Lord of Enigma

Chapter 54: The Caster and the Wine Red Rhinoceros


"You're welcome, please enjoy."

Tang Qi put a breakfast of Stana in front of her, and then said.

The mature and considerate attitude almost made Stana think that in front of her was a gentleman of the same age, and she was stunned for a moment before realizing that there was no one of her age here, only a high school student with a bad personality, although it seemed that she was indeed a young gentleman.

After giving Tang Qi a sneaky look, Stana happily began to eat.

This is a breakfast made by a "mysterious person", so the taste must be very special.

Stana, thought so.

And the taste that burst out of her mouth soon did not disappoint her imagination.

Although Tang Qi's cooking did not reach the level of luminescence or explosive clothing, the cooking skills brought from the previous earth still made his cooking skills surpass that of many people from this blue star of origin. If it weren't for the existence of the mysterious side, Tang Qi might even consider opening a specialty restaurant.

Chef and owner, nice job.

Tang Qi finished his breakfast quickly, and then looked at Stana who was eating slowly with some surprise. Elegant posture, inexpensive but tasteful clothing collocation, it seems that this heroic female sheriff has a good family background.

Thinking silently, Tang Qi wiped the corners of his mouth, said "wait a moment", then got up and went to the second floor.

When he came down again, he put a wooden box in front of Stana.

Open it, and there are a total of twelve bullets inside.

Most of them were melting furnace bullets with a faint red glow, eight in total.

And there are four siren bullets with faint blue brilliance.

Tang Qi explained the effect, and at the same time gave the reason for the different numbers of bullets.

In terms of power, furnace bullets are stronger.

As for the sea monster, it is more focused on lifting the curse.

The combination of the two is enough to elevate the fighting power of Stana, an ordinary person, to the extraordinary.

And, it's still pretty good.

Ordinary police detectives have almost no resistance in the face of extraordinary creatures.

But Stan has a terrible threat.

Monsters with relatively low extraordinary levels, such as the Brown dog-masked man, the corpse-eating nightingale, and the spider monster, would not be able to withstand Stana's shots at all, as long as they did not intentionally sneak attack.

"Save it up, I can't have an unlimited supply of them."

I was afraid that Stan would be overly excited when he got the extraordinary bullet, so Tang Qi added something deliberately.

In fact, of these two types of bullets, apart from the Kraken bullets being used one less, the melting furnace bullet Tang Qi can really be constantly replenished.

After all, his blood is used, as long as it is not supplying a special agent team, there should be no pressure.

As a reward, Tang Qi can borrow the power of the government, and at the same time harvest the spoils in the first place. The Messer Police Department can only pick up what he left, which is the most cost-effective deal.

Stana, who got the bullet, was indeed very excited. At the same time, she couldn't help asking a question, but she said seriously: "Shouldn't extraordinary bullets be fired with extraordinary firearms to exert the greatest effect?"

"That's true, but..."

Tang Qi was about to continue talking, but he saw Stana's face twitching suddenly, as if a little embarrassed, but he still reached into his arms, took out a large object, and put it on the table with a snap.

A charming and magnetic voice sounded at this moment.

"Mr. Consultant, this is my baby, can you transform it too?"

"I can pay you as much as you want."

Even if he doesn't use his keen perception, Tang Qi can still feel the expectation in Stana's heart at this time, and there is still a hint of funny psychology.

At the same time, he was speechless.

At this time, on the table, the so-called Stana's treasure was an exaggerated pistol that would not lose to the Blood Python No. 1 in the slightest.

Just looking at that rough and wild style, Tang Qi knew it.

This pistol called "Wine Red Rhino" was definitely produced by that monster firearms company again.

This is the reason why two bullets can be used in common, the same company, the same caliber.

"No wonder it went bankrupt. It keeps producing these pistols that ordinary people can't use at all. Oh no, they should be called hand cannons. What do you use to make money? If you don't disband, there will be ghosts."

Tang Qi complained a few words silently in his heart, then glanced at the wine-red rhinoceros.

Very happy, refused: "Unfortunately, I can't."

"It's a very simple ability for me to transform bullets. It's not just me. In fact, anyone who has a little bit of mysterious ability can do this. The difference is that the bullets after transformation are different in power."

"But the gun is too complicated, I can't do it, it's probably the ability of the caster."

After hearing Tang Qi's explanation, although it was a pity, Stana still put away the wine red rhinoceros.

After finishing their breakfast in an elegant manner, the two left St. Thorn High School, boarded a police car, and drove directly to a boundary between the Bronx and Midtown.

There is the Mercer Police Department.

A very classical building, located between two large districts. On the right is the bustling Midtown, and on the left is the dirty, backward Bronx District, a very subtle contrast, all condensed in this building.

Under Stana's guidance, Tang Qi entered the job smoothly, filled out the information, and got his own badge, certificate, and weapon, a police pistol with little power.

Yes, normal police pistols.

Not everyone is qualified to get rid of Bao Anliang with a "wine red rhinoceros".

Fortunately, Tang Qi didn't dislike it. No matter how powerful a pistol is, it's still a gun, isn't it

The atmosphere in the police station was just as Tang Qi expected, busy and tense, whether it was the lobby, office area, interrogation room, or corridor, as well as the elevator, the policemen passing by, the criminals being escorted... all constituted It was a solemn picture that made people stern.

Fortunately, in the homicide squad area where Stana was located, the atmosphere was not so lively and tense.

Walking into that area, the two immediately felt several "shua, shua, shua" eyes flying over.

Stana's subordinates are a white police detective who likes to wear a sweater, a black man with big white teeth and slightly curly hair when he smiles, and an old white man who seems to be an old man who always keeps a smile on his face.

At the same time, there are two women, a brown-haired beauty who is so hot that she can only be responsible for the logistics office. She is wearing a professional dress and walking tremblingly, making people afraid that she will fall to the ground in the next second. posture. The other is a black girl with an ordinary appearance and a gentle personality. She is a forensic doctor.

Everyone welcomed the addition of Tang Qi, the "special advisor", especially when they discovered that Stana, the beautiful sheriff of the Messer Police Department, who was feared by everyone in the Messer Police Department, seemed to have no majesty in Tang Qi's place. When a kind of flattery means.

The atmosphere became enthusiastic in an instant, and everyone expressed a greater degree of welcome to Tang Qi, and began various insinuating cross-examinations, trying to figure out the relationship and reason between the two.

Obviously, everyone is different from Stana, and has not been exposed to that world yet.

This group seems to have just been formed.

The reason is simple, the predecessors of these people, the former subordinates of Stana, all died in an accident... the howl of the dugong siren.

"It must be very interesting to see the expressions of ordinary people after touching the mysterious side."

Tang Qi smiled and talked to everyone, while having a bit of a naughty taste.

Just when he also felt that he had become a bit vicious, his crow mouth attribute seemed to play a role again.


"Whirring whirring"

The elevator suddenly opened, and a black police officer walked out quickly, seeming very anxious, short of breath, and after making a distinction, he walked directly towards the area where everyone was.

Tang Qi's eyes drifted over, and he immediately felt the policeman's emotions.


Very intense fear!

"Something happened!"

Tang Qi's heart moved, and he said silently.