Lord of Enigma

Chapter 59: Words of the Mohawk


A strong desire is the easiest to exploit. If Tang Qi wants to form a force and get some subordinates who can be used, these people in the group, especially Nathan and Javier who have seen him disperse the evil spirits, are definitely more suitable candidates.

Even Tang Qi could concoct some curse-like secret medicine, or find some similar props, and control the two into slaves.

Unfortunately, this does not conform to Tang Qi's future plans.

So facing everyone's eyes, Tang Qi could only return a helpless smile, and at the same time said lightly: "Everyone, I am just a consultant, a weak consultant who has no fighting power and cannot make people become extraordinary."

"The special bullet owned by Sergeant Stana was also obtained by accident. Once used, one will disappear. The number is limited, and only the sheriff's wine-red rhinoceros can be fired."

"The scene just now was just a dangerous accident. I definitely won't take another risk. If I didn't find the spell, I would be a dead person now."

"That Officer James is a great example."

Tang Qi's last sentence finally poured a basin of cold water on Nathan and Javier.

At the same time, the two remembered the scene an hour ago. Although James was disgusting, he was indeed a member of the Mercer Police Department.

Nathan and Javier have also been with him for more than a few years. They saw an acquaintance explode in front of their own eyes and become a brilliant firework of flesh and blood. It is impossible for the remaining influence to fade away so quickly.

Thanks to Tang Qi's reminder, everyone in the office remembered what happened in that cramped house. Except for the big-breasted girl in charge of logistics, the field workers, and the on-site autopsy, all of them turned pale, and the atmosphere immediately fell into silence.

Ordinary people face the extraordinary, evil spirits, devils, evil gods... These factors are combined, and most of them have two reactions.

Excitement and fear!

When the excitement is extinguished, what comes out is fear.

At this moment, they finally recalled why the salary and benefits of this newly established group were ridiculously high.

Now it looks like some kind of early "pension".

If every case in the future is like the Tulip Street massacre, and they have to deal with terrifying existences like evil spirits, then will their sacrifices be as fast and terrifying as James's

When the cruel reality hit, except for the old detective Gideon who seemed to see through life and death, hesitation appeared on the faces of the rest.

The atmosphere took a turn for the worse.

When this scene happened, Stana, as the leader, did not stand up to comfort her.

This was already expected. In fact, everyone in this group, except Tang Qi, who had already signed the contract, and Stana, who had made up his mind, had a chance to regret quitting.

It was originally a rough response, a lineup assembled by the Messer Police Department when they were at their wits end.

Perhaps in other cities, there will be regular, official supernatural organizations to eliminate "weird".

But Meser City's status is not that high.

In fact, being able to bring Tang Qi in as a consultant has exceeded the expectations of the female black director.

If it wasn't like this, would she sign the letter of appointment that everyone knew was a disadvantage for the police station

However, the silence did not last long.

Before the first quitter appeared, a sudden change broke the atmosphere.

The phone rings one after another in an instant.

The phones on every desk in the office rang.

Everyone subconsciously entered the working state, picked up the phone, talked to the other end, hung up the phone, and then made the same action, leaving the table and chairs, getting up as if to answer something

With the same movement, everyone looked at each other, as if they understood something, Qi Qi smiled wryly.

But there was no delay, and soon they went out together.

Then, come back quickly.

But this time, each of them held at least a few file boxes in their arms.

"Guess what these are?"

Javier, who was holding four file boxes in his arms, poked his head out helplessly and said.

"Weird cases, or suspected weird cases, and this is only the first batch, come from the closest jurisdictions."

Nathan, who was wearing an elephant sweater, also smiled bitterly.

The others are fine, after all, they have only seen the horrible scene, and apart from leaving some shadows, they don't have too specific a concept for the time being. But the two of them have actually faced evil spirits. If these cases are true, they feel that they may not live for a few days.

There is no doubt that the scene in front of him is the impact of Tang Qi's solution to the Tulip Street murder.

Messer City is not a small city. When the spiritual wave returns, all kinds of weirdness will recover, and it is only natural that various cases will appear.

Before the emergence of this group, it could only be done by each jurisdiction itself.

But now, naturally, the "professionals" have taken over.

If it was a real murder or something, neither Nathan nor Javier would feel fear.

Unfortunately, the murder was real, but the murderer was not a real human being.

And they are not professionals, at least not yet.

Fortunately, at this time, Tang Qi, their consultant, shook his head seriously, and said: "It can't be true. If there are so many weirdnesses in Messer City, I'm afraid it's already messed up. Weirdness is constantly happening, but it's still terrible. The scope of control, at least...for now."

"Let's establish a screening mechanism to pick out the most urgent cases that need to be dealt with the most, and the rest can be postponed."

At the critical moment, Stana is still rich in experience.

Quickly discussed with Tang Qi how to screen, announced a few rules, and then everyone started to act.

The detailed rules given by Tang Qi are simple and rude, with a total of two rules.

First, the constant death.

Second, there are obvious signs of not being human.

All of a sudden, the office area was filled with the sound of flipping papers.

Tang Qi didn't participate, he was just a consultant, wasn't he

So he took a cup of coffee from the police station for himself, drank it, and muttered that it was as bad as the legend said, and then went back to the lounge, locked it, took out the "wonderful hair knot", and continued to use spiritual power Unwind and unlock.

After about another hour, Tang Qi's mouth curled up into a faint smile, watching the two separated black hairs slowly burning, and at the same time, two beautiful girls who looked like twins appeared in front of him.

Both of them were wearing weird dresses, with oil paint on their faces, they looked like some kind of minority.

Seeing their hair burnt out, the two girls were about to disappear.

Suddenly at this time, their hazy soul bodies came together and kissed Tang Qi on the cheek.

At the same time, two icy breaths poured into Tang Qi's mind, gathered together, and finally turned into a group of pure information fragments, which were absorbed by Tang Qi without hindrance.

[You have obtained a piece of knowledge!]

[You learned the language of Mohawk!]

While Tang Qi subconsciously digested the extra language knowledge in his mind, the two girls gave him a special salute together, and then, like the two last time, with relieved smiles, they slowly disappeared into the air .