Lord of Glory

Chapter 108: vile conspiracy


Like a statue, standing quietly behind the Countess of White Orchid, she looks like a loyal and responsible knight. Looking at the enemy in the distance, he could even feel the panic of these soldiers from time to time. When facing an enemy ten times higher than himself, this is no longer a war, but a one-sided slaughter.

Carrying dreams and wealth, they came to this unfamiliar land thousands of miles away, naturally not to be hacked to death here. The military's heart is already in chaos, and the generals of the other side know that it is a last resort and must not fight. Negotiation is the best outcome. But when the enemy general came to him, after seeing this honor, the clone sighed helplessly. He finally knew why such a thankless task would fall on this unfortunate ghost.

Xu Shi was hit in the face with a hammer in the past, and the nose that should have been straight has collapsed in a crooked way. In addition, it is not very attractive in the first place, so the impression on the nobles such as the grand duke can be said to be terrible. Thinking of such a person, in the aristocratic circle of the Kingdom of Malta, it is not very popular.

The general came to a stop five meters in front of the Grand Duke, took off the helmet on his head and put it around his chest, and after a polite meeting of nobles, he said, "Your Excellency the noble and brave Grand Duke, the bedroom of the Marquis of Javier, the Kingdom of Malta, the striker. Commander-in-chief. What are you doing here with so many troops?"

The Grand Duke looked at Javier who had taken off his helmet, the ugly face, the collapsed nose, and the twisted eyes, and his patience quickly dissipated in the Grand Duke's heart. His eyes were very uncomfortable and he said, "Is there any need to ask? Your Excellency Marquis Javier. Although I don't know why your country entrusted the task of sending death to a marquis, I know one thing."

Speaking of this, the Grand Duke couldn't bear the honor of the other party, so he turned his head rudely and said: "If you resist, you will face the crushing of my three knights and the greetings of the swords in the hands of countless soldiers. I hope for your family's sake, don't take this risk."

Including the Grand Duke, the Torch Earl, the cold-faced Marquis Carmon and other great nobles, even the White Orchid Earl, all frowned and tried to divert their attention. But such a rude behavior, the ugly-looking Marquis Javier turned a blind eye.

Did you not see it at all, or was it already numb? The avatar standing behind Earl White Orchid could feel that this general, who wears the name of the Marquis but is always rejected by others, has an unspeakable sense of inferiority and depression at the moment.

In Palatine's own words. People who judge people by their appearance are the most stupid and ignorant. Because Paladin's own appearance is ordinary, and his childhood was almost spent playing stupid. The cynicism and disdain of others also made him sad and angry. But when you find that you are no worse than others, or even better than others, the years of low self-esteem and sadness will turn into crazy revenge and violence.

Driven by this negative energy, ordinary people have perseverance and endurance that others can't imagine. So Paladin never judges others by first impression. Just like this grand duke, although his appearance is average, his body is bloated. But his identity as a grand duke is unquestionable. He was able to secure his position as a grand duke for so many years, and it was definitely not due to the merits of his ancestors. There must be his own sparkle. That's why Paladin sneered at these self-righteous nobles. He even secretly looked forward to what kind of power this Marquis Javier was hiding under that ugly appearance.

At this time, when he heard the threat of the Grand Duke's nakedness, Marquis Javier's face turned gloomy immediately, as if he was holding back his anger and whispered: "Your Excellency the Grand Duke, are you asking me to surrender? Surrender without a fight is the ultimate for my family. Hearing this, the Grand Duke's face sank, and he turned to stare at the ugly Marquis Javier and said rudely: "So, are you going to war! Is this your answer?"

It can be seen that Marquis Javier is forcibly enduring the eruption of anger, and the armor on his chest is up and down. Suddenly, he turned his head silently and looked at the three thousand soldiers behind him. Panic, fear and fear were written on the faces of these soldiers. However, Ming said that Javier also knew that once the fight broke out, these terrified soldiers would collapse on their own in less than half an hour. At that time, how many of these 3,000 people will be left? three hundred? Fifty? Not one left

In front of the three heavy armored knights in the Principality of Kasmi, the latter is the most appropriate now. At this moment, he pondered in his mind, is the reputation of his nobles important, or is it the private soldiers of the Havel family? Without the reputation, you can still endure, but even the last support, these three thousand private soldiers are gone. Then his title of Marquis is already vacant. Even if the Kingdom of Malta wins this battle, his title will be removed by the King under various excuses. He will be a commoner, an ugly commoner! Taking a good measure, the Marquis finally sighed and said, "Respected Grand Duke, I am willing to accept you."

