Lord of Glory

Chapter 100: Sneak into the church


At this time, the **ba is far away from a hundred miles. This church, which had closed its doors for many days, welcomed an uninvited guest.

Under the simple black robe and hood, there was a trace of long blue hair. Although he couldn't see his face because of the hood, the aura he exuded was an inexplicable wisdom. Behind the black-robed man was a young girl, and the shiny leather armor covered key parts. A dagger was wrapped around the white and tender waist. At first glance, she was just an ordinary woman. It's a pity that if you look patiently, you will find that her charming smile is full of charm and coquettishness.

That's right, this is the great ice magician Nashura and Adela. They escaped from prison in order to clear the name for O'Neill, who was killed by Paladin. Not long after the incident, the head of Hurlitt in the Principality of Kasmi announced that O'Neill was a traitor to the Mage Society. This made Seurat's determination to wash away the grievances of his friends even more. After many inquiries, Adela and Adela sneaked into the archives to investigate and learned that there were two sons left behind by the destroyed Flamel family. Among them, the eldest son was a knight in the army, and the second son served as a priest in **. Seurat, who didn't like to deal with nobles very much, worked day and night, rushed to the **, looking for the Palatine priest. Hope to get some good evidence.

When the two stood in front of the locked door, and Seurat still wondered why the door was still open at noon, Adela next to him immediately stepped forward and knocked on the door: "Father! Father, are you here? Is it? We are devout believers and hope to get your teachings!"

Adela said these words heartlessly. Only to see the dilapidated wooden door vibrate. But at this moment, a passing peasant woman carrying a basket of fruits and vegetables looked at the two and said impatiently, "Father Palatine has gone out and is not here. You should go back." The hood was taken off, revealing that handsome face and long blue hair. This old lady saw that she was so handsome, her eyes flashed with gold stars, and her old face turned red. I saw that Seurat smiled and said very politely: "Can I ask this lady, where is Father Palatine?"

The aunt immediately laughed embarrassedly, the young man in front of him could be his own son, and he actually felt in love just now. He simply said: "Young man, since you are very polite, I will tell you." The aunt said so, directly ignoring the sad and unhappy Adela behind her, grabbed Shura's hand and said with a smile: "Recently It's a fight, the lord has recruited all the young people in the town. The priest is good, so I'll go with you." "Fight..."

Nashura muttered to herself. The expressions are all solemn. Glancing at each other with Adela, both knew what the news meant. With the army priest, nine out of ten die. Then Seurat thanked the aunt, took Adela away from the **, and detoured from the back to the church's backyard cemetery. Then Seurat looked at the large and small tombstones in front of him, sighed and said to Adela who had just climbed in: "This Palatine is a nobleman. How could he be sent to be a priest in the army?"

"You mean, someone wants to do harm in secret?" "That's right." That Shura nodded. With a face that seemed to see through, he whispered: "Some people don't want the Flamel family to survive. Now that such a big thing has happened, this guy who secretly framed O'Neill must not dare to do something wrong. It is conceivable that this is a He is very powerful and can influence the figures of the Holy See. He sent Paladin, who is a noble, to join the army, so there will naturally be many opportunities to silence." Adela nodded in agreement and added: "And don't forget, This Palatine's brother is also on the front line, fighting as a knight."

"Hey, these two brothers are in danger. I don't know why this secret guy wants to destroy the Flamel family. What kind of threat can it pose because of a mere jazz family?" Adela thought for a while. In the middle, Seurat reminded: "Go in, maybe you can find anything of value in the house." Then Seurat nodded, opened the backyard window and turned in. This dilapidated, disrepaired and simple church comes into view.

Adela looked at everything around her in surprise, and touched the cracks left by the years on the dining table, as well as the obvious repair marks. In a tone of admiration, he said, "It's hard to believe that this Palatine priest is a nobleman. I've never seen any nobleman willing to stay here in such an environment. It's simply too rudimentary."

With a wave of his sleeves, Seurat rolled away the spider web at the corner of the stairs, and said in an uncertain tone: "It seems that this priest does not like luxurious and splendid churches. The priest who does this, except for some real bitter Other than the cultivator, I have never heard of it. If I didn’t know, I thought it was the home of some refugee.” Miaoyan looked at Shura, and Adela immediately smiled and said, “Listen to your tone, I like it very much. This Paladin is the same. Haven't your mages always had no good feelings for the Holy See?" "That's different."

As he said, he picked up the only decorative vase next to him and looked at it: "The Holy See and the Mage Society are both spellcasters. However, many priests just use the name of Inos, but for their own sake. Profits and dirty ** do nasty deeds. In the mage's view, this is an extreme insult to the name of the caster. But this does not mean that we will not give corresponding honorable and devout priests. Respect."

Adela raised her shoulder indifferently, she had no interest in the conflict between the mage and the church. Looking at the attic that the stairs lead to, he immediately stepped forward and grabbed Shura's hand, walked up the rattling stairs and said, "Go up and have a look, maybe you can see the unknown side of this priest, let you It's completely changed." Then Shura was also led by her, as soon as she stepped into the attic, pushed open the wooden door, and the image of the messy bedroom appeared in front of her eyes.

Seurat looked up and down all of this, and said with a frown, "It seems that this priest doesn't like a neat living environment." Having said this, Seurat glanced at the cross nailed to the wall and bent slightly. bend over. When I changed my hand, I found a pile of books piled up on the hillside. Even the bookshelf inside can only show a foot. "Hey, this priest likes to read books?"

It seems that he has found a common hobby. As a scholar who specializes in all kinds of knowledge and is proud of it, he is a mage. He picked up the top book with a slight smile. After reading the title of the book, I blurted out in surprise: "Comprehensive Theory of Alchemy?" Recalling that Adela was originally a mentor lurking in the Free Masons Association, she immediately called out, "Adela, look at what this is?"

The latter turned around boredly and glanced at the contents of the book, his casual gaze disappeared immediately, and he grabbed the book, like a tutor who evaluates students, constantly flipping through the contents of the book and its contents. Notes and summaries annotated with pen.

Gradually, Seurat was surprised to find that Adela's face showed a smile of admiration. He couldn't help but said: "I have to say, if the notes in this book belong to this priest, then he is really a genius in alchemy! Hermes' distillation can actually be used to stimulate the Carter's circle, Hal. He has scolded Willov's theory of the formation of magic crystals. Hehe! He even modified the foundation of the magic formation himself, and regarded the masterpieces that many previous masters were proud of as a superfluous effort. I have to say, if this guy is not A genius is a total lunatic. If these notes were seen by the old pedants of the Federation, they would definitely be pissed to death."