Lord of Flames

Chapter 58


She led the thousand men and horses, taking advantage of the fact that the Lion Clan's army had not returned, and wreaked havoc on the west side of the Lion Clan's territory, disturbing the Lion Clan's safety and leaving no time to care about the Cat Clan's affairs!

The combat effectiveness of the centaur warriors also caused some changes in Mengying's original thoughts.

These centaur warriors, with the blessing of the Lord of Fire, are much stronger than before.

Coupled with the full-body armor, the combat effectiveness is not ordinary!

The strength that Miracle Wasteland now possesses will be much stronger than Qing Ling and Mengying originally estimated!

That's why Mengying decided to make a big move!

Eat the two tails chasing them, deal a heavy blow to the lion clan, and then return!

Just in time, by the time they return, the cat tribe should be almost at the Miracle Wasteland!

As for the lion clan's future attacks, Mengying is not afraid at all!

This time, the Cat Clan successfully completed a thousand-mile migration, and the Lion Clan was wiped out by her several troops. The name of the Miracle Wasteland will definitely become popular in the orc country!

It would be exactly what Mengying wanted if the Lion Clan attacked the Miracle Wasteland!

"This force is much more elite than the previous two, and the number of people is much larger."

The Centaur Chief said.

Mengying nodded: "These should be the troops of the Lion Clan Royal City. Some important parts of their bodies are protected by iron armor!"

The Centaur Clan leader said: "There is also an iron mine in the Lion Clan's territory, but their iron smelting technology is too poor."

The two of them just chatted, seemingly not worried about the battle below.

Although there are only a thousand men and horses on one side, there are more than two thousand elite lion warriors on the other side.

Seeing that the centaur warriors had rushed down to the high ground, Meng Ying said: "Let's go, clan leader, let's go down too!"


The Centaur leader ran towards the high ground and underground!

On the grassland, the two troops were approaching quickly.

This grassland is larger than the previous small plain, leaving more time for the men and horses to accelerate.

But this time, the centaur warriors were not prepared to adopt the previous tactics!

This time, Mengying received a revelation from the Lord of Fire and was preparing to test a new tactic!

She wants to resolve this wave of battles neatly and neatly!

After all, the centaur warriors were very tired after running around for several days!

You know, these warriors had just experienced a big battle a few hours ago.

And the physical strength of these lion warriors is still relatively intact!

Seeing that there was only a few hundred meters between the two sides, both sides took out their spears!

Orcs are very fast and powerful, so on the orc battlefield, throwing spears before close combat is a basic operation!

If it's a small-scale battle, maybe one or two rounds of spear throwing will resolve the battle.

If it's a large-scale battle, spear throwing can also disrupt the opponent's rhythm and curb the opponent's charging momentum!

This lion troop is worthy of being the elite of the royal city.

The spears they use to throw are all wrapped in iron!

Iron gun head!

This would greatly enhance the penetrating power of these spears.

On the other side, the centaur warriors still used spears made of wood!

Close, close!

The centaur warriors rushed towards me against the light, their bright armors a bit dazzling.

But that's okay!

Prince Bert, who was at the front, was holding a knife in one hand and a spear in the other!

Behind it, all the lion warriors also raised their spears!

On the other side, the centaur warriors also raised their spears!

But the next second, the spears of the centaur warriors suddenly ignited uniformly with flames!

Red flame!

These flames are connected in a line!

This line, together with the reflection of the centaur warrior armor, formed two dazzling lines!

"Little tricks!"

Although Prince Bert saw the flames on the spears of the men and horses, he didn't take it seriously.

A spear with fire may not be so lethal!

After rushing out for another ten meters, Prince Bert threw the spear in his hand at a centaur warrior!

Immediately afterwards, thousands of spears flew over in unison!

And the opponent's spear also flew over!

The spears from the two sides crossed in the air.

Then, each other fell into each other's troops!

All the lion tribes have raised their shields!

The flaming spear landed on the shield!



The flame exploded violently for some unknown reason!

The explosion of flames blew up the surrounding lion warriors!

The impact of the explosion is still secondary.

The exploding flames fell on the lion warriors and burned violently, turning the lion troops into a sea of fire!

Immediately afterwards, the second round of spears arrived!

This time the spears of the men and horses are still carrying blazing flames!

These flames fell on the lion warriors further behind, and then exploded again!


Two rounds of spears turned the Lion Clan troops into a sea of fire!

A large number of lion warriors were directly killed!

There were also a large number of lion warriors whose whole bodies were on fire and rolling on the ground, trying to extinguish the flames.

But these flames are like maggots that can’t be extinguished!

And those warriors who were charging crazily just a moment ago suddenly stopped dozens of meters away and looked at this side with cold eyes!

The flames that were burning on their spears were explosive flames!

This is Lin Yan's explosive spear tactic tailor-made for them!

Lin Yan's seventh layer of flames was obtained from the explosive flames of the Centaur High Priest.

Explosive Flame is a special type of fire, but it is quite violent and can explode at every turn!

The power after the explosion is more terrifying than a pure explosive explosion.

After Lin Yan transformed the seventh layer of flames, the explosive flames he possesses can now control the explosion mode on his own.

Generally, it will explode after hitting the target.

So Lin Yan gave these centaur warriors and prayed to him to obtain the authority of Explosive Flame.

These tasks are naturally completed by the virtual godhead.

After receiving the prayers of these thousand warriors, the virtual godhead distributed the bursting flames through the thread of faith. The energy in each bursting flame was not much, only a hundred points.

There are too many energy points. Firstly, it is unnecessary, and secondly, it will be more difficult to pass them on!

One thousand bursting flames only consumes one hundred thousand energy points.

Of course, energy points are not something that can only be accessed.

After the bursting fire explodes, the energy points generated by the combustion still belong to Lin Yan!

Therefore, although these two rounds of spear attacks by these thousand centaur warriors consumed 100,000 energy points, they contributed even more energy points!

Of course, there is no limit to the number of times such tactics can be used.

The virtual godhead's delivery of items through the thread of faith is not free!

If Lin Yan doesn't want to consume the divine power in the virtual godhead, he can only consume some of the believer's spiritual power.