Lord of Flames

Chapter 122


asked a werewolf who looked like a strategist.

The leader of the wolf clan said: "Ultimatum, the City of Miracles gave us an ultimatum... We must respond within ten days. If we are not willing to attach, we need to leave this orc country, or go to war!"

"They are very powerful. I don't know who is in charge! Patriarch, what are you going to do?"

The werewolf strategist said.

The leader of the Wolf Clan looked to the south: "The Snake Clan is probably staring at us. Unfortunately, the Lion Clan has been defeated now. Both of our tribes combined cannot defeat the City of Miracles!"

The werewolf strategist said: "Is it possible to contact some lion warriors..."

"It's no longer possible. The lion clan is closely monitored. If we make such a small move, we will definitely be discovered. Then we will have to fight with them. On the grassland, they may not be able to catch up with us, but Now that the Yiren have joined them, it is basically impossible for us to fight guerrillas on the grassland!"

The leader of the wolf tribe felt a headache.

The werewolf strategist said: "Clan leader, what should we do? Depend on them? Just like we relied on the lion clan before."

The leader of the wolf tribe shook his head solemnly and said: "What the City of Miracles requires is not simple attachment, but complete surrender. It may not have much impact on us ordinary tribesmen, but we don't have the power we have now. Unfortunately, I originally thought that the Beast God of the Lion Clan and the Flame Lord of the Miracle City were fighting a divine war in the heavens, but now it seems that the divine war has not started, or that the Beast God has been defeated!"

After a while, the leader of the wolf tribe seemed to have thought of a way: "Put it off until the last day, because they also gave the snake tribe an ultimatum. Let's see what the snake tribe's attitude is!"

Snake clan.

The snake tribe lives in the south of the orc country, where there are large swamps.

Snakes live in these swamps.

"Chief, the City of Miracles has given us an ultimatum, what should we do?"

The snake clan also faces this choice.

The leader of the Snake Clan looked towards the north: "Take it, let's see how the Wolf Clan chooses."

Chapter 0135 Start trade! Hot potatoes and sweet potatoes!

After the ultimatum from the City of Miracles was given, the Wolf Clan and the Snake Clan unanimously chose to delay!

They both want to wait until the last day to see what the other party chooses.

In the City of Miracles, the things Mengying purchased have been moved into the warehouse.

In the next few days, the food in the City of Miracles became abundant.

All the empty magic stones were also placed at the hydropower station to store excess electricity.

And in Miracle Wasteland, electric irrigation has been used!

In conjunction with the magical growth of the magicians, the yield of potatoes, sweet potatoes, and corn in the Miracle Wasteland has reached a new high.

In the warehouse of the City of Miracles, three types of crops have been piled up.

Even if the City of Miracles had a population of hundreds of thousands, it would not be able to eat all of these potatoes, sweet potatoes, and corn.

Fortunately, Meng Yiyi used magic to preserve the food in the warehouse. The magic's preservation effect is better than that of the refrigerator!

"Saint, I have already made an agreement with my grandpa. My grandpa owns a chamber of commerce in the Xiling Kingdom, which can help us sell our crops and forest specialties! And my grandpa's family territory is right next to the Misty Mountains!"

On this day, the winged girl Mia returned to the temple and said to the fox girl Qingling.

"Well done, Mia!"

The fox girl Qing Ling praised.

The situation in the Xiling Kingdom is relatively complicated and will not become clear so quickly!

Before the situation becomes clear, it is not easy to find opportunities to intervene, so you still need to wait!

However, some preliminary work can be carried out.

First, start trade with the Xiling Kingdom.

Of course, before launching trade, there must be a suitable candidate in the Xiling Kingdom, and Mia's still strong grandfather, Sir Hawke, is the best candidate.

In this way, the excess crops in the Miracle Wasteland and some specialties in the forest can also be sold in exchange for gold coins from the Xiling Kingdom.

After the sale, the City of Miracles will also purchase a large amount of goods from the Xiling Kingdom, and the payment will naturally be the gold coins of the City of Miracles.

In this way, the gold coins of the City of Miracles will circulate in large quantities in the Xiling Kingdom.

