Lord of Enigma

Chapter 85: Shepherd


The young amber merchant died, and the murder in Central Park came to an end. After handing over the work of handling the scene to the police detectives, Tang Qi and Stana returned to the police station, and the time was just around noon.

It took most of the morning to solve a mysterious murder case. I believe the female director will be very satisfied with this efficiency.

The two returned soon, and the logistics team.

Renee and Gideon, plus some new staff members, just came back from the scene, all of them looked excited mixed with fear. the scene.

Nathan and Javier were not able to participate this time, but they still enthusiastically joined in.

If an ordinary person walks into this office area, he will probably think that this is a group of psychopaths.

As a special consultant of the police station, Tang Qi, who looks like a high school student, actually has an independent office, and the setting inside is better than Stana's. However, neither of them hid in the office, but got together with everyone, but did not participate in the discussion.

Tang Qi tasted the pizza, while Stana took care of her "wine red rhinoceros", and then counted the two types of bullets Tang Qi provided, the Siren and the Furnace, one by one.

Tang Qi was a little ashamed to see that focused look. His Blood Python No. 1 is actually an extraordinary firearm that is far more powerful than the wine-red rhinoceros, but Tang Qi has not maintained it a few times. As for the bullets, they are taken at will. It's easy to use, and it doesn't take much effort to make it anyway.

Because he had obtained a lot of materials recently, Tang Qi was even thinking about making some new super bullets in addition to configuring the secret medicine.

It's just Kraken and Furnace, which are a bit monotonous.

However, it is still in the consideration stage, because Tang Qi is really busy.

Routine meditation, practicing fighting skills, dispensing secret medicine, attending classes, performing the duties of a police consultant, and investigating the abnormal situation of the Samra family by the way... Tang Qi felt that he had no skills at his disposal, and he had to make choices about some events.

In terms of priority, it must be cultivation and investigation.

"Should I get an assistant?"

This idea just came to Tang Qi's heart, but he shook his head and suppressed it.

Although at that moment, many figures flashed in his mind.

The people in the office in front of me can choose, especially Stana, who has already half-stepped into the mysterious side. To some extent, she is already Tang Qi's assistant, but of course this is not recognized by Tang Qi.

In addition, there is Sally, which makes Tang Qi very excited.

Speaking of extraordinary aptitude, Tang Qi felt that he might not be able to compare with Sally. After all, the girl was selected by a bad luck magic power when she was just born. After more than ten years of gestation, she also gave birth to a witch secondary personality. If the two merge with each other, it is almost predictable that a powerful witch will be born.

Or, a scary witch.

But it's just thinking about it, not to mention that Tang Qi is still in crisis now, even if there is no threat from the Samra family, Tang Qi wants to turn Sally into his assistant, in addition to facing the witch of doom, there are also Take on an unknown force of witches.

According to the information fragments on the glasses, Sally had already been reserved by the "witches".

"Let's hold it all for now. Before solving the immediate crisis, I don't seem to have room to relax and think about other things."

With a silent recitation in his heart, Tang Qi finished the last bite of pizza.

After washing his hands and wiping his mouth, Tang Qi said something to everyone, and then turned back to his office.

Noon is the rest time, and there is no need to think about the case for the time being.

Tang Qi didn't really rest either, he meditated silently for a moment, and after dispelling those chaotic thoughts, he took out the wonderful knots as usual, gathered his energy, and began to patiently untangle the strands of hair of different colors.

To some extent, this is also a kind of cultivation.

Tang Qi could feel that although he hadn't entered the state of meditation, his mental strength had slightly increased during the process of untying the knot.

Under the guidance of Tang Qi's dexterous fingers, the entangled hair bundles spread out one by one, revealing a certain hair knot inside. To Tang Qi's surprise, this time they met a group of four A knot of tangled strands of hair.

"It's brutal!"

Tang Qi said silently.

It took some time to get the wonderful hair knot, and Tang Qi gradually figured out some rules of this strange thing.

For example, the tangled strands of hair, each representing a person, are entangled because they were killed at similar times, or died at the hands of the same slave in the "Gregorian Self-Portrait" .

So the hair knot in front of me means that a certain self-portrait slave dedicated himself to Gregory's four beautiful girls very attentively.

Although the entanglement of four strands of hair is somewhat complicated, it does not bother Tang Qi.

About ten minutes later, in front of Tang Qi's eyes, the complex knot of four strands of hair suddenly and slowly unraveled, and the hair strands of red, yellow, black, and white disappeared together.


At the same time, four beautiful phantoms appeared in front of Tang Qi.

A girl with red hair and freckles, a girl with yellow braids, a girl with black hair, and finally a girl with very rare white hair.

Like the previous girls, all four of them saluted Tang Qi, and then began to disappear into the air, but the white-haired girl who looked a little thin floated over at the last moment and kissed Tang Qi gently. on the forehead.

Accompanied by a somewhat familiar feeling of coldness, a group of fragments of information appeared in Tang Qi's mind.

[You have obtained a piece of knowledge!]

[You have learned Antioch!]

Tang Qi's mind automatically began to digest the fragments, and at the same time he got up, and when he returned the gift to the four girls, he thanked the white-haired girl alone.

He learned another language, but this one was different from the one given by the two Mohawk girls last time.

Strictly speaking, Antioch should be regarded as a special whistle. It is a variant of Viotia, one of the oldest languages on the continent of Europe. The letters and syllables correspond to different tones and frequencies, and the whistle can be transmitted several kilometers away.

Learning this language can hide a lot of information in the whistle, and at certain moments, it can exert special effects.

Most importantly, it also involves the superhuman realm.

A special fragment of information flowed through Tang Qi's mind.

[Information Fragments: Antioch is one of the favorite languages for professional "beast herders". A favorite of cattlemen professionals.]

"Beast herder is another new profession."

Tang Qi muttered, chewing on the information contained in it.