Lord of Flames

Chapter 104


During lectures, there are no classes.

Yes, the lecture was started directly in the school’s main square using the magic of amplification!

The reason for not dividing classes is simple: there are not so many classrooms and there are not so many teachers.

It's easy for you to make these orcs fight. Give them weapons, food, and water, and they can fight for many days.

But you want to find a few qualified teachers among them...

It’s better to skip it!

"Holy Girl, actually we can go to the human kingdom to recruit some teachers!"

The girl Mengying said.

The fox girl Qing Ling asked: "Will they be willing to come?"

The girl Mengying said: "Yes, Saintess, what we need them to teach is not complicated knowledge. Give them enough gold coins and they will come."

The fox girl Qingling said: "Sister Mengying, but we are short of gold coins."

What she said was true.

After the orc kingdom tribes and tribes, many are still in a state of barter.


Even the fox girl Qing Ling had just met her not long ago.

Of course, the main reason is that the orc kingdom is isolated from the human kingdom by the misty mountains.

It doesn’t work without isolation.

If we are not isolated, the human kingdom might come over!

Many kings of human kingdoms have ambitions to expand their territories.

That way they can be remembered forever.

Second, you can please the gods, gain more power, and have a longer life!

The girl Mengying said: "I have a lot of gold coins here. After our country is unified, my god will probably open the passage to the misty mountains for us. At that time, we can use some medicinal materials produced in the forest to exchange for gold coins. Yes. Come on, saintess, send someone to search everywhere, maybe there is a gold mine discovered in the forest!"

The fox girl Qing Ling nodded and said, "I will send soldiers to find him."

This matter was settled by them.

However, before calling in the human teacher, the fox girl Qingling will still make a guest appearance as the school teacher from time to time.

The same goes for the girl Mengying.

And the one who spends more time in school is actually the Centaur girl Bai Ling.

After Bai Ling received some revelations from the Lord of Fire, he was no longer lacking in basic knowledge.

Therefore, she can also be a qualified teacher!

Chapter 0119 Gold Mine! The winged humans are attached!

In the forest, a group of soldiers from the City of Miracles were walking together.

"Have you ever seen gold?"

A cat warrior asked curiously.

The elk warrior next to him shook his head: "I haven't seen it before. According to the saint, as long as it is yellow and shiny, you can take it back!"

"We have been looking for it for several days, but we still haven't found it."

A cat warrior said a little tiredly.

"It is said that gold is very valuable to humans. You can buy everything with it."

Another cat warrior said.

"Why can I buy everything? Is it because it tastes better than honey?"

Next to him, a bear warrior asked curiously.

"I don't know. I feel like we can pray to the great Lord of Fire. Maybe we can get good luck and find gold smoothly!"

Another cat warrior said.

After saying that, it really started to pray.

After praying, it opened its eyes and was dazzled by a ray of bright light!

However, it didn't look at the sun in the sky. Where could the light dazzle its eyes

The cat warrior blinked and saw something golden in the middle of a stone under the mountain wall not far away.

It was the sunlight reflected by this golden thing that dazzled its eyes.

"Lord of Fire, wouldn't that be gold?"

This cat warrior was ecstatic in his heart.

Then it rushed over quickly and picked up the stone.

When they returned to the City of Miracles, the golden thing on the stone was quickly identified.

That, indeed, is gold!

A large gold mine was discovered in the forest where the mountain people and horses originally lived!

This gold mine has considerable reserves and is not difficult to mine.

The fox girl Qing Ling immediately sent people to start mining.

In this orc country east of the mist, the resources are really abundant!

No wonder even the dwarves came to live underground in this area.

After gold was mined, a girl named Mengying designed a gold coin.

This kind of gold coin is about the same size as the one-yuan coin that Lin Yan had before traveling through time.

The weight of gold coins is constant. The weight of one gold coin is 10g.

There is a flame printed on one side of the gold coin.

This represents the great Lord of Fire.

On the other side, there is a city printed on it, which represents the city of miracles.

As for the date of manufacture of the gold coin, there is no need to print it at all.

The casting process of gold coins is actually very complicated.

But with the dwarves here, this isn't a problem at all.

With gold coins, it will be easier.

In the City of Miracles, gold coins began to be the currency.

Of course, in the past, there was basically no transaction volume in the City of Miracles, and everyone was eating from a big pot!

As the population increases, there will definitely be a need for transactions.

The fox girl Qing Ling followed the advice of the girl Mengying and made some changes to the way the Miracle City operates.

The ownership of all land belongs to the Lord of Fire.

But as long as you remain pious to the Lord of Fire, you can obtain the use of these lands for free.

It is enough to pay only 10% tax on the crops grown.

In addition, when receiving the divine seed, you need to pay a small amount of money!

As a warrior of God, you can also receive some gold coins as a subsidy every month!

For a perfect society, it must be able to operate on its own.

Have a complete economic system instead of having everything decided by the temple.

Of course, the temple still dominates and controls everything.

The fox girl Qing Ling is not prepared to implement the method of the human kingdom in the kingdom of orcs, that is, the relative separation of politics and religion.

But some advantages of the human kingdom can be absorbed.

In addition, the Lord of Fire also sent down some revelations.

In this way, the entire country can operate in an orderly manner!

Even better than the human kingdom!

Not long after finding the gold mine, the Winged Human Race finally made a decision.

This is all thanks to the winged girl.

The winged girl Mia has been staying in the City of Miracles these days and has seen more and more new things.

This city of miracles gave her a completely different feeling.