Lord of Flames

Chapter 73


That most advanced blessing gave Mengying the permanent ability to cast magic instantly.

Chapter 0090 Level 6 joins! Big shock!

On the city wall, when she saw Winnie, the tiger woman, approaching the big pit, Mengying finally stopped using it.

After becoming a mage, she had a lot of magic power and strong mental power, but casting spells continuously for so long took a lot of energy from her.

Moreover, she also swallowed a "cold flame" supplement!

Aldington is indeed powerful. He was blasted like a target for nearly half an hour, and he is still not dead.

Of course, this mainly depends on its special shield and the divine armor on its body.

Otherwise, even if it was a sixth-level warrior, it would have died long ago after being soaked in magma for a long time and having to resist fireballs from the sky.

The strength of a warrior not only depends on his own strength, but equipment is also a very important factor.

Unfortunately, its shield failed to hold up in the end.

Aldington was also seriously injured.

When he felt that the attack from the sky finally stopped, Aldington shouted loudly and jumped more than twenty meters high.

It pushed hard on the wall of the pit and jumped to the ground.

The powerful strength of the sixth-level warrior is fully demonstrated in it.

Without Mengying, it could indeed jump directly onto the wall of the City of Miracles.

Well, after seeing its amazing jumping ability, the fox girl Qingling has decided to make the walls of the Miracle City higher.

There were only a limited number of people building in the past.

Things are different now. The City of Miracles has a large population, which is enough to further heighten and thicken the city walls, and even provide a lot of magic protection!

Red lava slid from Aldington's body.

Then it noticed the person in front of it.

"It's you!"

Aldington recognized Winnie!

You know, it hunted Winnie for more than ten days.

At that time, Winnie was still at the peak of level five.

Winnie was able to escape again and again because of some ulterior motives of Aldington.

It hopes that after Winnie breaks through to the sixth level, she can take revenge on the incompetent princes of the old Lion King.

It's best to kill all the princes of the old Lion King, then Aldington's chance will come.

Therefore, Aldington chose to let the tiger go back to the mountains!

And Winnie lived up to its promise.

Winnie killed ten lion princes as soon as she appeared.

But now, Winnie's hateful eyes were fixed on Aldington.

If Aldington was not afraid of Winnie at all in its heyday, otherwise why would it let her go when it knew that Winnie was about to break through the sixth level and would be a threat to itself

Aldington is a veteran sixth-level warrior.

Winnie is just entering the sixth level for the first time, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

But now...

Aldington was seriously injured by Mengying's magic, leaving less than half of his strength.

It went from letting the tiger return to the mountains to raising tigers and causing trouble!

A wry smile appeared on Aldington's lips: "Come on!"

Winnie was not polite and attacked with both hands.

Ten minutes later, Aldington's lion's head fell to the ground.

The fox girls Qing Ling and Mengying came out and came to Winnie's side.

This is a pretty dangerous distance.

If a mage lets a hostile sixth-level warrior come within ten meters of him, the mage can actually be finished!

Because the magic that the magister can effectively defend against attacks by sixth-level warriors lasts at least half a second.

And the attack of the sixth-level warrior will fall on the magister before then!

But Mengying is not afraid.

Instant magic is not guaranteed.

Besides, Winnie was not hostile to them.

"Thank you for allowing me to take revenge in person!"

Winnie said to Mengying.

"Aunt Winnie!"

Princess Lottie comes out.


Winnie actually recognized Lottie.

Winnie's relatives were killed by the lions in the war with the lions. When she saw Lottie, she felt very friendly.

"You are very powerful. I want to join you and take revenge on the Lion Clan together with you!"

Winnie said after chatting with Lottie for a while.

"I already know from Lottie that your strength comes from the great Lord of Flame. I am willing to believe in the Lord of Flame and become his disciple!"

Winnie said again.

The fox girl Qing Ling nodded.

With the addition of a powerful sixth-level warrior, the City of Miracles becomes much stronger.

Of course, Winnie is not young anymore and looks quite tough, so she will not be Lin Yan's saint girl.

However, she became the leader of the temple warriors.

From now on, the temple warriors will be commanded and trained by her!

The faith of a sixth-level warrior will definitely not reach the most pious stage so quickly, but the fox girl Qing Ling believes that as Winnie has experienced all the magic of the Lord of Flame, she will definitely become the most loyal believer of the Lord of Flame in the future. !

A large number of fox warriors began to come out to clean the battlefield.

In this battle, the Lion Clan suffered too many casualties.

As for the City of Miracles, there was basically no damage!

After the warriors of the Lion Tribe arrived at the City of Miracles, they also tried to throw spears, but the effect was too poor when they were thrown from bottom to top.

The archers of the Fox tribe definitely did not approach the wall stacks of the city wall. Instead, they used projectiles to attack in the middle of the city wall. The spears traveled in a straight line and no one could be seen. How could they throw them

Below the City of Miracles, the corpses of lion warriors were scattered all over the mountain.

These corpses were all gathered together, and then burned directly with the flames obtained from Mengying's prayer.

It took a day or two to clean up the entire Miracle Wasteland.

Farther away, 15,000 men and horses were still chasing the Lion Clan's large army.

These lion warriors fled all the way, and the centaur warriors chased them all the way.

The lion warriors were really fast in escaping for their lives. Many lion warriors gave up their weapons and armor, just to be able to escape faster.

However, the centaur and the warriors also enjoyed the chase.

In addition, the centaur warriors are more familiar with the terrain in this area and can always take a shortcut to catch up with the lion warriors in front. Therefore, the lion warriors escaped all the way and were killed by the centaur warriors.

These lion warriors finally experienced what it was like for the tiger clan when they naturally hunted down the tiger clan.

No, it's worse than then.

The Tiger Clan had been fighting them for more than a month, with constant battles of various sizes, but in fact no major rout like this one had occurred.

This time the Lion Clan was defeated miserably.

Centaur and horse warriors chased the lion clan for a whole day and night.

They didn't stop until they reached the Lion Pass.

This thousand-mile chase resulted in the lion warriors bleeding into rivers. In the end, less than 10,000 lion warriors escaped back to the lion territory!

Of the 60,000-strong army, more than 50,000 died!

And even the sixth-level Aldington confessed.

The fifth-level General Reed also surrendered at the gate of the City of Miracles.