At this moment, An Ran's clone, who was guarding behind Earl White Orchid, nodded slightly. This person can judge the situation and know that the reputation of the nobles is too illusory, and he did not start the war foolishly with a passion. This alone is much better than many aristocrats who are pampered and full of family honor and glory. But that's not what the clone wanted. When he saw that the Marquis had endured and was about to accept the Archduke's surrender, his heart moved. Maybe you can use this opportunity to fight for a big credit for yourself!

Thinking like this, the moment the Marquis was about to finish speaking. Standing in the last clone, the eyes covered under the armor suddenly stared! The pupils occasionally emit golden rays of light! At this moment, the Marquis's words suddenly stopped, and he felt that his hands were suddenly out of control. He even pulled out the cross sword from his waist with a swipe, and raised it at an extremely fast speed that he had never used before. on the head!

If someone observes carefully at this moment, they should be able to see that there are a few golden light beams faintly attached to the joints of this marquis' waist and hands. At this moment, the Marquis even felt that there were many invisible hands holding his arms and swinging this sword!

"Be careful of the Grand Duke!" "Protect the Grand Duke!" Suddenly, the enemy who was about to surrender unexpectedly drew his sword and wanted to kill the Grand Duke! Including the Marquis of Carmon, the Earl of Torch and the Earl of White Orchid, everyone was shocked! The lord, the grand duke, opened his mouth with a deadly pale face at this moment, and stared blankly at the sharp blade that was about to slash on his head! It looks like she's totally freaked out!

But at this moment, the clone immediately released the control of the Marquis's hands, and rushed up with a few steps on the horse, and came to the side of the Grand Duke! The Grand Duke only felt a flash of white light in front of him, and an Aries knight wearing a silver sheep helmet suddenly appeared in front of him, suddenly pulled out his cross sword to meet the slashing blade, and blocked it with a snap!

It was not his own will. After the clone was released from the control, the stamina was somewhat slack and the speed slowed down. At this moment, I saw that the Aries knight who suddenly rushed in front of him blocked this strange sword, and suddenly the other free hand threw down the shield very decisively, and grabbed the mace from the shelf on the horse's stomach. When the handle and waist twisted, the swinging hammer covered with iron nails immediately drew a beautiful line and slammed it towards his shoulder!

"Ahhh!" Marquis Javier roared, and he had no time to think about why he suddenly did the stupid thing of stabbing the Archduke. He raised his shield and looked at the hammer that was quickly thrown over. One wave!

Very unexpectedly, the attack under his full strength was slapped away by the marquis with his shield! But that enormous force was still acting on the Marquis through the shield. However, he saw that the Marquis only tilted slightly, but there was nothing unusual. Instead, he looked at the clone in shock! The clone, who was also surprised, saw that Marquis Javier's shield was deeply dented by the hammer at this moment! That's right, it sinks down. Because wooden shields can only be broken, not dented! Explanation, this is a shield all made of fine iron!

The clone is very aware of its own strength. Although the five hundred elements obtained from the main body cannot exert the same terrifying power as the main body, it is not something that an ordinary warrior can resist. And this marquis not only blocked it, but also used an all-iron shield! That must be at least thirty pounds!

But he carried such a heavy object like a normal person and chatted for a long time! The surprised clone found that in front of the marquis' breastplate, under the coat of arms, there were nine carved stars. what does that mean? This is a warrior who has obtained battle recognition and has reached nine stars in strength! That is to say, if the conditions permit, this marquis can even kill a magician with a sneak attack!

