Lord of Flames

Chapter 6


No, the response from the gods was not a sound in the first place.

Not a human voice.

God, how can you speak human voices

That's more like some kind of mysterious and unknowable revelation!

This revelation convinced the fox girl Qing Ling that the gods had really responded!

Therefore, the fox girl Qing Ling looked overjoyed.

Immediately afterwards, the fox girl Qing Ling felt that an invisible force enveloped herself.

This power quickly dissipated, but the fox girl Qingling soon felt her eyes light up.

No, this feeling is not just visual.

But a full range of induction.

In the response of the fox girl Qing Ling, the world seems to be clearer!

"My magic sense has improved!"

The fox girl Qing Ling understood the origin of this change.

Immediately afterwards, this invisible wave started from the temple and spread in all directions.

However, the effect of the invisible fluctuations that spread was far inferior to the effect exerted on the fox girl Qingling.

But it also caused a series of exclamations among the Fox clan.

"A miracle, this is a miracle!"

Outside the temple, the waiting foxes prostrated themselves.

My heart is full of awe for the great existence in the temple!

On Lin Yan's system panel, the virtual godhead panel had changed from gray to normal black.

The power of faith is increasing rapidly.

And just now, he activated a blessing skill.

The power of faith that every believer can provide is endless.

Like ordinary people, a devout believer can consume about 1 point of faith power per day.

The stronger the believer, the more power of faith is provided every day.

If you are a level 1 mage or knight, you can provide a full 100 points of faith power every day!

And the hundreds of people in this Fox tribe can provide almost two thousand points of faith power every day.

Chapter 0008 God-given land!

The power of faith can be converted into divine power through the godhead.

However, even the lowest level of divine power requires more than 100,000 points of faith to transform even one ounce of divine power!

A true god possesses a terrifying amount of divine power.

To convert these divine powers into the power of faith, the power of faith required is an astronomical figure!

No wonder the churches under the command of gods want to control huge countries and use an entire country of hundreds of millions of people to provide themselves with faith!

No wonder there are constant wars between countries on the continent of gods.

These wars are all conducted under the control of the church. They are wars for population and faith!

However, this is still early for Lin Yan!

He has only traveled through time for three days!

Lin Yan is not in a hurry!

In front of the altar, the fox girl Qingling was still immersed in the joy of improving her magic induction.

Her heart was also filled with gratitude to the gods!

I am also amazed at the greatness of God!

This made her faith in Lin Yan even more pious.

At this time, she seemed to hear the voice of the gods again.

This is a revelation from the gods, and only she can "hear" it.

Because, through that drop of blood, she dedicated herself forever to the great god in front of her!

When the gods are prosperous, she is prosperous!

God dies, she dies!

Just as the divine revelation ended, the flames disappeared in front of her.

"The gods are gone!"

The fox girl Qingling thought.

God does not communicate too much with people, otherwise he would not be God!

But she didn't get up immediately, and next to her, the fox leader didn't either.

Just like that, after three full minutes, the fox girl Qing Ling stood up from the ground.

"Holy girl, what revelation has the god given?"

The leader of the fox tribe asked respectfully.

Even though she is Qing Ling's mother, now that Qing Ling has become a saint, she is no longer allowed to call her by her first name.

The fox girl Qing Ling looked in the direction of the wasteland.

It was as if his eyes could see through the thick stone walls and see the wasteland that was originally full of poisonous insects, poisonous snakes, and miasma.

That wasteland was originally a restricted area for life. The only people who could move around in it were some low-level beasts and various poisons that had lived there for a long time.

Now, it has turned into ashes.

The ashes were soaked by the heavy rain, turning the entire wasteland black, like black soil.

The fox girl Qingling pointed in the direction of the wasteland and said: "Mother, I have received the revelation from the gods. That is the land given to us by the gods. We will build a city given by the gods there!"

Chapter 0009 God-given thing

The rain has stopped.

Several hundred people from the Fox Clan came to the edge of the wasteland and began to cultivate the land.

“The land here is so fertile!”

A fox man said happily.

After this vast wasteland was burned to ashes by Lin Yan, the land exposed was indeed terrifyingly fertile.

Under the wasteland, there is a thick layer of black soil.

All the vegetation covering it was burned into ashes. After heavy rain, these ashes merged with the soil, making the wasteland more fertile.

The leader of the fox tribe stood on the edge of the wasteland, looking at the boundless wasteland.

This wasteland, originally filled with poisonous insects, is indeed a land given by God!

This place is already at the edge of the orc country. No orc tribe is willing to come to this barren land. However, they did not expect that a fire caused by the great Lord of Flame would turn the barren land into fertile land for thousands of miles!

It is truly a grand gesture that only gods can do!

"There is too much land here, we simply can't use so much, come on."

The leader of the fox tribe said.

Two fox men walked up.

The leader of the fox tribe said to one of the fox tribes: "Go and notify our tribesmen scattered in other tribes and ask them all to come here."

"Yes, patriarch."

The fox man left in a hurry.

The leader of the fox tribe took out another letter and handed it to another tribe member: "Sneak back to the main tribe quietly and hand this letter to the chief of the gray fox tribe. Remember, don't be discovered."


The fox man took the letter and left.

"Mother, are you going to persuade the Gray Fox Clan to move here too?"

Qingling, a fox girl wearing a veil, walked up and said softly.

In her hand, she also held a basket.