Lord of Enigma

Chapter 93: Unexpected thank you


Regarding the old man's solicitation, Tang Qi had expected it a long time ago. He deliberately used Stana as a shield, and "accidentally" revealed that he had the talent of casting, and it was not conspicuous.

If Tang Qi could turn the burgundy rhinoceros into an extraordinary firearm, I believe that the old gentleman in front of him would not have made such a formal invitation at all, but had Mr. Johnson next to him tie him up and tie him back to the William Castle.

Although there are two kinds of extraordinary bullets, they can only be said to be talented.

Perhaps in the William Castle, there is no shortage of such people.

And from the beginning, Tang Qi did not want to join a higher level official organization.

Perhaps entering the so-called "Special Incident Handling Bureau" can help Tang Qi avoid being threatened by the Samra family. Even if the matter is revealed, if Tang Qi reveals his powerful strength, he will definitely get asylum.

Maybe in order to win over Tang Qi, the officials will directly help Tang Qi and deal with the Samra family as a "special incident".

But after that, Tang Qi was equivalent to selling himself to the authorities.

This is definitely not the life Tang Qi wants.

After finally being reborn, Tang Qi is looking forward to the future.

And the "threat" in front of him, after Tang Qi became stronger little by little, was no longer so strong.

If it wasn't for the sake of avoiding future troubles, Tang Qi can actually make a move now, and find the Samra family that has no Samra for the time being. Except for Abu who is a little trickier, Tang Qi is sure to kill all the other members.

That being the case, why did Tang Qi join the official team.

When the thought flashed here, Tang Qi had already thought up his words, and with a very polite smile, Tang Qi said: "Old man, I only know a little bit of mysterious knowledge, and the casting skills are also very rough. Most importantly, I don't intend to Get out of Mercer."

"It's cold and heavy here, but it's the city I'm used to."

"Also, I believe the Mercer Department still needs me."

Every sentence is very sincere.

Jansen on the side began to hear that Tang Qi had rejected the invitation from the "Castle Bureau", and a look of displeasure flashed across his face, but soon he realized that he was a lifesaver in front of him, so he showed embarrassment again.

As for the old Coulson who was facing him, after being rejected, there was no change on his face, and he seemed to have guessed that there would be such a result.

He maintained a gentle smile and said: "Don't mind, you are a young man with your own opinions, which is very good, then do you have any requirements, you can ask them, as long as I can do it, I would like to be with you like this Young people spend more time communicating, but Jason and I have to leave tonight, this is the order of the castle."

"Before I leave, I can help you as much as I can."


Tang Qi revealed a look of surprise when he heard the words.

Then he deliberately hesitated, and then said: "Old man, I entered this field because of a coincidence. I have seen some evil spirits and monsters, but I don't know other information, such as what counts as Extraordinary humans, how many extraordinary humans there are, or other information, as a knowledge seeker, I am eager to obtain this knowledge."

"Maybe you can leave a phone number for me. If I have time, I can ask you for advice."

This, this is Tang Qi's request.

Great fit, just ask for a phone number.

Anyone who listens to it will not think it is too much.

After Old Coleson heard the words, he smiled and took out a beautiful business card, but he didn't hand it to Tang Qi immediately, but took out a booklet from his arms.

The booklet seemed to be made of some kind of animal skin, and it was exquisite, with a magnificent old castle on the cover.

At the bottom of the booklet, there is a line of small words: For insiders only, not to be disclosed.

Tang Qi's heart immediately began to speculate.

Then saw that the old Coulson handed him the business card and the booklet together, and seemed to have noticed Tang Qi's hesitant eyes at the same time. The old Coulson explained: "This booklet is used for training newcomers within the Castle Bureau. Although it is considered a secret, it is not as important as you think."

"Okay, accept it young man, old Coulson has always believed in his own vision, you are a trustworthy young man."

"We should go, Jason."

Old Coulson stuffed the two things directly into Tang Qi's hands, and then quickly got into the carriage. Before entering, he smiled and waved to Tang Qi.

Jason's movements are also fast, and he is in charge of driving.

But before he got into the car, he quickly reached into his arms, took out something, stuffed it directly into Tang Qi's hand, and said with a smile, "This is a small thank you, after all, you saved me once, If you want to discuss with me, call old Coulson."

After the words were finished, the curly-haired young man jumped onto the carriage. After a soft drink, the exquisite and ancient carriage immediately drove away under the gallop of two black horses, and the quiet car followed quickly behind.

When Tang Qi passed by, he could still see the cold and serious faces of several black-clothed agents inside.

Soon, the remote street outside the hospital became quiet again. Except for Tang Qi, there was no ghost.

"A wise and open-minded old man, a young man with a sense of justice."

Tang Qi kept smiling and watched the two leave.

The very brief contact was somewhat different from Tang Qi's expected scene.

However, it is also possible that Tang Qi himself is already an extraordinary person.

That's why they can get such gentle and equal treatment from the two of them.

Ordinary people may only be able to see their mysterious backs. For example, the chief and Gideon and his party are still in the hospital. From the beginning to the end, neither of them has any intention of communicating with them, and most of the time they still maintain the "top" person" attitude.

Naturally, and no offense to anyone.

Probably because the two sides originally existed in two worlds.

Old Coulson was willing to treat Stana, perhaps because Stana was a "useful body".

From the tense schedule of the two, it can be seen that the Special Incident Management Bureau, that is, the "Castle Bureau" must not have enough manpower. It can deal with the core area of Mihuang State, but it cannot send more manpower to assist Messer City and other cities and counties.

As for some remote villages, or those small towns, they can only ask for more blessings.

Now that Messer City has Tang Qi and Stana, perhaps in the eyes of the old Coulson, it is enough.

As for is it really enough

It can only be said, who knows, he is just a consultant who can't fight.

Tang Qi suppressed his smile silently, first put the brochure and business card into his arms, and then his eyes fell on his palm.

There, there is one thing.

Before leaving, Jason gave him a mysterious gift.

Tang Qi didn't have any expectations at first, but when he glanced over for the first time, a look of surprise immediately emerged.