Lord of Glory

Chapter 105: Quoting scriptures


On the other side, the main body Palatine had just arrived in a huge tent. What appeared in front of him turned out to be hundreds of priests of various heights, shorts, fats and thins. And in front of every seven or eight priests, there is a priest with slightly more gorgeous clothes standing in front of him. I think these people are the leaders assigned by each parish. In a blink of an eye, the seven or eight priests who hated him stood aside with excitement and extreme patience.

Paladin patted Tony's trembling shoulder, stepped forward and stood in the first row across the crowd. He ignored the disgusted glances cast by the priests behind him, and looked straight at an old-fashioned old priest standing in front of the team. As soon as he saw this old priest, Paladin's pupils shrank rapidly! The white beard on the chin of the old man could be braided, and his wrinkled face and the corners of his eyes made him look like he might die at any moment.

But these are not things that Paladin cares about. What he cares about is the purple cap on the old man's head, and the gilded cross on the gorgeous purple robe. Around his neck was a purple scarf embroidered with patterns. The hand with an agate ring gripped a long scepter tightly. It seemed as if the old man had to put his entire body's gravity on this scepter so that he would not fall over.

Purple priest robes can only be worn by bishops, but the purple scarf around his neck shows that this old man is not a bishop, but an archbishop! He is Archbishop Sariel, the Archbishop of Toronto, who called all the priests in the army! No wonder the group of idiots behind him are so excited. Paladin calmed down in his heart, standing in a proper manner without making a sound.

At this time, the dying Sariel suddenly moved, and the corner of the bed was slightly propped up, revealing the wise eyes shining inside. I saw him lightly scan the hundreds of priests in front of him, and when he glanced at Paladin, he stopped for a while and then moved away. Then there was silence, a breathless silence. Just when several priests were already writhing their stiff necks in discomfort, Sariel finally opened his mouth to speak. His voice was different from this aging cockroach, showing a spirit of energy: "There are devout priests among you, and there are villains who are embarrassed to make money in the name of God. But I ignore these. It is great. Innoth of I sent you to me."

After that, the old man coughed slightly, but no one dared to move. Everyone could feel that the dying archbishop was feeling an inexplicable sense of shock at this moment. After a while, the noise of the soldiers outside the tent grew louder and louder, and Sariel only slightly hit the ground with the scepter in his hand. The noisy noise disappeared immediately!

"Magic!" The word appeared in everyone's mind in an instant. They all looked at the archbishop in shock. It's magic, they're a priest and a spellcaster at the same time. But with such a simple random action, the silent magic is displayed! It really shocked the priests with reverence. Some priests who thought they were highly accomplished in divine magic immediately bowed their heads subconsciously to express their respect.

"You came to be a priest in the army, this is what you say on the surface. In fact, you are doctors now. Doctors of the mind and body." The old man Salier raised his trembling fingers to his chest and swept the faces of everyone again. Afterwards, he said: "The Grand Duke has issued an order, and the war is about to begin. It means that the war period will not know how long it will take. There will be many injuries in the process, and your duty is to try your best to save them by the god of war. The life that Marcus took."

Having said that, Sariel paused slightly, walked to the seat behind him and sat down. Playing with the gems on the scepter in his hand, he moved his trembling lips and continued: "The fortress has stockpiled medicines and bandages. And the healing techniques you are proud of are used on the nobles as much as possible. Do you understand?" "Understood." Most of the priests, including Paladin, replied immediately, but there were still a few people who clenched their fists and remained silent, as if they were holding back their anger. Sariel looked at it and said feebly, "I'm not the Grand Duke when someone complains. What are you all afraid of?"

"His Excellency Archbishop, I respect you. But why can't healing art be used on ordinary wounded soldiers! They are also human. It is recorded in the Bible that the true God Inos warned us that all living beings are equal. But you..." "True God Inos It means that all living beings are equal. But the first man he created also dominates all animals." Sariel said slowly, but the angry young man in front of him plausibly said: "Did you compare animals and humans? We A man is a man, and a soldier is a man. Are you saying that soldiers are just animals and nobles are people?"

"So what do you want? Do you want soldiers to lead soldiers to fight?" Paladin suddenly stood up at this time, looking at the priest's impolite teaching with disdain: "This is war, not the poor people in the parish. Unable to resist civilians."

The priest turned his head and glared at Palatine, and saw that the robe on his body that marked the rank of the auxiliary bishop not only did not move, but increased his anger: "As an auxiliary bishop, you actually said these words! That's right, this is a war. It belongs to the domain of Marcus, the god of war! It is sinful and contrary to the grace of God! What do you mean, let's just watch this heretical god, and the true god Ino like no one else Are you plundering the souls of the believers who died in the war in the tolerance of thinking! If you say yes, you are a true heresy with heinous crimes! The stake will be erected for you in front of the gate of the fortress."

The surrounding priests looked at the priest who stood at the highest point of morality and religion, and looked like he was pointing the way. Secretly pinched a cold sweat. Fortunately, I didn't stand out for the Archbishop's favor like this foolish bishop, otherwise I wouldn't be able to step down like I am now, or I would end up at the stake if I didn't do it, but I'm so sorry. However, Palatine looked calm and swept away the priests who were either regretting or sneering. Seeing that Archbishop Sariel was still expressionless, he immediately waved his scepter very calmly and said, "Of course not!"

After speaking, he slammed the scepter on the ground, and his face immediately showed the piety and justice of a saint. He continued: "This priest is right. The battlefield belongs to the realm of the heretical god Marcus. But we are not the orcs and barbarians of the north. We are all followers of the great true god Inos. When soldiers who are wounded and facing death rest in peace with our efforts and prayers, they can be freed from the clutches of Marcus , to truly return to the embrace of Inos! This is the job of our priests and their best destination!"

Saying this, Paladin paused for a moment. Immediately saw those priests nodding their heads as if they were enlightened. And that tit-for-tat priest was also in a daze. As for Sariel, who was silent, he looked at himself with a smile on his face at the moment.

In this way, seeing the results, Paladin immediately continued: "The true God Enos said in the Bible, 'Whoever believes in me will go to heaven after death and enjoy supreme glory and peace.' They are all believers, even if they fight. Even if you die, you will return to the embrace of Enos! You are so disobedient towards the heretical god Marcus. Is it to question the piety of the noble knights who sacrificed their lives for their faith and honor, the piety of the Grand Duke and all the nobles of the duchy. Or question the The legal and sacred status of the Kasiri Bible! You should be the one who was burned at the stake!"