Lord of Glory

Chapter 101: Origin of Illuminati


That Shura waved her hand impolitely and interrupted Adela's academic research. Although he has studied alchemy, he only understands it slightly and is not proficient. And he didn't understand a single thing Adela just said. After interrupting Adela's self-talk, Nasura pointed to the massive pile of books and said, "Look again, is there anything you can learn from."

Adela was naturally in a panic, so she picked a few books at will and opened them. Although he exclaimed from time to time, his excitement grew stronger. And just when Naxiura rolled his eyes and wondered why this guy had forgotten his business, Adela suddenly let out a burst of exclamation! Then Seurat immediately turned his head and walked over and asked, "What? But you found something?" But she saw that Adela looked at the red book in her hand with an incredible look, with a dignified and a little bit. He said in a panicked tone: "Adela's constant element exchange theory. This is my research application published in the Free Mason Association! Why is there!"

Squinting his eyes, Seura immediately stepped forward and took the book, looked at the signature Adela on it, and immediately asked, "Is this really what you published in the Free Masons Association?" "Absolutely right! I wouldn't be able to get into the federation without this thing." Adela looked solemn and walked back to the alchemy table, looking at the various glass tools and test tubes on the table, and whispered in a confirming tone Said: "Looking at the placement of the tools and the opening of the test tube, it is very obvious that it is the style of the Federation. This guy, shouldn't he be a student of the Federation, or even a mentor!"

Seurat put the book in his hand and came to Adela's side, holding his chin in one hand and thinking: "Let's not say whether these things belong to this Palatine priest. Assuming that these are all his, then he must be free with freedom. The Masons Association has something to do with it, but I have seen you, and you have seen him."

Seeing that Adela agreed and sat down, Seurat continued to reason: "Someone wants to harm his family, or one of the Flamel family has something or information, so that the secret guy must be silenced. According to the people of that day, they saw a man in a black robe entering the manor of the Flamel family. And O'Neill and the others were also inside. Soon, as we saw, there was no one. Fortunately, this guy who slaughtered everyone in cold blood also framed O'Neill and destroyed the gate with O'Neill's scroll Winter Grip."

When Adela heard this, she said with some dejection: 'If you guessed correctly. Then your friend O'Neill is probably dead. "So I want to clear his grievances for him. There was no sadness in Seurat's eyes, but determination. He just listened to him continue: "What did the Flamel family do, that person or a group risked being wanted by Hewlett and the Principality? To kill? Even the heirs who are living abroad will not be spared? "

Having said this, Seurat saw that Adela was saying something, and immediately continued: "And, now, it seems that the one who is most likely to have some kind of handle should be this Palatine priest. In addition, he is now associated with the Free Mason. There will be an ambiguous relationship. Could it be that all this is done by the hostile forces of the Free Masons Association? Adela, you will stay in the association for a while, do you know what hostile organizations the association has?"

Nashura suddenly asked Adela a question. Because he was also at a loss. It should be known that the Free Stonemasons Association is not only a large organization, but also many opposing organizations. Among them, the Holy See is the most famous. But the Holy See will not make such a humiliating and inefficient method. Must be someone else.

Who knew that Adela hesitated for a while before slowly nodding in the eyes that Shura was expecting. Hesitantly said: "I heard President Kahn's warning to us about this matter. You must not say it." "Don't worry, don't you know who I am?" Seeing that Shura's face After the assurance, Adela said a secret in her heart: "The biggest enemy of the Federation is not the Holy See or any other kingdom. It is the ancestors." "Ah?"

That Shura did not understand. What does this mean? But I heard Adela explain: "You are the great magician of Hewlett. You should have heard of it. It is privately called an organization of the Illuminati." "The Illuminati!" Shura stared in shock. Eyes, in Adela's unmistakable eyes, immediately fell into shock. Illuminati, this is a taboo word for the Holy See. The predecessor of this organization was just a monastery of the Holy See. At the beginning, only some monks and priests who would like to participate. Used to chat privately, express emotions, and discuss the existence of the Holy See.

Everyone wears masks and black clothes. Nobody knows who. But gradually, such a place where you can relax your grievances, and a place where you don't need to estimate your identity, one after another welcomed some high-ranking clergymen. From the original bishop to the archbishop. Even half of the thirteen cardinals who lead the Holy See have joined the organization. Although it is getting stronger and stronger, because this club does not have strict rules and does not need other people to obey orders, the Pope Pricis III at that time also turned a blind eye after taking into account the feelings of the cardinal. .

As a result, this club has grown wildly under indulgence. At that time, no matter what kingdom or empire, there would be a place under some dark corners. That is, the local members get together to drink tea and brag, regardless of each other's identities. However, when the clubhouse welcomed its first leader, the nature of it all changed.

That is the existence that is implicitly called the listener in the scriptures. Almost no one had seen him, nor did he know whether he was a man or a woman, tall, short, fat and thin. He didn't even know his name, so he could only call him by a nickname. Legend has it that he was a desolate monk, and he did not know what means he used to become the leader of the clubhouse. Because the clubhouse does not restrict topics, he even preached to the members that Pope Pulisses III at that time was a real heresy, and he came to harm all beings in the name of God. Headed by the listeners, a large number of priests and monks declared the Pope a heretic, and wanted to cleanse the church and return it to purity and piety.

Thus began a great rebellion, which has been deleted from the books of myth and history. Priests and monks everywhere took up arms, donned armor, and attacked across the continent with an incalculable number of believers. The priest who defended the Pope was burned at the stake by the mob, and the church was looted. A full 200,000 mobs covered the holy city of Kasiri like a black curtain. Directly to the Pope. Seeing such turmoil, those who supported the rebellion and those who supported the Pope immediately raised their troops because of their different interests and the opportunity to take revenge. The entire continent was immediately plunged into an unimaginable war.

Finally, when the Pope was at the end of the road, he united the remaining cardinals and the elite Templars, watching the 200,000 mob besieging Kasiri, sacrificed his own flesh and soul at the expense of the gods above, One of Inos' eyes summoned to the sky of Kasiri City! When the eyes of God looked at these human beings and lives indifferently, and turned all the 200,000 mob into ashes with unparalleled power. The person who was named listener was completely disappointed.

At the end of the war, because of the coming of God, the people who were just around the corner immediately repented in pain and fell on their knees to repent of their sins. The sacred white disc circled over Kasiri for months. The new Pope immediately took this to a large number of advocacy, and countless people rushed to repent, which once made the prestige of the Holy See expand unprecedentedly!

After seeing the existence of God and its unparalleled power, all countries immediately stopped making peace and supported the Pope's legal status. The Pope also took advantage of the situation to declare the Illuminati as the biggest heresy, and spare no effort to eliminate it. Since then, the Illuminati have been hiding in the dark and have become an unknown and mysterious organization. Even today, many years later, this partisanship can only be seen in tightly guarded documents in long-established organizations.

At that time, the listener's faith collapsed and disintegrated after witnessing the gods they believed in destroy the people with merciless power. When the god he had always regarded as a guiding light disappeared, he suddenly realized that the so-called god saw these believers as just ants. Since then, the Illuminati has become an anti-god organization. For thousands of years, they have spared no effort to eradicate the slavery and control brought about by the gods. They want to destroy this egotistical fellow and bring true liberation to life.

ps: Originally, the existence of Illuminati just wanted to click a little. Who knew that so much was written as it was written. . . Forget it, let’s post it as a chapter [I’m definitely not lazy! I swear in the name of the goddess of deceit!]

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