It looks like a lot of pen and ink, but in fact it is just a moment. The clone blocked the fatal blow and saved the Grand Duke. And this despicable and ugly marquis was startled, and immediately turned his horse's head and ran back. By the time everyone reacted, the Marquis had already gone more than ten meters away. "Grand Duke! Are you alright!" "Brother, are you hurt anywhere!"

The nobles who reacted, no matter how well-intentioned or bad-hearted, all rushed forward to support the Grand Duke, who almost fell from the horse, and warmed up. And the pale face of the Grand Duke gradually recovered, looking at Marquis Javier who had fled back to the army, he couldn't help cursing angrily: "Damn, despicable pig! May Inos curse his soul forever! Assassinate me with honor!"

Taking a breath, the Grand Duke suddenly turned his head to look at the clone who jumped off the horse and knelt down on one knee, his face gradually softened and asked, "Olina, is this your knight?" Show appreciation to the clone. There were so many nobles present, each with guards, only his own guards could rush up to save the Grand Duke at the first time, and he felt very embarrassed. At this moment, the Grand Duke looked at Olina jealously, ignoring the surrounding nobles, and looked at the clone under the horse to himself and said, "You did a good job. What's your name?"

"Respected Grand Duke, I'm Alfred, Flamel. The current head of the Flamel family, the fourth captain of the Knights of Aries, and the lord of Sindup." "Oh! I'm already a baron. . . etc. Wait, your surname is Flamel?" The Grand Duke suddenly sat up and asked, the clone immediately replied cautiously, but in return, the Grand Duke nodded clearly, in addition to gratitude and appreciation, there was a burst of pity in his eyes. "Your father's tragedy is my responsibility. Young man, don't let your father down. You are more brave and noble than any knight I have seen."

After the Grand Duke said, seeing the clone stand up, considering that the other party is already a baron at a young age, it is not easy to confer a higher title, so he regained his composure and said: "When the despicable pig is destroyed, I will give it to you. You have three hundred gold coins, a brand new armor of the Knights of the Aries, plus a manor, and the title of the captain of the Knights of the Aries." After that, the Archduke took a peek at Olina, only to see that Orina showed that it was okay. Eyes nod. The Grand Duke breathed a sigh of relief. The Knights of Aries are Olina's army, and they shouldn't interfere in the nobles' army and reward them at will. This is ultra vires. But fortunately, Olina didn't care so much.

Seeing the avatar up, he was not shocked. The Grand Duke also let go of the trembling in his heart that he had just been terrified of. Turning his head to look at the three thousand soldiers in the distance and Javier at the head, he gritted his teeth and roared: "My compatriots, this bastard without any honor is a nobleman, let's teach him the virtues of being a nobleman! "

After saying that, he turned his horse's head and rushed back to the army column first, and the other nobles, including the clone, also returned to the army they belonged to with a trace of excitement. At this moment, the avatar who had just been ranked immediately keenly heard the eager whispers of the knights behind him: "Oh, Alfred is simply a model of our knights, he actually saved the archduke!"

"I wish it was me who blocked that attack just now!" "Hahaha, I said that Alfred is a real knight, you still don't believe it!" Although the knight beside him didn't speak, he shot over. But they are all eyes of kindness and admiration, although occasionally a few mixed jealous eyes look at him, but the clone doesn't care. He didn't care if there was Bob in those eyes. He is in a high position, these ignorant and inferior people, the most primitive jealousy will gradually fade away due to the gap between the two sides, and finally become admiration and surrender.

It's as if a worker who buys candles would be jealous of a mercenary who gets a lot of money, but never would be jealous of a knight. Because the gap between the two sides is too large, to a height that is beyond his reach, then jealousy will turn into admiration. And this is exactly what the avatar, or what Paladin wanted. The road to success must be accompanied by endless attacks. This is the baptism that the superior will receive.

ps: A lot of nonsense is inexplicable. I originally wanted to write the war scene directly, but who knows that if I think too much, it will turn into a few thousand words. . . Sadness. . But having said that, this second chapter is a two-in-one chapter, which is worthy of your support. I just have a small doubt. . . Why no one voted for the review? There are dozens of evaluation tickets for fantasy books with the same grades and updates, and I feel a little unbalanced.