Lord of Flames

Chapter 30


This is an inherent disadvantage in body shape.

However, the fox girl Qingling is full of confidence in this battle!

The Fox Clan now is not the Fox Clan before!

More importantly, the Fox clan has a powerful god!

Great Lord of Fire!

The fox girl Qing Ling also received a revelation, that is, if the war fails, she must pray to the "Lord of Flame", and the Lord of Flame will send down his power to help the fox clan!

This gives the fox girl Qing Ling reassurance!

With the Lord of Fire's revelation, the fox girl Qing Ling began to gather the warriors of the fox clan to prepare for war.

On the other side, the centaurs and horses are also gathering warriors.

The territory of the centaurs and horses is very large, and it takes some time to gather warriors.

However, it only takes more than a day at most for all the warriors of the centaurs and horses to be assembled.

Then, they will march towards the Fox Clan.

The fox clan moved much faster.

Because now all the Fox people are in the Miracle Wasteland.

The fox girl Qing Ling summoned a total of 6,000 elite fox warriors.

If all the Fox tribesmen who are capable of fighting go into battle, they can gather more than 10,000 people.

But that's not necessary.

Soldiers are more valuable than their elite.

Besides, the Miracle Wasteland also needs people to defend it, and the Black Fox warriors in the mines also need to be guarded.

Most people in the Black Fox tribe are still very peaceful and have begun to believe in the Lord of Fire.

However, there are also a very few people who have other thoughts, otherwise the centaurs and horses would not be able to get the news about the Miracle Wasteland from the black fox people so easily this time.

After this battle, the fox girl Qing Ling was ready to completely clean up the black fox people and clean up some of the restless guys inside!

Before the army marched, some relatively powerful fox warriors who were familiar with the forest were fully armed and divided into several squads, each with a magician.

Their mission is to clear out the human spies in the forest.

These fox people are much more familiar with that forest.

Not long after, more than a dozen spies were killed.

These fox warriors cleaned up all the way to prevent the whereabouts of the fox army from being exposed.

In fact, Lin Yan was also watching this battle.

He used his exploratory eyes to check the situation in the entire forest.

Those fox warriors are indeed familiar with the forest.

Wherever they passed, all the spies were cleared.

Immediately afterwards, the six thousand warriors of the fox people brought enough food and water and set off.

The food they brought was naturally boiled potatoes.

After these potatoes are cooked, they can be stored for a long time. One person can take care of one bag for several days.

About a day later, all the fox warriors were in place.

The location chosen by the fox girl Qingling was a canyon.

Six thousand Fox warriors were distributed on both sides of the canyon, waiting for the arrival of the troops.

This is the only way for warriors to go to the Miracle Wasteland!

It is also the best place for an ambush.

In order to prevent the position of the army from being exposed, there are still several teams with magicians cleaning up the spies in the forest.

The number of spies, both human and horse, was neither too many nor too few.

Although they despised the Fox Clan, they still sent many spies out.

However, neither the clan leader of the Centaur nor the leaders and high priests of the small tribes would have ever imagined that the Fox Clan would dare to take the initiative to ambush them!

They spent more than a day gathering a large number of elite warriors.

Nearly eight thousand powerful warriors marched toward the Fox Clan's territory.

In the forest, the Fox Clan has already prepared everything.

Just waiting for the troops to arrive!

Chapter 0045 Who is the sheep

"This time we capture the fertile wasteland and get the divine beans, so we can vigorously multiply the tribe. As long as the population increases, we may not be much worse than the lion tribe!"

While the vast army of men and horses was marching, the leaders of some small tribes chatted.

These tribal leaders are relatively sophisticated and wear some exquisite protective gear.

However, these protective gears are more decorative than protective.

"Well, the Lion Clan claims to be a royal family and has ordered all the orc tribes in the Mist for decades. It's time for a change!"

The leader of another small tribe hummed.

"By the way, tell me, that wasteland has always been full of poisonous insects. Why did it suddenly burn down? According to what the spies saw from a distance, the misty mountains seemed to be almost burned. Is there anything strange here?"

The leader of another small tribe said.

"What's wrong? The weather has been dry for too long, and it's just wildfires. Fox people are just like sheep. This time we dispatched eight thousand soldiers, and it didn't take an hour to defeat them. If it weren't for safety, this battle would be dispatched Three or four thousand warriors are more than enough."

After hearing the words of the leaders of these small tribes, the Centaur Chief snorted.

As soon as he finished speaking, a red light appeared in his eyes.

This red light fell from the sky!

The Centaur Chief looked up and saw many tiny fireballs falling from the sky.

That red light was caused by these fireballs!

The Centaur Chief was stunned for a moment and had not yet reacted.

"not good!"

After being stunned for a second, it reacted.

"Spread out!"

the Centaur leader yelled.

However, it's too late!


These fireballs slammed down, hitting them one after another!

The fire broke out all of a sudden, and the leaders of the small tribes were killed in the sea of fire before they could even groan!

On the canyon, Mengying let out a breath, and a milky white flame appeared in her hand.

Then she swallowed the flame in one gulp.

That's right, that flame was the "cold flame" Lin Yan gave him every day.

When the "cold flame" is burning, sitting next to it and meditating can increase the efficiency of meditation and greatly increase mental power.

However, "Cold Flame" also has an important function.

When your mental power is exhausted, you can swallow it to replenish your mental power.

However, if the mental power is full, swallowing it will not have much effect.

And you can only swallow one per day.

It was precisely because of the existence of "Cold Flame" that Mengying dared to use magic with confidence and carried out a beheading operation.

Now she is a fourth-level magician!

However, this magic still drained her mental energy, but fortunately it was replenished in time!

If this magical technique continues, most of the tribal leaders of the centaurs and horses will die!

Only a few tribal leaders escaped!


The cry of killing rang out.

Immediately afterwards, a large number of arrows were shot from both sides of the Arrow Valley.

These arrows are all made of sharp iron arrows!