Lord of Flames

Chapter 943


Minghui Supreme leads the way and teaches at the same time.

"Those looming worlds are the worlds of the seventh-level and above supreme beings. Among the countless worlds, their worlds are already quite powerful. They have always been the only ones to attack other people's worlds, devour them, and fuse them, but no one dares to make plans for their worlds. "

Minghui Supreme said again.

"You see, that world is colorful, it is a world of vampires, and there is another world with many angels in it. They are all very powerful worlds. They are at war. Maybe one of the two sides will try to win you over. Don’t agree to any of them, because you don’t know who will win, and besides, the winner may not necessarily become the master of the origin.”

Supreme Minghui talks a lot.

Lin Yan listened silently.

"Fortunately, it is quite dangerous for you to come to the origin world in your true form now. Maybe there is a supreme being who wants to hunt you. The supreme being is strongest when he is in his own world. As for the origin world, after obtaining the supreme stone, Just cast a shadow over here, just like me now."

Minghui Supreme continued.

Lin Yan had discovered this a long time ago.

"Worlds are different. In the war between worlds, detached people are very important, because detached people have the power characteristics of the place of origin and can be less suppressed in other worlds. Therefore, if possible, recruit more Having the transcendent fight for you can also prevent too many casualties in your own world.”

Minghui Supreme talks a lot.

"The world is so big that even the Lord of Origin cannot exhaust it. Our worlds are so far apart, so we are not enemies. When we become enemies like them, I don't know how many billions of years have passed. It’s good to have someone to talk to, those guys don’t like to listen to me, even if they are new, but you seem to be different, so if there is anything you don’t understand, just ask me, hahahaha.”

Minghui Supreme continued.

Lin Yan didn't say anything during the whole process, he was the one doing all the talking.

Soon, they flew into the building.

"Is there a new Supreme coming?"

As soon as Lin Yan arrived, a projection of the Supreme came over and said.

Chapter 0673 Origin Stone

The flying boat slowly flew into the Supreme Hall.

The Supreme Palace is quite majestic. The height of the gate alone is hundreds of thousands of miles, and the space inside is even larger, no less than a small world.

For ordinary people, this distance would take many years to walk, but for the Supreme Lord at the level of the Lord of the World, such a Supreme Palace is still relatively small.

Seeing Lin Yan entering with Supreme Minghui, some Supreme Projections came up to say hello, while others looked at him from a distance and did not come over.

These supreme beings who came here basically knew the supreme being Minghui.

From this point of view, although the number of supreme beings who have reached the level of world lord is not too many, it is not too few either.

After all, there are countless worlds.

And these Supreme Beings are obviously close to each other, and each Supreme Being is wary of other unfamiliar Supreme Beings.

"Don't reveal any information about your own world."

Minghui Supreme saw that Lin Yan had attracted the attention of many supreme beings, so he whispered to Lin Yan.

Lin Yan stood on the flying boat without saying a word, and followed Minghui Supreme to fly all the way to the deepest part of the Supreme Palace.

There was originally nothing there, but after Lin Yan arrived, a huge gray-white stone slowly appeared.

I don’t know how big or high this stone is. It seems that more of it is in nothingness, and only a small part is exposed.

This stone looks complete from a distance, but when you get closer, you can see that there are many holes in the stone.

"This is the Origin Stone, also called the Supreme Stone. You have one chance to take as much as you can. Once you take it, return to your own world."

Minghui Supreme said, he did not say the role of the Origin Stone.

Lin Yan didn't ask any questions. He walked over the stone and a black spear appeared in his hand.

Then he stabbed the Origin Stone with his spear.


The spear pierced the Origin Stone and made a crisp sound. This stone was actually harder than the Rainbow Bridge.


Lin Yan thought.

He did not let the spear go away, but instead summoned the power of all the laws he had.

When these powers penetrated quickly, the black spear finally penetrated into the Origin Stone.

