Lord of Flames

Chapter 50


Leader Rick naturally saw it too!

"Where did the people here get such good armor?"

Leader Rick was equally puzzled.

While chasing, it heard the kobold talk about centaurs.

But it didn't take it seriously.

The combat effectiveness of centaur warriors is indeed strong.

But compared with the victorious lion warriors, they are still far inferior.

But now, the costumes of the centaur warriors made Leader Rick feel a little nervous.

"Sir, do you want to talk to them?"

The lion warrior next to Leader Rick said.


At this time, on the other side of the plain, the leader of the centaurs and horses had already issued an order.

Suddenly, the upper bodies of all the horses began to lean forward, which was a charging posture!


The Centaur leader shouted.

Immediately afterwards, all the warriors on the plain shouted loudly at the same time and charged towards the lion warriors on the other side of the plain!

The war is about to break out!

Chapter 0070 Crush! Amazing battle loss ratio!

"How dare they take the initiative to attack!"

Across the plain, the lion man next to Leader Rick couldn't help but be surprised when he saw the men and horses rushing over in a long line.

The centaur warrior stood just opposite the sun's rays. When the bright armor was illuminated by the sun, the thousand centaurs turned into a dazzling light!

At this time, this ray of light was rushing over in a mighty manner!

The plains are only a few kilometers wide, and it won't take long for the warriors to reach them!

Leader Rick yelled:

"Go on, kill them all!"

Even though the armor on the centaur warriors made Leader Rick a little confused, Leader Rick made his decision almost instantly.


As a powerful lion warrior, there is no way to back down!

It is decisive!

Hearing Leader Rick's words, a thousand brave and skilled lion warriors roared at the same time, then stood upright, took off the shields and weapons on their backs, held a shield in one hand and a weapon in the other, and rushed towards the centaur warriors.

When they are upright, they are not much slower than when they are on all fours.

However, as orcs, they retain some characteristics of beasts. When they are on all fours, they can run with much less effort.

Therefore, when these lion tribesmen are running long distances, they will basically choose to lie on all fours, and when fighting, they will stand upright!

Standing upright and holding weapons is the biggest difference between them and wild lions!

The combat effectiveness will also increase several levels!

On this plain, two lines are approaching quickly!

Whether they are men, horses, or lion warriors, they are all accelerating!

This plain, which is several kilometers wide, is enough for them to increase their speed to the maximum!

Finally, the two lines are close!



On the plain, there was a loud sound of spears being thrown.

When there were still one or two hundred meters away, both men, horses and lion warriors chose to throw spears!

The men, horses and lion warriors are both very powerful. As they run so fast, the force of the spears they throw is quite terrifying!

Even if these spears are made of wood, if the opponent uses ordinary wooden shields to defend, they will be easily penetrated!

Then kill the warrior behind the shield!

After throwing one round of spears, the centaur warrior immediately threw a second round!

Yes, they are not defending at all!

Because their bodies are covered with armor, and they also wear eye-protecting helmets on their heads, which protects their entire bodies in all directions!

The lion warriors only have one chance to throw their spears.

The distance is too short.

After a round of spear throwing, they not only need to protect themselves, but also draw their weapons to fight!

The lion warrior's spear fell on the centaur warrior's armor, making a dull impact.

On the plain, there was a large clanking sound.

But these spears made of wood can't penetrate the armor of the warriors!

The charging warriors did not even slow down!

The advantages of the equipment of the centaur warriors are brought into full play!

On the other side, the first round of spears from the centaur warriors also attacked the lion warriors.

Both sides are good spear throwers.

The lion warriors raised their shields to defend!

These lion warriors are indeed warriors who have experienced hundreds of battles.

Ordinary warriors, when faced with a dense mass of spears, would often just hide their vital parts of the body behind their shields and resign themselves to fate!

But these lion warriors took the initiative to wave their shields one by one to fend off the incoming spears!

Their shields are not made of iron.

It is also a wooden shield, but the wood is made of fairly dense wood, and the front of the shield is also wrapped with a layer of leather.

This layer of leather looks like old leather that has been soaked in oil for a long time. This kind of leather is very tough and cannot be easily burned through with fire!

There are also mysterious symbols on the leather, which has good protection against magic!

The spears of the centaur warriors were blocked by their shields, and the sound they made was particularly dull.

That layer of leather is really protective.

The spear can only pierce the leather, but it can't break the shield!

Only a few shields were pierced by the spears of the men and horses, but they did not pose much threat to the lion warriors behind.

Despite this, there were still a dozen lion warriors who failed to block the spears and were shot by the spears. They were seriously injured and completely lost their fighting ability!

But this is enough to show how powerful the lion warriors are!

This is a frontal charge, and the reaction time is too short. If the centaur warriors throw spears at other tribes, even if the opposite side is protected by shields, at least hundreds of warriors from other tribes can be killed.

However, even if the lion warriors were so powerful, they could not equal their equipment disadvantage.

Because the centaur warriors did not need protection, the first round of spears only fell for less than a second, and the second round of spears came again.

Many of the lion warriors who had just deflected the first round of spears had no time to react and were shot by the second round of spears!

No, many of them never expected a second round of spears!

In such a short period of time, is it difficult for people and horses to be protected

So the lion warriors were immediately shot over by spears!

Due to the speed, many lion warriors had to stumble on the ground several times before they stopped after falling, and screams kept coming and going!

In the second round of spears, at least one third of the lion warriors were eliminated!

Before the two sides came into contact with each other, more than one-third of the lion warriors were destroyed.

Then, the centaur warriors charged over with spears with iron spearheads!

A dull crash sounded!

The centaur warrior's spear hit the shield of the remaining lion warrior!

When the centaur warriors rushed over with all their strength after accelerating for several kilometers, the power carried by the spears with iron spearheads was simply terrifying.

Even if the shields of these lion warriors were covered with thick leather, they were still pierced by the spears with sharp iron heads.