Lord of Enigma

Chapter 75: The power of pain


"Haig's Blade"

The name that Tang Qi read out was an illegal item that he bought from the Blue Bear Park rally after paying a total of 1,500 divine favors. It was made from the rib of Jeffrey Haig, one of the most notorious serial killers. into a bone blade.

Looking at this primitive and rough shape, Tang Qi believed it very much.

The buying and selling of serial killer-related items is actually a mature industry chain, which starts after every serial killer is arrested. Although the police have repeatedly criticized this practice, this cannot stop those bold black market dealers.

After all, this is huge profits, and there is no risk.

This bone blade was probably sent by a certain merchant to directly dig Haig's tomb, pick out the hardest rib, and make this knife. As for the whereabouts of the rest of the bones, who knows? Who cares

By chance, a strange thing was born.

In the hundred years when the mysterious side was weakened to the extreme, most of the strange objects were born in this way, and most of them were in a special state, requiring people with extraordinary knowledge to decipher them. But for Tang Qi, he didn't need to master that much knowledge, and the decryption method appeared in his mind at this moment.

What Tang Qi has to do now is to wait.

Putting the bone blade on the workbench, Tang Qi sat gently on the chair, took out the wonderful hair knot, and began to untangle it slowly.

Time passed quickly in the sound of "click~click" from the wall clock.

No one interfered, and Tang Qi's efficiency was extremely high. Before the pointer pointed to midnight, Tang Qi had once again relieved the two girls. It seemed that they were two commoner girls. The clothes were very ordinary, but they were both beautiful. The blond girl gave Tang Qi a playful smile at the same time, and then slowly disappeared.

At this time, the wall clock made a significantly louder sound.

Midnight, here we come.

Tang Qi quickly stuffed the hair knot into his pocket, and suddenly grasped the blade of Haig with both hands.

Forcibly suppressing the feeling of nausea and discomfort, silently recited in my heart:

"Jeffrey Haig!"

"Jeffrey... Haig!"

"Jay~ Frey Haig!"

Three times, the tone of each time is different, because Tang Qi found that when he was reciting silently, there was some resistance, as if to prevent Tang Qi from reciting the name.

And when he broke through the resistance, he silently read the name three times.

The bone blade in his hand suddenly became greasy, bloodshot streaks crawled out of the yellowed blade, quickly turning the entire knife into a blood red color, and then the bright red flowed down Tang Qi's palm towards his whole body spread over.


Tang Qi's line of sight was suddenly drawn into a bloody world. He saw hotels, streets, dark alleys, luxurious villas, toilets at gas stations... All the scenes began to be soaked in blood. Howling, begging for mercy, cursing...

It's a memory fragment, a picture of everyone Jeffrey Haig has killed.

The disgusting feeling mixed with the released comfort, just like the same bright red tentacles, trying to wrap Tang Qi's heart.

A magnetic and seductive voice whispered in Tang Qi's ear: "Is it fun? Is it good-looking? Do you want to experience it yourself? What a wonderful world, you are the ruler, you are their king, you …”

"You talk so much nonsense!"

The words suddenly spit out from Tang Qi's mouth directly stunned the hazy figure floating on the workbench.

This is a thin man with black curly hair, high cheekbones, and deep-set eye sockets. The blue eyes are not clean, but the kind of twisted madness, the kind of bloodthirsty that makes people shudder.

The faint light gathered into a special picture.

[Extraordinary Creature: Jeffrey Haig's Wraith.]

[Status: complete.]

[Information Fragment 1: The soul of the legendary serial killer Jeffrey Haig, a pervert who has killed nearly a hundred people. He did this in order to obtain the power of the demon, but after he finished, the demon that promised him had long been expelled back to the alien plane , he felt cheated, so he became a wraith.]

[Information Fragment 2: Acknowledge his legend, and the bone blade will become a powerful weapon; kill it, and the bone blade will undergo unknown changes.]

"My favorite is the unknown surprise."

When Tang Qi muttered this sentence, the choice was self-evident.

The wraith of Jeffrey Haig was still thinking about why this human being was not bewitched by him. Suddenly, a terrifying premonition of danger occupied its mind. It raised its head subconsciously, and just in time saw a golden flame wrapped palm.



The screams lasted for less than a second.

The power of the furnace is beyond imagination for the restraint of resentful spirits and evil spirits.

Tang Qi watched with his own eyes the souls of a generation of legendary serial killers turn into flying ash in his hands, and then a "black mud"-like thing burst out from the bone blade held in his other hand, as if it was going to fly Get out of the bone blade and enter the unknown world.

The black mud was viscous and filthy. After seeing it, I felt nausea and discomfort ten times more intense than before.

Seeing that the black mud was about to escape, but at this moment, nearly a hundred white light spots flew out from the bone blade, entangled the black mud, and dragged it back abruptly.

The bone blade has changed.

It was still as rough as before, but the yellowed blade began to turn white, just like the white bricks and stones before the church, with a black line running through the center.

The gloomy light, which is different from before, gathers a new picture in Tang Qi's eyes.

[Strange thing: Haig's resentment.]

[Quality: Excellent.]

[Information Fragment 1: You killed Haig’s soul. Before it died, it held resentment towards you and released all its magic, but lost its control, and the delicate balance in the bone blade was broken. Now it is also A weapon that favors law and justice.]

[Information Fragment 2: Its extraordinary power—pain; the evil creatures cut or killed by it will suffer severe pain and die in wailing.]

"I love the name!"

Holding the brand new bone blade, Tang Qi said with a smile.

For him, from the very beginning, there was only one way to decipher this weapon.

And the ending is very satisfying.

He got new fuel, and at the same time, a satisfactory melee weapon.

"The power of pain, sounds... very interesting."

"It's almost time."

After uttering these words, Tang Qi glanced at the completely dark sky.

Without further delay, he quickly prepared Blood Python One, bullets, and Siren's Tears, and then changed into black clothes, similar to the work clothes that can hold a lot of things.

Under the cover of night, he quickly left the small masonry building, walked along the secluded boulevard in the campus, looked very "anxious", and ran out of the campus secretly. That scene is like being invited by a friend and can't wait to go out and have a fun and exciting nightlife.

In a normal high school, this scene is unlikely to happen.

But this is Thorn High School, and that scene couldn't be more common. It is common for groups to climb over the wall and leave.

It's just the moment when this "monkey anxious" high school student left the campus and entered a dark street.


Without any warning, his body suddenly disintegrated into a cloud of gray smoke, blending into the night and shadows very naturally.