Lord of Glory

Chapter 102: Approaching the truth


Thinking of such a huge reason, Seurat nodded heavily and asked: "The Illuminati, the biggest heresy, the madman who defies God. But what does this have to do with your Free Masons Association?" Adela sighed. The vision gradually deepened: "The Free Masons Association claims that gods cannot be trusted, and what can be trusted is truth. It is the unchanging law that operates between all things."

"Could it be?" That Shura seemed to have realized something, and his face gradually became shocked. But I saw Adela say with certainty: "Yes, the Illuminati is the ancestor of the Federation. The Federation is an organization separated from the Illuminati!"

Seeing Shura's shocked expression, Adela said in a low voice, "However, even though they were separated from the Illuminati, the two organizations are very unhappy with each other. One wants to **** gods. The other doesn't believe in gods. , believe in the illusory truth." Speaking of this, Adela also maliciously added: "Not long ago, the Free Masons Association was in turmoil, and it is said that spies of the Illuminati also sneaked in. It is not so much that the Illuminati want to **** God, but Looking at the relentless pursuit of the Ripley Scrolls, it's hard to say that they want to become gods themselves!"

That Shura sighed and murmured: "Are you obsessed with power and can't see the way forward? It is so stupid to think against God." . She did not say that she was among the Illuminati spies who had infiltrated the Federation. It seems that he also does not want to be known by Nashura. Seeing that Seurat's expression of emotion, Adela decided that her identity should never be told to this lover.

"It's too far to talk, we should focus on Flamel's genocide." Nashura interrupted the conversation with a wave of his hand. But Adela on the side immediately reminded: "We can actually narrow the scope. Who can drive a church priest to become a military priest and go to the battlefield. And this person also has other potential entanglements with Palatine." Seurat and Adela looked at each other immediately, waved their fingers in unison and said in unison: "Diocese bishop!"

"Haha." The two immediately laughed happily. Na Seura immediately proposed: "I heard that the bishop here is called Andrew. Adeley is not far from here. Let's go. Let's see what the bishop has to say, and then decide whether to rush to the front to find out. Father Palatine." "Yeah." Adela answered lively, and when she was about to go downstairs and leave here with Seurat, she suddenly stopped, rolled her eyes and said, "It's almost over, I have to move these things. Things go back to where they were."

Then Shura looked back and saw in amazement that Adela neatly stacked the scattered papers and messy books on top of each other, and couldn't help asking curiously, "It was so messy just now, do you remember how you put them there? ?" Adela clapped her hands and looked intact, as if no one had come in to search for it, she couldn't help but pouted like a little woman and said coquettishly, "Don't underestimate me! No matter what, I am also the winner of the Hassassin Alliance. Assassin with the title of hound! These are just basic skills!" Speaking of which, Adela suddenly burst out laughing. Shaking his head, he said, "Speaking of this Palatine priest, I think of the days in the Free Masons Association."

"What's the matter?" Then Seura asked, but heard Adela say in an indifferent tone: "It's nothing, there is also a Paladin in the federation. He's just a chorus, and he's also an idiot." He smiled, but his mind flashed to the castle of the Federation, the Palatine dressed in inferior gray linen, holding a broom and looking demented. It's just that the memory of his face is not clear, and he only feels a blur on his face. After all, he is an unimportant little person, and it is normal not to remember his face.

That Seurat repeatedly said yes, with a proudly raised chest, Adela left the church and headed towards Bishop Andrew of Adley. A pity, just like the famous words left by the founder of the Hassassin Union. Assassins who are too immersed in eroticism are no longer qualified assassins. Adela puts things back in place, but makes an extremely stupid and fatal mistake. The vase at the end of the stairs that was pulled by Na Xiu was now on the dusty handrail, and there was a clean mark on the edge. . .

The next morning, in the Cathedral of Aydley. Andrew was enjoying the bacon and bread in front of him with a napkin around him. Just as he was about to eat, a cold and sharp dagger suddenly appeared on his neck. The familiar scent of women floated in the air, and a sweet but murderous voice came from behind: "His Excellency Bishop Andrew, I hope that your breakfast will not be disturbed."