The gold coins of the Xiling Kingdom will be smelted and reforged by the dwarves.

After being smelted by lava fire, the re-created gold coins will also have certain magical protection capabilities.

It will not be much different from other gold coins in the City of Miracles.

It's just one more step.

In this way, among the gold coins circulating in the Xiling Kingdom, the number of gold coins belonging to the Xiling Kingdom or other kingdoms will become less and less, while the number of gold coins in the City of Miracles will become more and more.

You can also buy a lot of needed things in the City of Miracles.

The next day, under the protection of a hundred winged warriors, Mia left the City of Miracles and went to her grandfather's territory with ten magic bags full of things.

"Is this the magic bean? It feels very good. It should be sold at a good price!"

Mia's grandfather, Sir Hawke, who is in his sixties, said.

"Grandpa, there are also sweet potatoes, which can be eaten directly."

Mia introduced.

Sir Hawke had a sweet potato peeled and took a bite.

"So sweet!"

This is his first impression.


The sweet potatoes in the Miracle Wasteland have actually been slightly improved after Lin Yan left the imprint of his divine power. It can be said that they are all sweet potatoes with a very sweet taste, not to mention how comfortable they are to eat!

"It's delicious. It's so delicious. I'm sure this thing will be a big seller!"

Sir Hawke was delighted.

He didn't expect that there would be such good things in the orc country.

Mia said: "Grandpa, sweet potatoes actually taste better when roasted."

"Try baking it!"

Half an hour later, after Sir Hawke tasted the roasted sweet potatoes, he was full of praise!

Then, he tasted the taste of roasted corn and boiled corn. Corn is actually grown by some people in the human kingdom, but it is actually grown by some civilians, and the scale of planting is not large.

In the human kingdom, nobles occupy more than 80% of the land. Many commoners receive land from the nobles and pay some taxes to the nobles after harvesting.

Naturally, the nobles have the final say on what is grown on these lands.

Rice and wheat are commonly grown things, but the value of corn has not yet been discovered. This is because the taste of these corns is average, and the corn in Miracle Wasteland has been improved by Lin Yan.

After using the virtual godhead to consume divine power to improve it at the genetic level, and then leaving the imprint of divine power, these corns are more delicious than the sweet corn before Lin Yan traveled through time. It can be said to be unique!

And these corns don’t age easily.

Grilled corn, boiled corn, fried corn must be tender enough to be delicious.

Once it gets old, it can only be used to feed poultry!

These three foods have been approved by the nobleman Sir Hawke, and then there is the issue of purchase price.

Originally, Sir Hawke planned to buy it at a high price and sell it at a high price for Mia's sake.

But Mia shook her head and persuaded him to change his mind.

Sir Hawke is planning to sell these three foods to the nobles.

But the fox girl Qing Ling hopes that these three foods will flow to the civilian class, so that there will be better sales and the divine power imprints in these three things will have better effects.

Yes, the divine mark can not only be used to prevent other gods' churches from plagiarizing Lin Yan's seeds.

If you eat something with the mark of divine power for a long time, you will naturally feel familiar with the god who left the mark of divine power.

This sense of familiarity is not noticeable until you have heard of that god.

But once they know about the Lord of Flame, they will subconsciously feel, Hey, I seem to have heard of this god somewhere, and the resistance in their hearts will be greatly reduced.

If you know more about the Lord of Flame's deeds and witness the power of the Lord of Flame, the difficulty of gaining their faith will be greatly reduced!

Therefore, the final prices of these three foods are not high.

The price of potatoes per pound is one-third of the price of rice in the Xiling Kingdom.

The price of sweet potatoes is the same as that of rice, and corn is slightly more expensive than rice.

It was as expected by Mia and Sir Hawke.

When these three crops were put on the market, due to their unique taste, they were instantly sold out in several cities in the Xiling Kingdom!

Especially potatoes!

Potatoes have the largest yield, are the cheapest, and are relatively nutritious. Its emergence is not just like dropping a bomb among the civilians of the Xiling Kingdom!

Of course, these three crops are currently only popular in a few cities. First, they can only bring so many potatoes at a time, and second, Sir Hawke does not yet have the energy to spread the goods to the entire kingdom.