In the distance, those supreme beings were secretly observing Lin Yan, judging the power Lin Yan had mastered and the form these powers took.

There are countless worlds, and the power of each world is very different. For a strong person at the supreme level, he is already the master of a world, eternal and immortal, for 100 million years, a billion years, tens of billions, or even tens of millions of years. Billions of years are nothing to these supreme beings.

As long as they don't die, they might one day encounter each other's world, so it's crucial to have some information about the other party in advance.

After Lin Yan's black spear pierced into the Origin Stone, he began to cut.

Soon, he cut off a large piece.

Lin Yan soon felt that time seemed to be running out.

In a few minutes at most, this Origin Stone will disappear.

Although we still don’t know what the role of this Origin Stone is, judging from the reactions of these Supremes, this should be the most precious thing in the Origin. Naturally, the more you get, the better.


Lin Yan stopped being polite and transformed directly into the form of flames, suddenly diving into the Origin Stone.

His flame form would be considered a strange god in the world where the heaven is located, but in the place of origin, where powerful beings from countless worlds gather, no one is too surprised. After all, there are too many worlds here, what kind of There are all life forms.

However, soon, those supreme beings were extremely surprised.

Because the Origin Stone is shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In a short period of time, only a little bit of the Origin Stone was left, and then... it was completely burned by Lin Yan.

Chapter 0674 Alarmed! Vampire Supreme!

"this… "

In the Supreme Hall, Supreme Minghui was dumbfounded when he saw that the Origin Stone had been burned by Lin Yan.

Not only Minghui Supreme was dumbfounded, but the other Supremes were also dumbfounded.


After Lin Yan burned away the Origin Stone, he put away the flames and revealed his divine form.

"Brother Yan, you... are so secretive! Get out of here quickly. You have obtained so many Origin Stones, and soon the supreme beings above the fifth level will know about it, and someone will definitely be interested in you."

Minghui Supreme whispered, and after speaking, he threw out a ring.

Lin Yan took it and saw that there were some rainbow stones inside.

"Use rainbow stones to construct a rainbow gate outside the Supreme Hall, and you will reach the Rainbow Bridge."

Escape to the Supreme Way.

Lin Yan took the rainbow stone, pondered for a moment, and controlled the flying boat to leave the Supreme Hall.

However, just as the flying boat left the Supreme Hall, a figure flew down with a long series of whistles.

The figure was wearing clothes that looked exquisite and elegant, with a long cloak on his back. His face was a little pale and he looked bloodless.


Lin Yan instantly guessed the origin of this person.

"I heard that a new Supreme has come to the Supreme Palace who has taken away all the Origin Stones, so I came here to pay a visit. Brother, you are indeed extraordinary. How about coming with me to attack those birdmen? I will share with you the origin of the angelic world. one third."

The vampire supreme looked at Lin Yan and directly extended an invitation.

After hearing the words of the Vampire Supreme, the breathing of the Minghui Supreme next to him became a little rapid, and he seemed to be a little tempted when he looked at him.

It was clearly him who asked Lin Yan not to take sides just now, but he couldn't stand the fact that the conditions put forward by the Vampire Supreme were too tempting.

Unfortunately, the Vampire Supreme did not even look at him. Obviously, this condition was not proposed to Minghui Supreme.

Even if Minghui Supreme is willing to participate in the war, he may not be able to get such good conditions.

"one third?"

Lin Yan whispered.

The Vampire Supreme said: "Yes, one-third. Although we are currently at a stalemate, if we continue like this, in up to 30 billion years, we will be able to reverse the situation and gain the absolute upper hand. Therefore, I can only give you one-third." .”

A world-class war seems to take quite a long time, especially between two big worlds of equal strength.

This vampire supreme didn't know how long he lived.

Lin Yan shook his head: "Not interested."

After saying that, he began to construct the rainbow door.

The Vampire Supreme was not angry after being rejected. He laughed and said: "Don't think about it again?"