In an instant, cold sweat broke out on Andrew's forehead. After all, he was also a visitor, and he was sneaked into the residence with a knife and held him hostage. Although he was very scared, he didn't show any ugliness. I saw that Andrew's face gradually returned to normal, he put down the knife and fork in his hand, and said in a very polite tone: "Do you want money? I only have icons and silver candlesticks here. You can take these, although they are not comparable. Gold coins, but it can also make you happy for a while."

As soon as the voice fell, the sweet voice behind him burst into laughter, and said sarcastically, "Who do you think of us? Your Excellency, I believe that your gold coins are definitely much bigger than the icons." Adela scoffed at Andrew for mistaking them for robbers. But Andrew was very keenly aware of the 'we' in the words. He frowned immediately and said, "You, who else? Come out."

At this moment, Shura, who was shrouded in black robes, suddenly emerged from the black shadow in the corner. The short wand in his hand exuded a little blue light, and the chill could be felt by Andrew across the dining table. This time, Andrew was surprised! I saw him staring at Shura, who could not see his face, with unbelievable eyes, and said uncertainly: "What is the world now! Even noble magicians have come out to be robbers!"

But hearing Adela sneer again, Seurat walked over to Andrew, pulled out the seat and sat down. The wand in his hand said to Andrew intentionally or unintentionally: "His Excellency, we are not robbers, just want to ask you a few questions. As long as we finish asking, we will leave." Andrew was silent, he was waiting for the mage to speak, but listened That Seurat continued: "Is there a priest named Palatine, Flamel in the parish under your jurisdiction?" "That's right." Andrew cherished his words like gold. This old pervert was unexpectedly calm at this time.

"Then I would like to ask you, do you know about the recent uproar of the Flamel clan being wiped out?" "Well." Andrew omitted it at the moment, but that Seurat didn't care at all, and then threw the next question: "Why did you send Paladin to be a military priest?" Andrew's heart sank, he couldn't understand the origin of these people, and what did Paladin's affairs have to do with them. He simply laughed and said, "Father Palatine is devout and holy. He took the initiative to request to go to the front line to treat the wounded soldiers."

As soon as the words fell, Shura and Adela were speechless, but the dagger on the neck pressed it again, and a bloodstain immediately appeared on the neck. After suddenly knowing that his clumsy lies could not deceive the mage and the woman behind him, Andrew immediately said: "I don't know what you have to do with that guy Palatine, but I have to tell you, don't look at his evaluation among the commoners. Well, in fact, he is a very despicable and dirty guy! In my opinion, he is more suitable to be burned at the stake than a heretic!" "Tell me what's going on." That Shura lowered her tone, as if it wasn't him. as imagined.

"Hmph, he murdered innocent civilians for gold coins, even children. In order to flatter me and invite favors, he used extremely bloody means to rob the ironworks of Pakistan, and for his own interests, even The most basic bottom line of being a human being can be abandoned! It's just scum! You said that I didn't want to do anything to let him die, but I can't say that I'll be killed by him one day!"

After speaking in one breath, Andrew was still a little unfulfilled. Suddenly he had an epiphany, it turned out that in addition to the fundamental interests, he actually had such a strong disgust for this Paladin. . . Fear.

In an instant, the mage in front of him and the woman behind him disappeared. Andrew, who stood up suddenly and thought it was an illusion, touched his neck, but the dazzling blood red told him that what just happened was not a dream.

At this time, outside Adeley's church, Seurat and Adela were walking on the road calmly. Adela lowered her head and whispered to Seurat: "I can't see that Father Palatine is such a person." "Don't come to a conclusion so quickly, you can't just look at things from one side." Seurat taught casually. Della, suddenly stopped and added: "Go and collect information, we want to get Paladin's thoughts from ordinary nobles and commoners."