

"Finally I can spend a peaceful night. Maybe I can indulge once tonight, without practicing meditation, prepare a magical meal for myself, and then have a good sleep?"

Tang Qi laughed silently as he listened to the sound of kicking and tapping in his ears.

There is a high probability that he is just talking, and the first thing to do when he returns to the small building is probably to meditate.

But before that, it doesn't prevent Tang Qi from admiring the street scenes of Messer City first.

At this time, it was completely night, and the sound of the carriage advancing echoed.

Tang Qi rented a relatively expensive carriage. It was tall and spacious, and it was very suitable for exploring the streets. Usually, those middle-class or working-class people who came out to play would occasionally take this carriage, but they usually chose the way of carpooling.

Although Messer City is not well-known in the entire Federation, some news occasionally appears, most of which are related to words such as cancerous city, serial murders, and extremely high crime rate.

However, within Mihuang State and nearby cities and counties, Messer City has a fairly good reputation.

At least many tourists know that the Midtown of Messer City is a shopping paradise and a city that never sleeps. It is the most suitable place to visit the night scene.

Tang Qi also joined in the fun. Like many tourists, he watched in the carriage, neon lights flashing, all kinds of eye-opening shops, and on more lively nights, you can see all kinds of shops in this well-connected area. races, and tourists from all over.

Even tourists from outside the federation.

Until the carriage unknowingly, "tap, tap" stepped into a borderline between neon and darkness.

"Guest, we have entered the Bronx District, but don't worry, it's just a short distance, we can cross it soon, and there will be no accidents."

The driver is a bearded white man with an old cowboy temperament, but his face is full of tension at this time, and he looks into a hidden pocket in front of him from time to time. There is a pistol in it, which has been loaded. Pull the trigger.

Tang Qi could still feel the driver's nervousness through a thick wooden board, and he couldn't help sighing in his heart: "If Mercer City really has cancer, it can only be in the Bronx District."

"According to the hidden rules of Weird Birth, if I open the Seal of Doom in the Bronx, will it be..."

"Forget it. With my current strength, although I don't have to worry about changing from a hunter to a prey, I'm afraid it will be difficult to calmly harvest like the previous two times."

As soon as his thoughts diverged to a dangerous place, Tang Qi immediately pressed him down.

Using the mark of doom as bait, laying traps, killing all kinds of weird or monsters, and harvesting resentful souls as fuel, this is already a way for Tang Qi to enhance his strength.

And from the perspective of practical effect, it is very good.

The first time in the Newton area was a bit jerky and almost capsized.

But the next two times, Georgeway Village and Golden Valley, were perfect traps, and Tang Qi was extremely satisfied with the harvest.

But this is far from making Tang Qi feel complacent. After hunting several times, Tang Qi also discovered it.

The more human beings gather, the more weird and powerful they are.

In the wilderness area, although some weirdness can also be attracted, the number cannot be compared with the human settlement.

And after a hunt, there will be a period of vacuum in that area.

But in the human city, I am afraid that such a scene will not appear.

If Tang Qi opens the mark of doom in the Bronx, and also chooses a one-minute time limit, Tang Qi wonders whether he will be overwhelmed by the surging weirdness.

"Georgeway is now a trap, and the Golden Valley is my temporary storage room. Next time I hunt, maybe I can try..."


While Tang Qi was thinking about where to hunt next time in his heart, he looked at the unique street scene in the dark in the Bronx with distracted eyes.

At this moment, through a very long alley, separated by at least a few streets, several figures, like real ghosts, flashed past Tang Qi's eyes, and what surprised him was when those figures flashed by when.

In Tang Qi's eyes, dots of dim light suddenly followed.

ps: Thank you book friend 20170905122108252 for your 100-point reward, Master of Mechanics and Contracts Pfister for your 500-point reward, and there is another update.