Lord of Enigma

Chapter 62: The Love of Diosos


"She is indeed obsessed with the aesthetics of the chaotic era, but more precisely, she is obsessed with the first leader, a far-reaching... movie that finally made this type of man popular across the country."


Tang Qi didn't hold back, pointed to the somewhat similar faces of the seven poor people on the ground, and then revealed the answer.

The era of confusion is an extremely weird and short era, but its influence has always remained in various industries or other details of the federation.

But after all, it was a long time ago. Except for Gideon, the rest of the people can only say that they have heard of it, but it is definitely not understood, let alone proficient.

In fact, although Tang Qi is working hard to study the history of the Federation and even the entire origin of Blue Star, it is definitely a long-term project. Tang Qi's progress has not yet reached the point where he can pick up various historical allusions at will.

The reason why he has some understanding of the Confused Age is because it appears more frequently in various "strange books".

Tang Qi borrowed several tomes from the Messier library, and various anecdotes of that era can often be seen.

For example, in "One Hundred Years of the Commonwealth of Weirdness, Absurdity and Truth", it is mentioned in the age of confusion, the federal government once promulgated a decree that only lasted about half a year and targeted the entire Federation, that is, the Prohibition of Alcohol and its origin.

Among the related anecdotes about the decree, a film offers a glimpse.

Tang Qi didn't explain the anecdote to everyone, because at this time, Gideon, who was born at the end of the Confused Age, had already guessed the name of the movie.

"The Love of Diosos!"

Gideon's old face moved, and he spit out the name with a little excitement.

Tang Qi nodded, affirming Gideon's conjecture.

Then he continued: "According to what I saw. The movie tells a very weird love story. The young, wealthy and suave doctor husband, because of frequent cheating, was finally impulsively killed by his crazy and beautiful wife."

"In order to revive her lover, the wife brewed a kind of wine and dripped it on her husband. The dead husband really came back to life and became a perfect lover. Not only did he have a beautiful appearance, a strong body, and an elegant conversation, And obey her orders completely."

"It's a pity that the husband died again soon, and the state was like these corpses, cold and stiff, and could not be destroyed. In order to reunite with the perfect lover, the wife had to brew this wine again and again, which she borrowed the name of the ancient Dionysus. Named wine, eventually died of physical and mental exhaustion."

"At the end of the movie, the husband's body remains unchanged, but the wife quickly rots into a pile of bones."

Following Tang Qi's narration, everyone reacted one after another.

His eyes fell on the corpses on the ground one after another.

The clues that were originally inconspicuous are now completely uncovered.

"This face shape? It's because of Robert Gable, the leading actor in the movie. The Love of Diosos is indeed his famous work, and it is also the beginning of his popularity in the Federation."

"This kind of clothes is because Robert played a doctor in the movie. At that time, many doctors would put a white handkerchief in their coat pocket."

"This way of death is also a tribute to the love of Diosos?"

Almost every clue corresponds to what Tang Qi said.

Of course, this also looks weirder.

Because this means that at the junction of the Newton region and the Lopez region, there is a mysterious monster who is searching for people with a face similar to Robert Gable, the number one actor of the Confused Era, and then kills them. die, craft it into a zombie.

If this is not an extraordinary domain, but a serial killer deliberately pursuing such an effect, then this case seems to be extremely attractive.

Gideon was about to get excited. He was writing a book recently. Being able to participate in such a serial murder case would definitely add a lot of space to his book.

No, if it was the mysterious side, it would be even more exciting.

Gideon was suddenly very grateful. If he had thought of quitting the group before, he had completely lost it now.

He is now an old man who pursues excitement to complete his life's hard work.

Excited, he took over Tang Qi's thoughts, and said in the tone of an old police detective: "So you need to find someone with a face similar to Gable, and want to lure that monster to show up, and then kill it. But here are some Questions, such as how to keep the bait safe, do you know what kind of existence that monster is? How did she kill people? Can Stana kill her?"

Hearing these questions, Tang Qi pondered for a while, and then fulfilled his role as a consultant.

"If there is a suitable bait, I can borrow him one of my collections. I can't guarantee absolute safety, but a little time for defense is enough."

"That monster should be a vengeful spirit, a female vengeful spirit, who has assumed the role of his wife. The method of killing is temporarily unknown."

"As for whether Stana can kill her, you should ask Stana."


As soon as Tang Qi finished speaking, he and Gideon heard a strange sound at the same time, turned their heads and saw that Stana pulled out her big baby from her arms, flicked it slightly, and the exaggerated shape of the wine red rhinoceros began to impact The minds of others in the field.

As the owner of Blood Python No. 1, Tang Qi expressed his composure.

But the others all looked envious and jealous.

As long as it is a man, he loves this monster of steel and brimstone.

Unfortunately, after searching the entire Mercer Police Station, there was only one wine-red rhinoceros. It was one of the few privileges Stana had brought with her when she was sent down from Miphoon to Mercer City. If you don't add Chaofan, to a certain extent, the rarity of the wine red rhinoceros is even higher than that of the blood python number one.

Despite holding a monster like a wine-red rhino, Stana is not a reckless person.

She thought for a while about the "plan" that Tang Qi and Gideon had agreed on in a word, and facing Tang Qi, she asked: "If the wraith that appears, the threat level exceeds that of Hai~ the two kinds you gave me Bullet, can you spot it and give an early warning?"

The female sheriff, Yujie, once again showed a good EQ. She didn't ask Tang Qi, who had made a plan, whether he would participate in the battle in the end, but asked Tang Qi if he could give an early warning.

Compared with expecting Tang Qi to join, early warning is more reliable.

Tang Qi understood it easily, and then replied directly: "Yes!"

After finishing speaking, he glanced at Nathan and Javier, who were a little stunned, and silently added: "If the threat level of that wraith reaches a level that can ignore your bullets, and with my early warning, If you still cannot escape, there is a high probability that I... may die as well."


Stana, who was expecting to hear the words "I will also participate in the war", was almost caught by Tang Qi's twist.

A pair of good-looking eyes gave Tang Qi a hard look, and said silently in his heart: I shouldn't expect anything from him, a bad high school student.