Lord of Enigma

Chapter 94: Tyros monster and dice


In Tang Qi's palm lay a... dice made of some kind of bone or special material.

What is different from ordinary dice is that it is bigger, as big as half a fist, and it is harder in texture, gray-white in color. It has six sides, but each side is not engraved with black spots. It's a very small pattern, a pattern of some kind of monster.

When Tang Qi stared at it seriously, dots of dim light really began to emerge, this is a strange thing.

[Wonderful Object: The Dice of Tyros.]

[Status: complete.]

[Information Fragment 1: One-time strange object, it is a dice made from the bones of Tyros monster, its usage is engraved on the sixth side.]

[Information Fragment 2: This is one of the many gifts from Jason's mother, and it is also to let Jason not forget the other half of his blood.]

"Tiros monster?"

Tang Qi seemed to have thought of something, and his expression became strange.

In his hand, he subconsciously flipped over to the sixth side of the dice. In addition to the six small patterns, there was also a line of small characters engraved at the bottom, which was exactly the usage of this dice.

It is a one-time item, throw it hard to the ground, and shout the spell "Tilos", the dice will be broken, and at the same time, the number of Tilos monsters equal to the number of faces you throw is summoned, but these monsters are just projections, They have no combat function other than blocking enemies, but they can buy you time to escape.

"Well, it's really convenient to use to escape."

Tang Qi rolled the dice and silently commented.

But at this moment, his expression was still so strange.

The second piece of information attached to the dice said that the dice was given to Jason to prevent him from forgetting the other half of his blood.

In other words, Jansen's maternal bloodline is Tyros monster.


Involuntarily, the image of Tyros monster appeared in Tang Qi's mind.

That is, the patterns engraved on the six sides of the dice.

It is a half-human half-goat monster. They usually have the lower body of a sheep and the upper body of a human. Regardless of whether they are male or female, they all have two curved horns on their heads. Unlike other chaotic and crazy monsters, they are one of the few that can A sane race of monsters.

Moreover, Tyros monsters respect nature and live in the deep mountains with a beautiful environment. Whether they are male or female, they are very unrestrained and unrestrained. They are not taboo about having relationships with humans, and of course they are not taboo about having relationships with other races.

In "Monster Files", the Tyros monster also occupies some chapters, and the images are mostly positive.

It's just that they have gradually become absurd legends as the hundred-year-old spirit has become obsessed.

Unexpectedly, Jensen's father could meet a female Tyros monster and give birth to an offspring with it.

"Jensen's father is very tough. He even dared to attack monsters and give birth to offspring. According to the point of view of the previous life, the Tiros monster can be regarded as a kind of human mother-in-law, so it can also be regarded as Jason's father. Great deal."

"Also, since there are so many gifts that can be given to Jensen, it means that his mother is not an ordinary Tyros monster."

Tang Qi muttered a few words with a smile, and then put the dice away.

Although it is not a very powerful combat strange item, it is considered a good auxiliary type, an unexpected harvest.

Jensen used this as a thank you gift, probably thinking that Tang Qi was just a weak advisor, and if he was in danger, he could rely on such a miracle to save his life at a critical moment.

Although he thought badly, Tang Qi accepted the kindness.

After collecting everything, Tang Qi quickly turned back to the fourth floor of the hospital.

The intensive care unit, which had looked extremely strange because of the blood magic flower before, had returned to normal now. Although Stana was still pale, all vital signs returned to normal, and she should be discharged after a few days of rest.

The police station arranged many people to guard in rotation, so Tang Qi's help was not needed.

Before leaving, Tang Qi and Nathan communicated for a while.

Confirmed some information about the assailant.

According to Nathan's description, it was a man wearing a white mask, of unknown age, with an extremely strong physique, extremely fast speed, and possessed terrifying power. He could smash a police car with a single punch, and at the same time, he could display some terrifying and extraordinary powers. For example, before leaving, he threw the blood magic flower in front of Stana.

If Tang Qi and Old Coulson hadn't intervened to let the blood demon flower successfully enter the withering period and finally release the highly toxic gas, then the entire Holy Thorn Hospital should be over now.

And the purpose of that attacker, so far, is only known, is to come for those strange things.

As for all the strange objects, or just a part of them, it is not clear for the time being.

Realizing this, Tang Qi frowned.

"The purpose of the attackers is unknown, and that batch of strange objects is very special. Whether it's a treasure map, a wrong edition magic book, or the amber left by the amber dealer, there seems to be a conspiracy behind it. possible."

"This is also the reason why I blamed the officials, but I didn't expect that the black hands behind the scenes would even dare to touch the officials."

Tang Qi was thinking while walking outside the hospital.

There was some delay tonight, but it was still late at night, so Tang Qi felt that the hunt could continue.

He has a strong curiosity, what kind of changes will happen after his melting pot meditation method breaks through 10% of the level progress

Or, it was simply a wrong assumption of Tang Qi himself.

Tang Qi walked towards the end of a street outside the hospital, where there was a dark alley leading to all directions, suitable for Tang Qi to leave in a fog.

But just as he was about to step out of the hospital, on a whim, he accidentally glanced at the floor where the intensive care unit was located. The originally bright lights there flickered for a moment, and then abruptly... went out.


Tang Qi's footsteps just stopped suddenly, hesitating for half a breath, and his figure immediately turned around.

First floor, all right.

The second and third floors are also fine.

But when Tang Qi was about to set foot on the area on the fourth floor, there was a strange smell in the air. After smelling it, he inexplicably felt disgusted with the area on the fourth floor, and then turned around and left impatiently. .

For example, the doctors and nurses walking in front of Tang Qi, no matter what they were going to do on the fourth floor, they covered their noses and left.

What's extremely strange is that they didn't think there was anything wrong with this at all, and they didn't even notice that the entire area on the fourth floor became pitch black, with only a faint, bright red fluorescent light coming out from the gap in the closed door.


Tang Qi pushed open the iron door on the fourth floor without a sound. The moment he stepped inside, strands of golden flames overflowed from the surface of his body, and there was a burning smell in the air. It still smells bad, but it won't make Tang Qi want to cover his nose and leave.

But when Tang Qi stepped into the aisle and saw the scene in front of him, his expression immediately changed.

The originally wide aisle could not find a place to step down at all. It was completely covered by squirming, bright red things that looked like intestines and vines. They crossed and entangled, and the police officers , or doctors and nurses hanging on the wall.

Just like the Blood Demon Flower sucked Stana's blood before, these vines also sucked blood, and the owner of the vines seemed to be sadistic.

It is obvious that these people can be strangled quickly, but they are only wrapped around them, like boa constrictors with sharp thorns. The people who are wrapped around them become bloody and bloody in an instant, but they can't struggle yet. Some kind of poisonous gas in the air , directly paralyzed them.

Tang Qi could see their waking eyes, and they were still conscious, feeling everything that happened to them in horror.


When more than a dozen vines flew over, trying to drag Tang Qi in, his body instantly turned into a gray mist, and he floated towards the innermost intensive care room without hesitation.