Lord of Glory

Chapter 111: idiot


In the spacious tent, Paladin and Tony and other priests behind him frowned at the wounded who were constantly being carried in by the soldiers. What is called cocooning oneself, this is called cocooning oneself. Paladin controlled the avatar and led the Knights of Aries to rush into the enemy line and strangle it, which was not only enjoyable, but also made the countess appreciate the avatar's ability and courage even more.

Just now, he also sighed that the Grand Duke let the Knights raid, giving him a chance to make merit. But now these are missing arms and legs, captives and soldiers who are wounded by accident. And some unfortunate people who were hit by horses and had their chests shattered. Palatine was instantly speechless. Not only that, but even the priests who didn't see each other in the eye were terrified at the moment. Wounded and injured on this scale. I don't want to be exhausted here!

Paladin looked at a soldier who had chopped off his right arm and was thrown to the ground by the soldiers. Just made a few weak calls, his eyes were straight, and he bled to death. There are also some soldiers, although they are still shouting vigorously, but looking at the huge wound and the bones piercing the flesh, they know that his time is running out. When the soldier who moved in the wounded saw that he was dead, he still silently lifted it up and moved out. Those priests and Tony deeply felt the horror and cruelty of war. One by one stood on the spot with a deadly pale face, listening to the endless mourning echoing in the tent.

Paladin squatted down with a calm face, picked up the sink and washed his hands, and said to the dozen or so priests behind him, "Take care of your palms, it's time to start the treatment." After that, he ignored these dazed priests, and went straight to Li Soldiers who had their nearest stomach cut open and a small piece of intestines exposed.

Because Archbishop Salil reminded that healing should be used on nobles, although Paladin didn't need to care about his infinite magic power in the morning, he didn't want to be too conspicuous at this time. He simply took out the needle and thread from the box beside him, and the soldier who looked pale in pain and gasped as he asked, "Where are you from?" "I... my home is in Kentrang." Paladin nodded irrefutably. Nodding, taking advantage of this distracting opportunity, the needle attached to the thread end stabbed into it fiercely!

"Ahhh!" The wounded screamed, but Palatine turned a blind eye, and with very quick hands and feet, he pushed the intestines in and sutured the wound immediately. Seeing the soldier's appearance as if he was about to ascend to the sky, he suddenly smiled and said, "Take a good rest, at least you won't die now." After saying that, he suddenly turned his head and stared at the petrified priest behind him with his mouth open, and immediately scolded with a straight face. : "What are you still doing! Hurry up and save people!" These priests snapped back to their senses, and immediately went to save people without any resistance. Even the priests who had been very unpleasant to Paladin before were no exception.

More and more wounded were sent, and some suddenly died not long after they were treated. These simple god fathers who have not experienced the real hell watched a life dissipate in their hands, and one by one broke down in tears. For this performance, Paladin directly ignored. If he spoke out to stop it, although it would make these injured people feel better and would not be infected by sadness, it would also be resentful for these newly stabilized priests. Besides, he didn't care about the life and death of the wounded and the priest at all. Now it's just pretending, and when the real noble comes, you can get rid of these idiots.

The emotional breakdown of these priests became more and more intense, and all of their bodies were stained red with the blood of the wounded. Finally, someone couldn't bear to use the healing technique. What I have to say is that the effect of the healing technique is remarkable, and the wounded who should have died miraculously came to life. The greatly encouraged priests began to use magic to save people one after another, contrary to Sariel's orders. Tony looked at Paladin with blood on his hands, meaning to ask why he didn't stop them. But in exchange, only Paladin shook his head slightly. Without the meaning of Paladin, Tony did not dare to use the healing technique privately.

However, when watching the life that should have been alive die because of his own selfishness, Tony, who was still young, felt breathless, like a mountain on his back. what is that? is guilt. Tony knew very well that Paladin was doing the right thing. Because the Archbishop has clearly ordered not to use healing on soldiers. Such a blatant violation of the Archbishop's will will make the Archbishop disgusted.

For the sake of the career, only idiots would do such stupid things. But he Tony is not Paladin. Paladin can watch life die indifferently, but he can't. Several times, Tony almost couldn't bear to use the healing technique when he looked at the wounded, but after finding that Paladin hadn't looked at him at all, he stopped his thoughts of saving people.

Because he understood, this was the Palatine's test for him. If even the life and death of a person who has nothing to do with him must harm his own interests to save, then Palatine naturally does not need such an idiot to help him. Tony understood, and the action of releasing the healing spell on his hand stopped. However, for the first time, he had a strong disgust and fear for this Paladin who was regarded as the future. Such a person, such a guy who doesn't care about the life and death of his peers, will really bring him wealth and status. instead of death and humiliation? Is such a person, or not a person, really trustworthy? Will he, one day, regard himself as the wounded soldier and abandon him at will to see his death

And just when Tony was thinking about it, behind the soldier who brought the wounded in, an old man in a purple robe and a purple scarf walked in quietly with a scepter. He was Sariel. . At this moment, Archbishop Sariel stood there, quietly watching the seven or eight priests who were eager to use healing techniques regardless of their low magic power. Looking at the other side, Palatine and Tony, who were still treating the soldiers with manual and crude relief methods. Suddenly nodded. He coughed softly and said, "Paladin, two priests Tony come with me."

"Ah! Lord Archbishop!" Only at this time did these priests realize that Archbishop Sariel was actually present. One by one, as if asking for credit, they said, "Lord Archbishop, look, I saved a lot of people! We stick to the kindness and justice of Inos! You..." But before these idiots finished speaking, Sariel smiled hypocritically: "Well, well done. You are servants of God and noble. As an archbishop, I feel extremely gratified."

After talking, he got out of the tent without looking back. At this moment, Paladin threw away the blood with a flick of his hand, without even looking at the dying wounded underneath, he patted Tony, who stood up and turned his back in shame. He looked at these stunned priests with sarcasm. Then he squeezed his mouth with his lips and said a word. Tony left the tent with his head bowed and condemned in his heart.

At this moment, these priests stood there with angry faces, because they could see what Paladin said: "A group of idiots accompany the dead."