Lord of Flames

Chapter 946


Of course, Lin Yan has no interest in harvesting those blood-eating humans. Harvesting the powerful vampire planet is enough!

Chapter 0678 Burning for hundreds of millions of years!

"Look, what is that?"

In a galaxy, on a planet full of tall buildings, countless people raised their heads and looked into the sky.

I saw that the sun of this galaxy was completely invisible, and what appeared in the field of vision was a terrifying flame!

The flame swept across the space in an instant, and then, another star in the distance burned with a "boom".

In less than a second, the flames disappeared completely, leaving behind a planet that had been burning for decades!

These humans who were kept in captivity by vampires were all shocked!

"Assemble the army and surround him!"

Behind the flames, the roar of the Vampire Supreme rang out.

The voice of the Vampire Supreme spread throughout the world, and suddenly, a large number of powerful vampires gathered from all directions.

A siege drama of astonishing scale began.

This vampire world is quite powerful, not even weaker than Lin Yan's own world.

The Vampire Supreme is not only the Lord of the Seventh Level World, but in this world, there are also a large number of vampires at the supreme god level, as well as vampires at the main god level!

Every road can lead to the ultimate level. When the whole world becomes vampires, it is normal for these vampires to reproduce, develop and become stronger after countless millions of years.

Of course, what accompanies the power of vampires is the feeding of billions of human blood throughout the world!

Following the orders of the Vampire Supreme, a large number of vampires at the supreme god level and main god level moved.

They had already set up a trap on the other side of the flame, waiting for Lin Yan to get through it.

A few years later, Lin Yan fell into the trap.

"Enjoy the blood-light formation."

The Vampire Supreme laughed.

Dozens of main god levels, supreme god levels, and this terrifying trap he had jointly set up immediately had Lin Yan firmly under control.

Lin Yan's flame suddenly weakened.

"Refine him for me."

The Vampire Supreme laughed.

The entire blood-light array was operating at full strength. It had been refined for hundreds of years, and the flames were dyed a bloody color.

"Let's see if you die."

The Vampire Supreme continues to refine.

This continued for hundreds of years, and only a small flame remained.

"Catch you and harvest your world."

The Vampire Supreme sent a vampire at the supreme god level to rush in and try to catch Lin Yan.



The flames surged, instantly burning the supreme god-level vampire to nothing, and then rushed out from the path of the vampire.

Immediately afterwards, the flames rushed towards the vampires involved in the encirclement, burning them all at an extremely terrifying speed.

"How is it possible? Even a seventh-level supreme being will be refined. How can you be fine!"

The Vampire Supreme exclaimed.

No one answered him.

Lin Yan didn't answer him either.

Even after burning so many vampires, Lin Yan's flames only rose to one level, so he did not stop and continued to burn the world.

The Vampire Supreme followed behind, chasing him hysterically.

Lin Yan's speed was astonishing, and he quickly harvested planets one after another.


The Vampire Supreme is going crazy.

With the size of the vampire world, it would take a long time for Lin Yan to burn it all.

In fact, even Lin Yan's own world, if Lin Yan was determined to burn it all, would take a lot of time.

Threads of faith can move quickly from one point to another.

But... the distance between these two points is quite terrifying. The distance is tens of billions of light-years, and even light takes tens of billions of years to travel. How can it be so easy to burn them all

Lin Yan was not in a hurry.

He has a lot of time.

He kept passing through huge galaxies, and wherever he went, no vampire could escape.

Some vampires were already evading in advance, but how could they be as fast as Lin Yan

In addition, Lin Yan also changed his direction. As long as these vampires are still in the world, they will become Lin Yan's food sooner or later.

In this way, Lin Yan burned for tens of thousands of years, hundreds of thousands of years, millions of years... until 100 million years!

The entire vampire world is filled with flames.

The Vampire Supreme is going crazy.

Chapter 0679 The billions of troops burned out! Transformation! fire of origin

At the place of origin, many supreme beings have gathered together and looked at the vampire world.

After hundreds of millions of years of burning, the vampire world has turned red, and countless vampires have been killed.

"This is a cruel person."

A supreme being cannot help but say.

Next to this Supreme, Supreme Minghui was also a little stunned.

Minghui Supreme did not expect that after Lin Yan rushed into the vampire world, not only was he not killed, but he stayed in the vampire world for hundreds of millions of years. It seemed that he had almost destroyed the vampire world!

"His strength is a bit scary. He might be the eighth-level supreme. Otherwise, he would not be able to wreak havoc in a world of seventh-level supremes for so long. The eighth-level supreme has not appeared for many years."

A Supreme said in a deep voice.

During these supreme discussions, in the vampire world, Lin Yan's flames rushed from one end of the world to the other!


There is a huge passage, and a large number of vampires are escaping towards it.

"Don't even think about it!"

The Vampire Supreme, who had been chasing Lin Yan for hundreds of millions of years, rushed to the passage and used vibrating power to block Lin Yan.

Lin Yan's flames had risen several levels in a row, and they were no longer what they used to be. He violently vibrated the flames and started fighting with the Vampire Supreme.

"Getting stronger again!"

The Vampire Supreme saw that Lin Yan's flame seemed to be able to absorb energy while burning, so he wanted to prevent Lin Yan from passing by.

But how could he stop it

Lin Yan's flames surged and he rushed over quickly.

The Vampire Supreme's face was as dark as water, and he completely sealed the passage.

But after fighting like this for hundreds of years, Lin Yan seized the opportunity and rushed over.

As soon as he rushed out of the passage, a huge battlefield suddenly appeared in Lin Yan's field of vision.

This battlefield is a battlefield between vampires and angels.

I saw billions of vampires fighting with angels on this battlefield.

No wonder Lin Yan has never seen other vampires at the supreme god level or the main god level.

It turns out they are all here.

After those efforts to contain Lin Yan failed, the Vampire Supreme did not dare to call back this large army to fight Lin Yan.

This is a battlefield between two worlds.

On this battlefield, the battle between vampires and angels was extremely fierce. The two sides had been fighting for who knows how many years.

In the world-class battle, it lasted too long. There seemed to be a line in the middle of the battlefield. If the angel crossed this line, his strength would be greatly reduced. If the vampire crossed that line, his strength would also be greatly reduced.